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‘School will have to look different from now on’....

406 replies

Starrynightsabove · 05/05/2020 19:55

‘With a mix of home schooling and in-school learning’

So said Nicola Sturgeon.

So how does this work for a single parent trying to work full time from home with a full on job who needs to pay the mortgage. Literally how does this work?

OP posts:
FourTeaFallOut · 08/05/2020 18:17

Schools should still provide resources for those on roll and parents shouldn't be forced into deregistering.

I hope this is what happens but so few people are talking about how to support children stuck at home I'm worried they'll be dealt with like we signed up for this educational banishment.

Frustratedsenmummy · 08/05/2020 18:23

My DD is 5 and has been in school throughout. An EHCP is in process and she has complex SEN. There is zero social distancing happening, its impossible. She has to be handled and carried and sometimes restrained or moved. She gets cuddles when she breaks down sobbing and cuddles when she is happy and wants a cuddle.

I respect the staff so so much but they are doing this with 7 reception aged children in. I can't understand how they must feel when that becomes 90. Her TA was saying that the head has asked them about how they would feel wearing PPE when schools return. Reality is the majority of the teaching staff at her school don't want to because it will scare the children. They won't social distance themselves from the children because of the effect it has on children and in reality it's the teachers at risk doing this, not the children.

On a really really selfish note I'm terrified about how chaotic schooling could become. She's in full time, has full time 1 to 1 still and there is a huge resemblance of routine. It's a different normal but the school have done an amazing job still meeting her needs. When kids start going back keeping this in place is going to become ten fold harder.

There's so many questions and unknowns.

Daffodil101 · 08/05/2020 18:28

Maybe we all just accept no school possible until a vaccine or cure.

Which is bonkers. Obvs.

MarshaBradyo · 08/05/2020 18:35

We don’t need to accept that. But I understand some might want to keep the current situation. Not sure it’s a bad thing.

If other children go to school there’ll be fewer in the classroom.

Issues are more work for schools and may not be at same level.

Devlesko · 08/05/2020 19:10

I think I meant packs of work, all the same for different years.
So a designated number of teachers are employed to just provide resources to begin with. Enough to take us over a full academic year.
I don't mean on top of the work teachers are already doing but alongside.
So those not in class or teaching online to begin with.
E.g If I was still teaching sociology A level, I'd provide enough resources for the first year. Chances are that many of the required resources are there from last year.
The curriculum is the same, marking will be the same, etc.

veryvery · 08/05/2020 21:22

For secondary I think one way forward would be for teachers to go into school to film a lesson/lecture and offer virtual tutorials on rotation. Maybe small tutor groups could go in for tutorials. Work sent and marked virtually. Virtual tests. Depend on IT and being very well connected. Sort of similar to what is happening now but more streamlined.

For primary FaceTime type activity with teachers on ration for reading activities, number work. Virtual lessons to watch plus interactive online work set. Small groups in school on rotation.

Not ideal but possible with continued lockdown.

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