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Ethical dilemmas

Is saying ‘having a paddy’ racist?

212 replies

PanickyBrum1 · 09/07/2018 18:11

I’m a new parent who posted for the first time on mumsnet recently after having a very tired and at times unreasonable panic about things. Some of the things I wrote were not fair and I rightly got picked up on them and some things that the community attacked me about I would stand by. But one thing I’m genuinely not sure whether I should feel bad for was being condemned for using the phrase ‘having a paddy’.

To give context I was describing my own behaviour and although I’m half Irish by blood, the whole Irish thing hadn’t even occurred to me.

OP posts:
SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:25

But then where I live Packy is just as common as a NN for Patrick. Written down it’s fine, but said out loud can be problematic unless people are familiar with it.

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:26

For example the well known (in Scotland anyway) goalkeeper Packy Bonnar is now known as Paddy.

DrMantisToboggan · 10/07/2018 10:28

Is he Sodding? His Twitter account is still Packie.

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:30

Aye I know (I follow him Grin) but when he’s a pundit on the radio or telly he’s always Paddy. I guess it’s the difference between written down and said aloud.

I love Packie Bonnar! He was my favourite Celtic player growing up, met him loads of times Grin man has hands like shovels!

I’m also kicking myself for mispelling Packie Blush

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 10:33

Of course Patrick and paddy are fine as names. I know lots of patricks, Nn paddy or packie. The word paddy itself is not the issue when used as someone’s name. It’s when it is put in the context of a derogatory stereotype or used when it isn’t someones name, but simply because they are Irish. Like when some lovely Hmm people call Muslim men Mohammed. Mohammed is a fine name. Except if it’s not your name and you’re being called it just because you are Muslim!

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:35

That was the point I was trying to make because apparently some people are struggling to understand!

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 10:36

They really are. I’m quite shocked it is taking this much explanation.

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:38

I’m not surprised sadly. Sad that it’s taking this much explanation, but not surprised.

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 10:46

It is very sad. It’s 2018. Some stuff shouldn’t really need spelled out.

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:48

You’re absolutely right, but as long as there are people who will minimise, dismiss or even wilfully ignore why something is so offensive or upsetting it will be needed.

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 10:50

Yep. We’ll just keep on doing our good work sodding! Grin

SoddingUnicorns · 10/07/2018 10:52

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale hopefully at least a few people will listen! Grin

I have actually noticed on this thread a few people commenting who had no idea it was offensive and won’t ever use it again, so that was nice to read!

Half of me thinks some people get some kind of kick out of being deliberately offensive too, like it’s a game, that’s the really sad part.

AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 10:55

It is heartening to see so many say they have learned something and won’t use it anymore! More of that please!

Suspect you’re right about the last part too.

Mymycherrypie · 10/07/2018 10:58

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DrMantisToboggan · 10/07/2018 11:01
DrMantisToboggan · 10/07/2018 11:02

Did you mean to come across as such a racist arsehole, Mymycherriepie?

Nellyphants · 10/07/2018 11:04

My cheeriepie that’s such a funny story

Nellyphants · 10/07/2018 11:07


AWomanIsAnAdultHumanFemale · 10/07/2018 11:09

Oh are we making up Irishman jokes now? How fun. Hmm

Mymycherrypie · 10/07/2018 11:19

I don’t even use the phrase and I am Irish, but in that instance, a walking (driving) stereotype arrived at our side. The phrase did fit even if people really don’t want to like it. Obviously using it offends people, fine, I don’t - but I did find it funny that this only happened to us yesterday and here is a thread on that very thing. I probably am a racist then by your definition.

DrMantisToboggan · 10/07/2018 11:22

Yep, you’re Irish, sure.

Amalfimamma · 10/07/2018 11:25

Paddy, and even Mick, are fine as names. It's when they are used in a derogatory way that the problem arises.

Agree with pp who said that in 2018 this shouldn't need to be spelt out

Mymycherrypie · 10/07/2018 11:26

Yep I have an Ancestry DNA result to prove it too Grin

JaneJeffer · 10/07/2018 11:29

We have deleted some personal attacks you mean you've deleted a discussion between me and makeitso about racist comments from someone who "used" to post on MN. We didn't attack anyone.

Amalfimamma · 10/07/2018 11:30

@mnhq we need a eye roll emoji

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