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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


Tww x2

291 replies

AutismFamily · 17/09/2019 12:03

@helensss @peassando @sauty @ripleysfirst hey ladies the thread says it's been closed when I tried to reply so started a new one as didn't want to lose contact with you all hope that's ok. Xxx

OP posts:
Ripleysfirst · 18/09/2019 14:54

@autismfamily I’m doing ok... he moved some of his stuff out today, but I got to see the dog which was lovely.
Was out with my friend so they stayed with me while he was in the house. Made it a bit easier to cope.
It’s just so sad. Symptom wise nothing more, took a test and it was negative, but then again it’s way too early anyway!

AutismFamily · 18/09/2019 15:05

@ripleysfirst bless ya Hun I get that it's hard but u never know some time apart might be just what u need. We are all here for u

OP posts:
Ripleysfirst · 18/09/2019 15:12

@autismfamily thank you lovely, it really does help to have this group.

AutismFamily · 18/09/2019 15:19

@ripleysfirst Definitely Hun. Have u spoke about what Ur gonna do if u are?

OP posts:
Ripleysfirst · 18/09/2019 15:22

@autismfamily I don’t think he even knows it’s a possibility. He didn’t want to know when I was ovulating- said it took the fun out of the sex...

Helensss · 18/09/2019 15:59

@AutismFamily not sure I could smell when ovulating? Mainly for me it was just the ewcm and an ache on either side.

@ripleysfirst hope you are ok. Glad you have the support of friends, and on here too of course!

AutismFamily · 18/09/2019 17:11

@helensss the reason I ask is I got alot of clear cm and it smells sweet down there lol. I have had a few twinges nothing major, I'm very erm for want of a better saying like a dog on heat haha but calendar says I'm due to ovulate in a week 🤔. So I'm wondering if I'm ovulating early. Oh and my boobs are sore. XXX
@ripleysfirst I get u hun. Well only time will tell but as we said we are here for u xxx

OP posts:
Ripleysfirst · 18/09/2019 17:16

Last time ovulated it was about a week earlier in the cycle than expected so it’s definitely possible!
Have you got opks?

AutismFamily · 18/09/2019 20:21

@ripleysfirst I just got some going home now to do it lol xxx

OP posts:
Sauty · 18/09/2019 21:19

Let us know how you get on @Autismfamily!
I’ll be re-testing in the morning. I still have no symptoms or anything although I did feel a bit 🤢 at lunchtime, but probably just stressing myself out with wondering.

Roxybaby12 · 18/09/2019 21:26

Hi ladies,

Could I please join you for some advice? I don’t want to impose as seems like you have a wonderful group chat going on-amazing to read such support of each other!
But I don’t have anyone to speak to and can’t find any other thread ☹️ Xx

Helensss · 18/09/2019 22:12

@roxybaby12 welcome! Of course you can join, we’ve all joined at different times 🤗 xx

Ripleysfirst · 18/09/2019 22:12

Hi @roxybaby12 please join! I only joined this chat like 3 days ago:) things get deep fast haha.
Are you ok?

AutismFamily · 18/09/2019 22:58

@sauty so did a clear blue opk and no smile but the line on the stick was dark so maybe I ovulated over the past few days. But I have googled it and seen a few things about it being ovulation and a few saying they had it the week before they got their bfp so I'm really confused lol. You will have to let us know and send a pic for us to look at we love a good old test here lol. @Roxybaby12 hey sweetie welcome to our little chat I'm Jo and as the others have said we welcome everyone. What advice do u need Hun xxx

OP posts:
Roxybaby12 · 19/09/2019 06:50

Hi ladies,
Thank you.. I think I’m a bit further along in the tww, actually on cd30 or what I think is 17dpo. I’m not actively trying-well I am-he’s not!! I had an ectopic in March and it scared him, so now he’s not so sure about trying again. Anyway, I have had cramps, sore boobs (but not as full and heavy feeling as last time) and feeling tired for well over a week now! No sign of af and bfn on first response! I do check my cervix (which you can’t rely on) but it’s been high for 4 days straight now-usually moves around a lot! I’m just totally confused!

How are all of you feeling today? Xx

Sauty · 19/09/2019 06:54

Today’s head mess:

Tww x2
Roxybaby12 · 19/09/2019 06:55

Oh and the back ache... oh my days it’s been horrible-I’ve never ever had pain in my back like this before! 🙀 xx

Roxybaby12 · 19/09/2019 06:59

This tests are horrible aren’t they?? I wish it was easier.. I downloaded an app where I could convert to an almost photo negative type picture. Apparently it’s easier to see the second line (if there is one). Xx

Roxybaby12 · 19/09/2019 06:59


AutismFamily · 19/09/2019 10:31

@sauty now I will be honest I couldn't really see a line in the other only if I squinted and turned my phone but that one I can see one definitely. How are u feeling? I have just woke up went to bed around 11 last night clonked out and slept right through my alarms and tbh could have easily slept longer. Xx
@Roxybaby12 every time is different so don't count yourself out just because its not the same as before. Also remember as the saying goes your not out until af shows. Sorry to hear about Ur loss we all know on here how that feels so our hearts go out to u and sending hugs xxx

OP posts:
Helensss · 19/09/2019 11:28

@sauty yes I’m not sure I can see something, maybe a squinter though! Have you tried a first response? Bodies are strange!!

@autismfamily ooo wonder why you were so tired! I have heard that about lines on those before positive test. I wonder how much we have all spent on tests collectively🤣

@Roxybaby12 so sorry for your loss, that must’ve been scary as well. us women have to go through a lot,
Maybe do another test in a couple ofdays? Xx

Sauty · 19/09/2019 11:50

I’m really angry ladies. Hubby said no Frer til weekend, manages to convince him I needed one today. We’ve been out (he’s on annual leave from work) he called into Co-op n has come out with a cheap test. I’m fuming as this is really messing with my head.


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AutismFamily · 19/09/2019 11:52

@helensss I know it's mental the amount we have got lol. My boobs a still tingley and achey a bit like I have something down my bra pinching my nipple lmao xxx

OP posts:
Ripleysfirst · 19/09/2019 12:23

I’ve got two Clearblues that I’m forcing myself to wait with until the first day of my supposed period... it’s torture waiting!

Ripleysfirst · 19/09/2019 12:25

@Sauty the whole thing is such a mental strain isn’t it!

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