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514 replies

aplo · 11/01/2016 15:59

Hi, have just joined here so hope I am posting in the correct place. Just wondering if anyone here has a child auditioning for NYMT or similar groups this year.
My DD (age 11 ) is auditioning next sunday

OP posts:
Auriga · 23/02/2017 09:06

DD heard last night that she didn't get in to Sunday. She is disappointed, as she couldn't help getting her hopes up when she was recalled. It's her first time auditioning, though and she'll try again.

She's thinking about the Easter workshop but has A levels, so needs to be careful not to overload herself. Interesting to see that some people feel they got a lot out of it.

Congratulations to those who got in.

janinlondon · 23/02/2017 09:31

Auriga have you been LURKING!??!! Sorry re your DD - was she in the last audition of the day on Sunday? The one that finished early? DD also has A levels so the Easter course is not an option.....

Dancingdaughters · 23/02/2017 09:46

My dd is still in school when the easter course is. They would have let her out for a production but not a course

TheatreTaxi · 23/02/2017 10:45

Congratulations to everyone with a 'yes', and commiserations to all who had a 'not this year' (though just to get to recall is a fantastic achievement).

Can anyone comment on what the NYMT residential courses are like for younger DCs? DS is 10 and very keen to go on an MT/drama residential, so am thinking about the NYMT Easter course.

Auriga · 23/02/2017 10:50

Have dipped in but, in all honesty, didn't want to think about it too much. DD was happy with her audition, it didn't finish early. Everyone got a chance to sing the duets.

I haven't checked the Easter dates against her holidays, good point. She has an offer from YMT, is just waiting to hear which show. She may decide not to do both, though I wouldn't bet on it, she still thinks there are 28 hours in a day Grin

minimits · 23/02/2017 10:57

Am also thinking of Easter course-yet to break it to DS but know he's done well to get so far but needs to get more experience. Auriga when did you hear about YMT?

Auriga · 23/02/2017 11:47

DD got an 'early offer' email (or text, can't remember) from YMT last week. Asked for her 'dates to avoid'.

minimits · 23/02/2017 12:01

Oh lord. Now I'm dreading getting a no for that too. Might have to produce a musical just so he can be in something Smile

Biscuitsneeded · 23/02/2017 12:06

From what I understand those YMT 'early offers' only go out to a select few, so don't panic yet Minimits.

minimits · 23/02/2017 12:33

Dancing daughters I might have the same problem-will be wording my letter carefully-perhaps you can make the point they did amazingly well to be recalled and were therefore 'invited' to do the course? Really hope school don't kick up a fuss here-he was awarded a drama scholarship this year so hoping they might see it as part of his training?!

Dancingdaughters · 23/02/2017 12:58

Yes that's a good idea. Dd has a big dance comp that she can now do so we'll just do that. And then see what YMT offers her. Or do a summer school from somewhere like Arts ed or Bird college. She wants to go to one of these for a degree hopefully. So lots of possibilities.

HandbagAddiction · 23/02/2017 13:03

Yay! My dd (only 10 and her first time doing NYMT) got offered casting as a duckling in HONK! So proud of her!

Well done to everyone else who has had positive news. For those on the no list this time around - I can only imagine how the children / young adults are feeling as I know dd would have been incredibly disappointed. Important to stress the fact of how impressive it is to even get to recall stage. A massive achievement in itself.

EvilTwins · 23/02/2017 21:06

At the risk of sounding a bit bitter, I do think it's unfair that these really talented kids in their late teens are missing out to adults in their 20s who are already at vocational training schools. Having looked at the Imaginary twitter feed, the first two who tweeted excitement about being cast are both 20+, one is at Italia Conti and one at LIPA. It's not a surprise that my boy missed out - he was up for the same roles in Imaginary. I get that NYMT want the best possible cast for their "older" shows but where do you draw the line? These are not "youth theatre" kids, they are literally one step away from the West End as paid performers. I'm sure the cut off age used to be younger. I had friends at university (mid 90s) who had "done" NYMT by the time we got there and had no intention (or possibly were no longer allowed) to take part once they hit 18/19.

There - rant over. Those who are younger who got cast on their own merits, wonderful and well done, but I think the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Dancingdaughters · 23/02/2017 21:47

It is frustrating. Just spoke to my relative again today in the west end. He has just been down to the last 2 again for In the Town and it's gone to Danny Mac from Strictly / holly oaks fame. It's the way the industry works I'm afraid. They may as well make the most of it as once out of the NYMT bubble and Ito the real world up against z list celebs they will struggle.

Biscuitsneeded · 23/02/2017 22:54

EvilTwins I do get what you're saying, and it must be really galling for your student, although actually I'm fairly sure the Italia Conti one in Imaginary is only 15. And I have spotted some Sunday successes who are not doing vocational training - in fact one is doing law degree! But yes, if your 17 year old is up against 20 year olds with 2 years of FT training under their belt then he's going to have his work cut out. That said, some of those 20 year olds joined NYMT when they were younger, on their own merit. Through their sheer talent (and possibly the added value of the training NYMT has afforded) they were then successful in gaining places at professional training colleges. Should NYMT cut them loose at 18+ in favour of fresh, untried blood? I'm not sure. They have a hallmark of excellence to maintain, and it's natural that the loyalty goes both ways. They're not pro actors yet, they are students. They're just extremely talented ones. It will be interesting to see how many of the current 'stars' of NYMT make it out there in the big bad world once they have to move on. I bet a fair few of them do. But I do feel for all of these incredibly talented older kids getting recalled but not being cast. To quote Kate Golledge, director of Prodigy, Battle of Boat and now Billy The Kid, "I didn't get through the NYMT recall as a kid and now I'm basically in charge"!

FANTINE1 · 23/02/2017 23:06

Unfortunately though NYMT don't really do themselves any favours with their inclusive, nicey nicey, we're all friends together approach. They know exactly who they want from their previous cast members. I really feel for the kids who have no profile who go along excitedly to recalls, when in reality there is little chance of them being cast.
I am sorry to sound cynical but I do feel that the audition process is not a level playing field.

EvilTwins · 23/02/2017 23:12

Hmm. I think it's a bit disingenuous to be honest. My student is pretty philosophical about it - he's a sensible lad. But it's left a bad taste for me. If they are essentially casting 20+ year old actors who are in FT professional training then they lose the right, in my view, to call themselves a youth theatre.

I worked, recently, with a guy who had done NYMT whilst training at Central and is now with the RSC. He was lovely, but I do think it should be something that stops if/when professional training begins. After all, both NYMT & NYT like to claim they are there for ordinary kids. If they are pulling from the top professional training colleges, then they're not giving ordinary kids a shot.

I'm sure I'll get over it. The same boy will probably end up getting cast (finally) whilst in his final year at LIPA or something and I'll have to eat my words Grin

minimits · 23/02/2017 23:25

Hmmmm-it's a tricky business-I'd naively assumed it was a bit like London Children's Ballet-an opportunity for children who were not in vocational training to perform to a professional standard and get the training they might get at a vocational school but can't afford etc. It's tricky-if they want the best in youth musical theatre then naturally the best are likely to have already performed with them or are in vocational school but if they want to give other 'youth' the opportunities and training they might not otherwise get it does seem they might need to look at offering more places to non-vocational kids. I'm not sure what their goal is-training and opportunities for those who might not otherwise get it or showcasing the best in youth musical theatre. Not a judgment I just genuinely don't know!

Dancingdaughters · 24/02/2017 10:17

It's difficult isn't it. How do they get the experience? Having said that my relative got into The Laines at 16 with 3 years dance training and no show experience what so ever. He was nominated for an Olivier Award last year so he's doing ok for himself. I think all we can do is keep giving them opportunities. The experience of the no's is just as valuable as the yes's.

Biscuitsneeded · 24/02/2017 10:46

I think this is a really interesting discussion. JW is such an open and approachable person I'm sure he'd be open to a conversation about this. Ultimately they want to put on the very best shows they can and you can't blame them for picking kids who are in professional training. But maybe he would consider looking at actively trying to cast more 16 and 17 year olds who might really benefit from the injection of expertise and the superb experience. I'm sure many of the 'stars' might not have ended up in professional training without NYMT. All that said, I know for a fact that even the regulars can have fellow years where they don't get cast because they just don't suit any of the parts. Eviltwins your boy sounds as if he's really going places and I hope he gets some great offers for training.

Biscuitsneeded · 24/02/2017 10:47

Fallow not fellow. Stupid phone!

Pinkstargazer12 · 24/02/2017 10:52

Does anyone know if feedback is available? My DD has asked if it was her acting that let her down. Has anyone tried to get feedback?


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Dancingdaughters · 24/02/2017 11:05

I know they all get feedback from YMT which comes out automatically later in the year. Well a friend who's dd did it last year said we would.

FANTINE1 · 24/02/2017 11:11

Re feedback
I don't think you get it. All they will say is that you did very well to get a recall etc

Biscuitsneeded · 24/02/2017 12:16

Pinkstar, it's probable nothing 'let her down'. I believe them when they say they could confidently cast all the recalled kids in a show, if they had enough places. To get the recall they have to have impressed across all three disciplines at the first audition; as Aplo kindly explained when I met her, you could have an amazing voice but you won't get a recall if your acting and dance are not up to scratch (unless dance is your weak point and they're considering you for a non-dancing role in a non-dancing show). But you have to be able to act and sing to get the recall. Most likely your talented daughter just didn't fit any of the parts they had available, or there was someone who was somehow a closer match. She shouldn't feel that anything 'let her down'. Interesting question about feedback - I don't know if they would give it or not.

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