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If we lockdown, is outside exercise allowed?

188 replies

WhoahThereCrazyHorse · 15/03/2020 19:32

I’m interested to understand what’s allowed and not in places where lockdown has been implemented. Reading about Spain and it says people are to be allowed out ‘for emergencies, to buy food, or for work’. What’s the reality of how it’s policed, how would they know you were going, and if you wanted to go for a bike ride, really what’s the risk - given that you wouldn’t come into contact with anyone. And you could just say you were going to work. I do cycle to work by the way so that could be true. And my husband runs to work a few days a week.

OP posts:
Dadq · 15/03/2020 19:35

Apparently police are stopping solo cyclists.

If we lockdown, is outside exercise allowed?
Basilandparsleyandmint · 15/03/2020 19:38

I was thinking this too - running or cycling and not seeing people. I can’t imagine being so confined 🙈

Pipandmum · 15/03/2020 19:38

Some one else just posted her Dad (in Spain) went out for a bike ride and was stopped and told to go home.
Either it's a lock down or it's not. You can argue that many outdoor activities do not involve contact with other people.

Cocoandclive27 · 15/03/2020 19:40

What about dog walks? We live rurally and walk our dogs in fields. You can't guarantee you won't see another person but you can easily avoid close contact with them iyswim. Not like walking down a busy high street. I honestly don't know the rules but I think we just have to try and use common sense to calculate risk. I'd be closer to my next door neighbours if we were both out in our gardens then I would be if I was walking the dogs on the local field.

Clavinova · 15/03/2020 19:41

how would they know you were going, and if you wanted to go for a bike ride, really what’s the risk

lycra is probably a giveaway.

LittleLittleLittle · 15/03/2020 19:44

OP put a laptop, your work pass and a change of clothes in a backpack. Then you may be OK....

In Spain if you said you went to a supermarket they were checking you had receipts.

MaomiMak · 15/03/2020 19:45

We haven't locked down

I know you all want to for the hysteria enjoyment. But it hasn't happened.

As you were.

Dadq · 15/03/2020 19:46

The OP and responses are about places where lockdown has been implemented

NoHunGosh · 15/03/2020 19:47

I'm in Italy. Going for a solo jog is ok. They are discouraging random walks and bike rides but if you're walking a dog it's fine.

puds11 · 15/03/2020 19:47

They’ve said that if we go into lockdown or you are isolating you are not allowed to go out for walks/runs etc. The RSPCA has issued guidance on how to keep your dogs entertained in doors.

You aren’t allowed to go for a walk, walk your dog, go for a run, cycle etc. if in isolation or lockdown.

Tatty101 · 15/03/2020 19:52

Isolation at home means staying at home. Why is this so hard for people?

If you're infected, every time you cough or sneeze outside (even before you're showing symptoms) you're spreading disease droplets everywhere.

mumwon · 15/03/2020 19:55

so countryside near edge of town - are you saying dh & I shouldn't go for a walk away from people (I can see us going stir crazy - I think the spouse murder stats will go up)?

Abracad · 15/03/2020 19:57

Obviously not. HTH

Bathroom12345 · 15/03/2020 19:58

So who will man the supermarket check outs? Home deliveries, stock the shelves, help the old and confused? Will they be allowed out to man the battle stations? What if they get ill?

AmelieTaylor · 15/03/2020 19:58

I'm in Italy. Going for a solo jog is ok. They are discouraging random walks and bike rides but if you're walking a dog it's fine

I’m out of breath running the bath these days, but I like to walk. I might be able to foster a 🐶 from people too poorly to walk it. Or just walk a few- if I keep my own leads it shouldn’t be too ‘risky’ 🤷🏻‍♀️

Krazykitty · 15/03/2020 20:00

I think the divorce stats will go up too.

FabulouslyFab · 15/03/2020 20:00

“How would they know you were going, and if you wanted to go for a bike ride, really what’s the risk

lycra is probably a giveaway”

@Clavinova 😂😂😂

AmelieTaylor · 15/03/2020 20:00

@Tatty101 but as you can see ‘lick fiwn’ is different anyway. Many people are still
Allowed to go to work and go to the supermarket.

We won’t know what IUR rules are until they tell us.

AmelieTaylor · 15/03/2020 20:00

IUR?!?!? OUR

Darbs76 · 15/03/2020 20:01

Just stay inside if told to do so. No bike rides. No jogging, it’s not hard to understand what self isolate means

Kazar99 · 15/03/2020 20:02

My friend is in Spain in her campervan to go climbing. She has been told she has to park up and not move (apart from going to shops) until lockdown ends and that she isn't allowed to go climbing or walking either even though she is in a rural area and nobody else about!

Twinkletoes888 · 15/03/2020 20:03

I run 3/4 times a week, was very ill and I need to keep active, no space for treadmill, my pace has really increased let’s hope the policeman can keep up Grin

I’m kidding obviously, I might actually start doing those sit up and planks I’ve been putting off


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crazyexornot · 15/03/2020 20:03

My parents live in Spain, there are police patrolling the streets asking people where they are going. You can only go out alone not as a family or a couple. Dog walks have to be let them do their business then straight back home and local to where they live. They have boats out at sea making sure no one is on the beaches. So I think if we go the same way outside exercise wont be allowed to happen.

HappyReading · 15/03/2020 20:09

We will have to go outside, luckily we live rural and on a farm - we will have to milk and feed the animals.

Hooleywhipper · 15/03/2020 20:12

Will I not be able to walk the dog on field at the back!☹️

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