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This isn’t going to end, is it....?

202 replies

fallonT · 05/03/2021 19:50

I was FaceTiming my friend tonight, I told her we’ve booked a uk break for August.
She laughed at me and said to her husband “should I tell her the bad news or do you want to”

Her husband is a respiratory consultant and said that the new variants of Covid will cause another wave and further lockdowns.

I asked how he could possibly know this and he laughed and said “inside information”

I suffer with anxiety and haven’t stopped crying since I got off of our FaceTime chat.

I can’t do this anymore. I realty can’t 😭

OP posts:
ChocOrange1 · 09/03/2021 11:15


Seriously MN is the worst place to be for this uninformed alarmist nonsense whipped into hysterical mania by some that should know better and others that have mental health issues. The coronavirusuk Reddit threads are far far better and posts and responses are up and down voted to make for a much more balanced and informed debate.

Thank you for this recommendation, I've had a quick look and I'm already converted. So much more balanced and sensible.
Cloudyrainsham · 09/03/2021 11:47

Of course it’s going to end. Even without the vaccine the virus would burn itself out eventually. Every pandemic ever has ended at some point.

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