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Not sure about condition of eBay item

246 replies

TiredMummy2015 · 09/10/2015 22:02

I bid on and win a brand new pram. It's arrived today and has quite a few scratches on. The box it came in was fairly damaged but I'm not sure the marks and scratches were caused in transit.

What are my rights if I don't want to keep it? I got it cheaper than retail but not cheap enough to be happy about the scratches.

OP posts:
Anastasie · 10/10/2015 21:27

You don't have to send her pictures though you can if you like. It won't change anything.

You may be able to check her feedback for items she's bought recently, of nothing there then go to completed listings and search for your item and see if you can find it.

I think it's worth reporting her to ebay for harrassment yes and also tell her to stop texting you as you will no longer reply and keep EVERYTHING in writing through ebay messages, not email.

That way they can see everything she says.
V important.

Anastasie · 10/10/2015 21:29

Have a look here

TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 21:37

The messages are now through eBay as my mobile has died.
I've sent more pictures. She has offered me the compensation once she gets it from my Hermes. I can't see that they will pay for what are clearly signs of use?
I've told her she is better off keeping the compensation and reselling the buggy.
She has sent me photos that she claims prove its new but they are just photos of the buggy and a shoebox with a date written on. She admits buying from eBay and says she has the eBay messages from the person who sold it to her to prove its new.

I hope eBay sort this out soon as I just want rid of the bloody thing now.

OP posts:
Anastasie · 10/10/2015 21:48

Oh what a nightmare. You did the right thing, she will never get compensation from hermes (hermes! they are the least likely to compensate in the history of claims!) so it's just a stalling tactic.

Stuff who she got it from, she can take it up with them.

Keep on keeping it in writing and via ebay so they have copies of every single message between you. And keep on with the dispute. You can stop communicating with her at any point and it won't go against you.

Anastasie · 10/10/2015 21:49

Oh and this proves she lied about it to start with (duplicate purchae my arse)

don't believe a word the idiot says.

TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 21:51

She wants me to accept £250 for minor scratches. I would rather just send it back.... Will eBay allow me to or will they make me accept her offer?
I don't want the buggy and would now rather just pay full price from
A proper shop.

OP posts:
TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 21:53

She is now saying that she bought the duo and the seller sent her the mono by mistake. They then sent her the duo and allowed her to keep the mono too. I'm not sure anyone would allow her to keep £900 worth of buggy. And they would just send out the extension kit wouldn't they now a whole other buggy.

OP posts:
Anastasie · 10/10/2015 21:55

No, they will not make you keep it or accept her offer.

You just say no thanks, you want to return it for a full refund. And continue with the dispute.

OTOH if you can't be bothered to pack it up again, and don't want to risk not getting your return shipping back, then you can choose to accept her offer.

You have to weigh up what works out best for you. Maybe see how much the shipping will be and go from there. It's completely up to you what you decide at this point.

I would probably want to return it too given the fact it came from a scammer. You can't feel nice about something if it starts off badly.

Anastasie · 10/10/2015 22:07

Sorry, crossed posts. She is delusional.

It's all bullshit.

Ignore any further messages and just follow instructions from ebay or paypal. She's bonkers.

TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 22:10

If I end up paying the return postage will I at least get the original ( 3 times overcharged) postage back?

OP posts:
Anastasie · 10/10/2015 22:15

Yes, that's correct, you will. And it is possible as Lottie says that ebay may pay your return shipping for you anyway, if you call them at the point she suggests.

TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 22:23

She is now trying to say the buggy was in plastic wrapping so can't have chocolate on. The plastic wrapping had all been opened and put back.on. How else would she have taken photos of it all?
I hope eBay see the inconsistencies in her messages.
She has told me that she will take the full 10 days to respond to eBay and then drag out the dispute for as long as she can if I don't accept the partial refund.

Is there anyway I can escalate this earlier or do I have to wait weeks while she messes around?

I'm not sure what she is hoping to gain from all this.

OP posts:
summerwinterton · 10/10/2015 22:40

Put her username in that link^^ It will show you what she has bid on, it may show the pram.

Stop replying to her, wait until you can escalate it in 8 days. There is no point messaging back any more.

summerwinterton · 10/10/2015 22:41

and yes you will get a full refund of what you paid out, including her extortionate postage.

TiredMummy2015 · 10/10/2015 22:54

Yikes! Thanks for that. No sign of the buggy but I know now her partner needs extra small condoms.

OP posts:
summerwinterton · 10/10/2015 23:17

hahaha - that is brilliant :)

19lottie82 · 11/10/2015 00:17

Do not communicate with her outside the case from now on. There's no point. Just stand by your request for a full refund and escalate the case when you can. Do NOT get drawn into an argument.

Anastasie · 11/10/2015 08:58

What Lottie says. Also Ebay won't take kindly to her threats - you can report her for that too. Try phoning them and say she has threatened to drag out the case for as long as possible (which she can't do - you still get to escalate at a certain stage, does it have a date on the page when it says you can escalate? That will stand, whatever she does)

Do not communicate further. It's pointless and you do not have to.

Of course ebay will see how ridiculous she is being. It happens a lot sadly.

She's stupid for behaving this way knowing it will get her a negative feedback - by the way do NOT mention feedback to her, there are some funny rules about it and you could get into trouble for 'threatening' it.

please just ignore her now. You are in a good position, don't risk it by getting drawn into an argument and maybe saying the wrong thing in the heat of it.

Check the escalation date and just wait for that and escalate it. And ring them to report her threats and harrassment, if you feel like it.

Don't use the buggy, pack it up again, you already have photos if you need them again, and get it ready to send. Then forget about it till you can escalate.

Have you blocked her from your mobile? If not then do so now.

TiredMummy2015 · 11/10/2015 09:33

My mobile is dead anyway so no use her trying that. Though she has demanded another number for me.

The buggy is packed up and ready to go back and I've told her so. I've since realised that it didn't come with the carrycot... Should I mention this to her or not? I don't want her claiming I've stolen it once she receives the buggy back. I'm pretty sure all Bugaboo Donkeys do come with the carrycot included?

This is the first item she has sold so I think eBay keep hold of my money and don't release it to her until I say I'm happy? She has messaged another couple of times offering £300 and saying how unfair I am being. Now she is saying she can't refund as she has complications with her pregnancy and has to go into hospital so she will wait for my decision on the " compensation". I have already told her I only want a refund and will await eBays decision.

This is so tedious now! I'm heavily pregnant myself and could do without this hassle. My husband is saying she must be really desperate for the money but I'm not going to cave.

OP posts:
TiredMummy2015 · 11/10/2015 09:42

Jesus christ I've just logged into eBay and I've had a further 3 emails from her!
She is now playing the single mother card and saying I can wipe the dirt off the buggy. Says she has proof it's new ( photos of a buggy - not sure how that proves a thing!?).
She is also saying I am going back on what I originally told her. I told her on Friday that it had arrived with a damaged box and had scratches. I told her I would examine in daylight. Once I had it was clear that the scratches and marks were from use and not done in transit.

She has mentioned that I don't live far and hinted she may refuse to sign for the buggy when I send it back. Thus girl seems seriously unhinged. I am never using eBay again!

OP posts:
BinkyandFlip · 11/10/2015 09:59

Definitely report her as mentioning where you live is a threat (though I doubt it is a serious one)

She is trying to intimidate you

Call the ebay number and definitely report this. It is definitely harrassment.

Also, if she refuses to sign for the buggy, it will show as an attempted delivery and even if it comes back to you via the courier, you will still get your refund!

Do't tell her this. Don't tell her anything.

Mention in the dispute page that the carry cot was not included, just for information. Did it show it in the listing either in the writing, or in the photos? If so then you definitely need to mention this. If not, it isn't so important.

I would not mention anything directly to her. Just make a quick note of it, ie. 'for information's sake there was no carrycot included in the parcel though it was shown in the photographs' etc. If not mentioned or shown in the listing then don't worry about it.

But as long as the item arrives back at her house and you have online tracking to prove this, whether or not she accepts it, you will get your refund.

BinkyandFlip · 11/10/2015 10:00

Also if she is so desperate for the money she will be able to resell it to someone else for £300 less than she go from you anyway.

It isn't your problem.


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TiredMummy2015 · 11/10/2015 10:06

No mention or photos of the carrycot. The pushchair design is such that the same frame makes either the carry cot or pushchair seat but with different fabrics. Her photos showed the pushchair. It's just that she is claiming it was brand new and they always come with the carrycot fabric and mattress. This didn't but it didn't occur to me until later as I was caught up in the constant stream of messages.

OP posts:
BinkyandFlip · 11/10/2015 10:09

I would probably not mention it then. Especially if the photos are clear.

Keep it simple, she can't claim you've pinched something that isn't in the listing.

Just ignore any further messages, report her to ebay for he ridiculous comments, and wait to escalate.

NorbertDentressangle · 11/10/2015 10:13

I think you should just phone eBay and talk to them about it. They will be able to see the messages and photos and intervene now.

DP phoned them over a fake PS3 controller once and they were great and sorted a refund straight away.

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