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Upset after vaccine

123 replies

mangojango · 12/06/2021 08:39

I had the covid vaccine yesterday and I'm upset about it. I couldn't stop crying yesterday.

I was slightly scared about catching covid but I also think my mind wasn't clear about whether or not I wanted to get it as the narrative seems to suggest we'll have to have vaccine passports etc.

Family and friends have all had the vaccine and I didn't want to be left behind. I felt pressure to take it even though it is not mandatory yet.

I don't know why I'm typing this. Anyone else feel like this?

OP posts:
mangojango · 13/06/2021 10:39

I did cry after my jab as I don't feel I am vulnerable to the virus but had to take it on the chin all the potential side effects. I have 2 young dc and can't look after them if I'm sick. I'm also tired from zero social support over the past year!

Ok fair enough nobody knows how coronavirus will effect them but vaccines are a personal choice and should stay that way. No vaccine passports!

It's funny when house prices are way too high for young people - something that doesn't effect the elder generation as much - were told to get on with it.

We've been on our own for years as young people. Dwindling public funding , expensive education , increasing house prices. Now the older generation need our help - I just hope we aren't dumped after all of this?!

OP posts:
Walkaround · 13/06/2021 11:00

@mangojango - maybe not viewing everything through the lens of “the older generation” and “young people” would help. You are an older generation yourself and your behaviour is probably f*cking things up for your own children (or they will certainly tell you that when they are your age). I have several siblings and the older ones have benefited hugely more from the housing market than I have - they bought when houses were easily affordable to a far wider demographic. Am I supposed to be pissed off with my siblings for being older than me? Or guilty, because people younger than me find it even harder still to get on the housing ladder? Do you think I am happy with the situation, given that I have children of my own who are growing up into all this? Do you think you are pickled in aspic and will always be the put upon younger generation?

MareofBeasttown · 13/06/2021 11:00

I suggest you do not take your second shot. There are not going to be domestic vaccine passports anyway.

mangojango · 13/06/2021 11:07

@Walkaround you're right. I do need to get over it. For everyone's sake.

OP posts:
mangojango · 13/06/2021 11:09

I was genuinely upset after the vaccine though.

OP posts:
CantGetNoSleep73 · 13/06/2021 11:15

All this divide is exactly the shit show the government have created.

I know plenty who have had the jab hoping for freedom or just to go on holiday. Still no better off...

The jab was supposed to be for the vulnerable now all and sundry need it - some bloody countries are vaccinating animals ffs whilst poorer countries are left with hardly any.

The older generation that I speak to are "cracking on as they have put their life on hold"
A lot say well I've had two jabs I'm fine Confused whilst the younger ones are still pretty much restricted as now they should have a jab which probably poses more risks than covid.

People are being coerced into the jab and that is fact.

The next thing already being said is that the vaccine isn't holding up - who didn't see that coming?

I am very pro vax but vaccinating like this is madness when other countries can't! It's not a fair platform

Tittyfilarious · 13/06/2021 11:21

@mangojango I felt like this I was upset before I went in and whilst I spoke to the nurse and after. I just didn't want to have it I'm never ill but I felt like if I didn't have it my life was going to be restricted in the future so I know exactly how you feel Flowers

Patsycake · 13/06/2021 11:22


I know plenty who have had the jab hoping for freedom or just to go on holiday. Still no better off...

I had a friend who was adamant she wasn’t having the jab, but for the sake of being able to have a holiday abroad, she has now changed her mind.

It feels as though people have been cornered into taking the vaccine for the wrong reasons.

TheLovelinessOfDemons · 13/06/2021 11:24


No. Am so relieved I just had my second so I won’t catch Covid.

It won't stop you catching it, just having as severe symptoms.
Walkaround · 13/06/2021 11:24

@mangojango - I’m sorry you were genuinely upset. The whole situation the world is in is genuinely upsetting and there is no easy way out of it. We are stuck leading whatever lives we have in the best way we can, with a whole host of unpalatable choices ahead of us all. It feels rather like we are trapped in a thicket, unsure what to hack at next.

Mrsjayy · 13/06/2021 11:25

I mean you didn't need to have it did you ? You could have said nah I don't want it and not gone so now you are all woe is me on the internet what are you looking for from your thread ?

TheLovelinessOfDemons · 13/06/2021 11:28


I understand op. I was reluctant too. I'm confused as to why covid is suddenly being labelled as something that will definitely kill us if we catch it. Reactions range from one extreme to the other, and I understand that there's no way of knowing how we'll react but still in the majority of people it's a mild illness, so I'm confused about the mass vaccination drive. The vitriol that has been directed at those who are hesitant has been awful to hear. And if it really is important just for everyone to be vaccinated, why not allow people the choice of vaccine they receive if they have concerns about a particular one?

Vulnerable people can die from it. Is that acceptable? I don't think so.
Sargass0 · 13/06/2021 11:49

You've had it now so crying isn't going to change that.

What I think you're really trying to say its that you feel you were forced to have it because of rules that may be brought in for unvaccinated people.

A subtle attempt at telling us how we're all being controlled.

You could have waited if you were unsure.
Poor you.

MareofBeasttown · 13/06/2021 11:52

[quote Patsycake]@CantGetNoSleep73

I know plenty who have had the jab hoping for freedom or just to go on holiday. Still no better off...

I had a friend who was adamant she wasn’t having the jab, but for the sake of being able to have a holiday abroad, she has now changed her mind.

It feels as though people have been cornered into taking the vaccine for the wrong reasons.[/quote]
Sadly we do not have the fundamental right to holiday abroad and infect other countries with new and increasingly dangerous variants.

Ormally · 13/06/2021 12:06

Thank you for having it, even if the experience afterwards was a surprising one. It's scary and something you can't just laugh off or take for granted (either positively or negatively), perhaps in the way that we've got used to regarding many vaccines that we have (a general 'no big deal' acceptance).

I remember thinking last year that July 2021 would be so much more normal and a weight would have lifted. It doesn't really feel that way and we are still so clearly in uncertainville. So I think this could be part of the let down.

30littletoes · 13/06/2021 12:34

OP I completely sympathise with this.
I have booked an appointment for my jab in two weeks and I am terrified- I don’t want to do it.

I’m pro vaccine, my children are vaccinated, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I have always taken into account long term research into individual vaccines which simply aren’t available here. I also have doubts about the classification of COVID in comparison to other illnesses.

The risk for dying of COVID in my age bracket (if you actually catch COVID) is 0.6%.
The risk of suffering a severe adverse event (heart attack, stroke or death) from the Pfizer vaccine- according to Pfizer’s own statistics- for my age group is 0.66%. Actually higher.

I have a history of boot clots and anaphylaxis. This combined with the lack of long term research into the affects of an RNA vaccine and protein production in the body is making me question the vaccines long term safety.

Completely understand why people feel I should get it ‘for the greater good’, but this is not something which is easy to weigh up in your head when you have a fear of actually dying from something you willingly (or not so willingly) are opting to put into your body.

shewalkslikerihanna · 13/06/2021 12:34


No. Am so relieved I just had my second so I won’t catch Covid.

But you can catch covid
14/42 of the recent deaths were people who had been double vaccinated
On andrew marr show
shewalkslikerihanna · 13/06/2021 12:37

Why are you going to do this to yourself
My husband has already had a blood clot.
He now can’t drive as it went into his brain and knocked out his peripheral vision.
He tires easily, so gets grumpy.
Drops things all the time as there’s a big black hole also in the middle of his vision
He can no longer drive…so gets grumpy about that too

He’s not having it as he has a heart problem as well

osbertthesyrianhamster · 13/06/2021 12:39

No. I felt relieved. Both jabs made me ill.

Talkwhilstyouwalk · 13/06/2021 12:43

It's done now so no point dwelling on it. You have to weigh up the risks and there are probably more risks from not getting it than there are from getting it.

SecondRow · 13/06/2021 13:10

Hi @30littletoes, where did you see those statistics on the severe adverse events? That figure sounds very high.

AppleJane · 13/06/2021 13:19

There's no empathy left on MN these days. People love to kick you while you're down.


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MRex · 13/06/2021 13:37


OP I completely sympathise with this.
I have booked an appointment for my jab in two weeks and I am terrified- I don’t want to do it.

I’m pro vaccine, my children are vaccinated, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I have always taken into account long term research into individual vaccines which simply aren’t available here. I also have doubts about the classification of COVID in comparison to other illnesses.

The risk for dying of COVID in my age bracket (if you actually catch COVID) is 0.6%.
The risk of suffering a severe adverse event (heart attack, stroke or death) from the Pfizer vaccine- according to Pfizer’s own statistics- for my age group is 0.66%. Actually higher.

I have a history of boot clots and anaphylaxis. This combined with the lack of long term research into the affects of an RNA vaccine and protein production in the body is making me question the vaccines long term safety.

Completely understand why people feel I should get it ‘for the greater good’, but this is not something which is easy to weigh up in your head when you have a fear of actually dying from something you willingly (or not so willingly) are opting to put into your body.

You are comparing death with an event that has only in a few rarw circumstances led to death. Pericarditis for example can be mild and temporary, yet your figures have given it the same weight as actual death. You've included other mild side effects to get to that figure too. Do what you like with having a vaccine or not, but it's much better if you look at real sources of information rather than letting anti-vax liars keep earning revenue from your clicks.
Ostara212 · 13/06/2021 13:38


I did cry after my jab as I don't feel I am vulnerable to the virus but had to take it on the chin all the potential side effects. I have 2 young dc and can't look after them if I'm sick. I'm also tired from zero social support over the past year!

Ok fair enough nobody knows how coronavirus will effect them but vaccines are a personal choice and should stay that way. No vaccine passports!

It's funny when house prices are way too high for young people - something that doesn't effect the elder generation as much - were told to get on with it.

We've been on our own for years as young people. Dwindling public funding , expensive education , increasing house prices. Now the older generation need our help - I just hope we aren't dumped after all of this?!

Understand completely x
Starlightstarbright1 · 13/06/2021 13:44


You don't need the jab to contribute to herd immunity.

To be fair the other approach to herd immunity didnt go so well for us did it.

I have a friend in your catagory suffering from Long covid
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