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Has the government got paid posters here to quash any dissenting voices?

385 replies

ssd · 13/05/2020 11:10

There's always been robust discussions on politics on mn, but I've noticed lately when ever someone questions the government's track record on covid, certain posters pop up with very similar agendas, defending them to the hilt and trying to throw the discussion round to something else.

I'd like to see when posters actually joined mn, some newer posters must spend all their time on here defending the indefensible.

OP posts:
MaryBerrystolemyflour · 13/05/2020 13:17

The obvious ones usually start with “I usually vote Labour, but...” and “I’m not a Boris fan by any means, but...”.

pigsDOfly · 13/05/2020 13:23

Well, I've started a post with 'I'm not fan of Boris Johnson but...' in the past MaryBerry. Can't remember what it was about, but I think I was commenting on one particular thing that he did that I think he probably couldn't have dealt with differently.

Trust me, I'm not in the pay of the government, and I most definitely am 'not a Boris fan' by any means.

NotAnotherUserNumber · 13/05/2020 13:24


Equally many people, myself included were baffled that other people didn’t find it clear. This doesn’t mean either groups are shills, it just means that people have different experiences and opinions.

Admittedly I have a friend of a friend who is a member of SAGE and my husband is a key worker, so I doubt anyone on this thread will be interested in any of my thoughts or opinions, but that doesn’t mean I am not a real person.

MaryBerrystolemyflour · 13/05/2020 13:26

@pigsDOfly well you would say that wouldn’t you! 😂

slartibarti · 13/05/2020 13:28

I don’t use the word stupid but people who think we can’t compare outcomes from similar countries is the one who is stupid.

Comparing outcomes from similar countries is complex. No one can give you a simple answer on mumsnet as it won't be possible to do it accurately until the covid crisis is over.

If you're really interested you could do your own research to find out what factors to consider when comparing health data.

slartibarti · 13/05/2020 13:34

BBC link which explains why it's not possible to accurately compare outcomes yet.

YounghillKang · 13/05/2020 13:39

ADreamofGood Sorry, what I meant to suggest was that I wished it were the case that the English were especially militant, far too much passive acceptance of the current government's approach for my personal liking.

CockCarousel · 13/05/2020 13:47

How can you say that with a straight face NotAnotherUserNumber? Boris forgot to tell people to wear masks on public transport and one of the others (Raab?) had to add it in the next day. The speech was pre-recorded ffs!

NotAnotherUserNumber · 13/05/2020 14:06

I didn’t say it was perfect, just that I found it clear. He couldn’t possibly go through every point of the plan in a speech, very few people would listen. Anyway, no point in arguing as we obviously won’t agree.

I do think a lot of opinions on this depend on what background knowledge you have and situation you are in. I personally think the government is largely doing a good job, despite starting from a terrible situation and so far, the situation has been overall much better than I thought it would be with far fewer deaths than might well have happened. At the start I thought we were totally screwed given our continuous urbanisation and clumped population density, usage of public transport and status as an air transport hub. I was one of those predicting doom back in February.

I know @MaryBerrystolemyflour will hate me saying this, but I have actually been pleasantly surprised as I was very anti Boris before (I am still desperately hoping for something to stop Brexit), but I think he has been much better than I expected so far.

pigsDOfly · 13/05/2020 14:22

@MaryBerrystolemyflour Ah bugger, you've caught me out Grin

I actually thought that myself just after I pressed 'post'.

LastTrainEast · 13/05/2020 14:23

ssd you think those of us who work in the secret control center under Buckingham Palace haven't realised that you're one of a team paid by Putin to undermine the UK government? Grin

I don't know if I count as one of the suspected UK agents, but if so I'm used to it. There are loads of Flat Earthers totally convinced that I am working for the New World Order because I explain that the world is a sphere.

They can't conceive of someone not agreeing with them you see. It's so unbelievable that it must be a conspiracy.

Nameofchanges · 13/05/2020 14:27

It’s fairly easy to make a distinction between typical MN grouchy posters on both sides who disagree over the issues and presumably government paid pr posters with their breezy upbeat writing style who seem to be advertising getting Coronavirus like it’s skydiving while wearing a sanitary pad.

MaryBerrystolemyflour · 13/05/2020 14:28

Beat them at their own game I say...

As a staunch Tory I think Boris is doing an appalling job and has really let the country down. I will NEVER vote for him again!

cathyandclare · 13/05/2020 14:32

I posted a positive thread about testing- because I had a positive experience. Also, with the relentless and unremitting misery and negativity on MN, it's sometime good to hear when things are going well. I am absolutely not a Tory stooge I can assure you. I think the government have been slow to act in many ways and the testing in March was a disgrace, but also some positives.

I'm a medic by background, so in touch with many people who helped with the NHS preparations for CV in February. the expansion of ITU capacity and the ability of the service to respond rapidly without the usual macrame of red tape was extraordinary.

Quartz2208 · 13/05/2020 14:47

I have been accused of being a Tory when I am no such thing and if my point hadnt been taken the wrong way they would have noticed it was anything but supporting him.

I think the Gvt handling of this has been patchy at best and often makes them look like they have no idea.

But I also dont think when it all gets looked at in the future ourselves Spain Italy and France wont be too far off. And the difference I think is as much to be put on the voting public who have consistently voted for Gvts that have run down the NHS

That said I am against this whole the sky is falling down/COVID 19 is by far the worse thing we have ever seen/We must stay in until it is eradicated (because in our history we have eradicated ONE disease - Smallpox a feat which took either 200 years or 20 years) and that we shouldnt be starting to move forward with a plan

derxa · 13/05/2020 14:47

I remember claig Grin and she was hilarious.
I'm not pleased with the government's response but I don't think there's any need to rant about it like Piers Morgan. I don't care if Boris has 50 children etc. etc. Does that make me a govt. shill?

RainMustFall · 13/05/2020 14:52

Nope, the only paid posters on here are Labour bots. Some of them are really inventive and really earn their money; others not so much.

The majority of MN members are left wing and if there is one dissenting voice in the middle of a Boris bashing orgy on here, they are immediately accused of being a Tory bot. They may be Tory but unlikely to be a bot.

ssd · 13/05/2020 15:11

I'm glad it's not just me noticing this. I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me, but I want it yo be someone genuine, like xenia. I might disagree with a lit she says but she's genuine so I'd never dismiss her.
But now there are so many posters, or a select few with a variety of names, that always pop up on a thread that is critical if the government , they usually appear within the first few posts.

OP posts:
ssd · 13/05/2020 15:17

Not many of them on this thread though.
Maybe too close for comfort?

OP posts:
KaronAVyrus · 13/05/2020 15:22

If you think they are paid government shills just report them to MNHQ. This is just paranoid troll hunting otherwise.

toolatetooearly · 13/05/2020 15:26

Yup. Personally I've been waiting for my fat government defence cheque to arrive, but it did this morning. So I've cashed the £4.85 payoff and shall now robustly defend Boris and co at every opportunity.

EdwinaMay · 13/05/2020 15:32

Online websites are for whingers really - if you are relatively ok with what is happening then you have nothing of consequence to say, it's the same with Twitter or Fb.
People who want to have a rant feel so strongly about whatever it is, that they assume others MUST believe what they do. If anyone doesn't agree then they are right wing (usually but can work both ways), cruel and uncaring about the ............. - whatever fill the gap.


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ADreamOfGood · 13/05/2020 15:45

Yes Edwina, as opposed to all those offline websites, right?

3cats · 13/05/2020 15:51

A YouGov survey on the weekend revealed that 57% of the British public (and likely a much higher percentage of the English public) believes that Boris Johnson is doing either very well or fairly well.

I think that just tells you everything you need to know really.

I know someone who thinks that Trump is amazing.

There's nowt as queer as folk.

Ineverdidmind · 13/05/2020 15:54

Boris win the election quite comprehensively. It stands to reason there are quite a few out there that support him.

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