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Tww x2

291 replies

AutismFamily · 17/09/2019 12:03

@helensss @peassando @sauty @ripleysfirst hey ladies the thread says it's been closed when I tried to reply so started a new one as didn't want to lose contact with you all hope that's ok. Xxx

OP posts:
Sauty · 23/04/2020 08:42

Thank you @helensss !!
Crazy to think that if this pregnancy continues, I’m going to have children where one is in college, one in year 8 and one starting nursery. 😬

AutismFamily · 24/04/2020 10:31

@Sauty that is amazing to see, how are u feeling in tour xx

OP posts:
Helensss · 02/05/2020 14:31

@Sauty how are you doing? Xx

Sauty · 02/05/2020 14:40

Hi @helensss I’m doing ok thank you. By my calculations I’m 7 weeks today, I’m booked in for a private reassurance scan next Saturday all being well.
How are you doing? Not long now 😬😬

Helensss · 02/05/2020 16:44

@Sauty oh amazing, just one week to get to the scan! I know each day feels like forever though! I’m doing good thanks, have to go for a growth scan on Monday as they said the bump size hadnt changed in 2 weeks since my last .
I’m not worried really as he’s moving around lots still and happy I get a scan! 39 weeks on Monday 😬 xx

Sauty · 02/05/2020 16:55

@helensss they said that about my son, nearly 14 years ago 😬, I got a scan and I remember his face pressed right up against the screen, it was the wierdest thing ever in 2d, he looked like a pumpkin. Lol

Helensss · 02/05/2020 18:45

@sauty really! Yeah I’m quite looking forward to the scan, can’t stop wondering when he’s going to make an appearance too! Everyone thinks it’ll be after my due date which I know is common so we’ll see xx

Sauty · 02/05/2020 20:10

@helensss he’ll be here soon enough and within hours you’ll have forgotten what it was like before he came along. If he comes this week before I get to Scan day, I really hope everything goes ok with your labour. X

Helensss · 03/05/2020 10:10

@sauty I think I got my bloody show this
Morning 😬

Sauty · 03/05/2020 10:22

👏👏👏😬👏👏👏 oooo how exciting!!!!

Helensss · 03/05/2020 10:30

I wonder how soon it’ll start 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Helensss · 04/05/2020 19:14

Anyone got any experience in the plug? I had some yesterday with a bit of blood, then today a big glob of it! Have had very mild cramps on and off but nothing else, hope he doesn’t keep me waiting too long now! I was relaxed about when he’d arrive until that appeared! X

Sauty · 04/05/2020 19:56

Hi @Helensss, my plug went with my son 10 days before he came along and I never lost my plug with my daughter.
I think he’s gearing up to arrive for you though!!! X

Helensss · 04/05/2020 21:04

@sauty oh really, I keep reading that it can take Ages! X

Sauty · 04/05/2020 21:25

@helensss yeah it can take ages, but like labour everyone is different. Both my kids were induced and I was told to expect longer labours. As it was, both my kids were born exactly 6 and half hours after induction - first at 10 to 10, my second at 10 passed 10!! Yet my sister was induced and her labour lasted nearly 30 hours 😬 More recently a friend of mine was induced, slowly dilated over 7 hours or so, no real pains. Birthing partner called in at 7cm and baby was born just as he got there - 20 minutes after the call. Labour is so different for everyone but it’s so worth it when that bundle is placed on you screaming it’s little head off 😇

Helensss · 05/05/2020 08:50

@sauty wow that’s weird isn’t it the timings! 10 to 10 and 10 past 10x I’ve had a lot more of it since come away so the other day must've just been the start.
It’s so unpleasant 😂 but looking at it as a positive! Mild cramps too, come on baby! My scan showed that he weighs about 8lb 5 so hoping he doesn’t keep growing too much 😂 xx

Sauty · 05/05/2020 09:18

@helensss wow that’s a very good weight! More show is very promising, so come on little Bobby:Freddie:Theo we are all very excited to finally meet you from afar, around the UK!! I always giggle to myself about something someone told me in my first pregnancy - in so much as the plug isn’t the nicest thing to see, and getting up to go wee every 34 seconds is tiring, and how you worry so much for 9 months - it’s basically practise of what’s to come for the next 18 years + of your life, ie, bodily fluids either chucked over you, projected at a rate that could enter into a world record, the nighttime knackered feeds where your just running on autopilot then worrying at every major stage of their little lives... 😂🤣😂 it’s just preparing you for what’s to come!
I mean who’s ever felt embarrassed about a smear test after childbirth? Certainly no one that I know! I had student midwifes at my second delivery, clearly I had no shame in 5+ students plus the midwife gawking up my private parts, by then I could have been beamed live on Times Square and not given two hoots about it, I just needed to get that baby out. Lol
My first emerged like Superman with his arm out albeit very slowly, second baby came swiftly and the midwife had to catch her.

Oh and that cup of tea and toast they give you after your birth will honestly be THE single most best tea and toast you’ll ever eat in your life.😋

Helensss · 05/05/2020 10:27

@Sauty yeah I think it’s promising too! Very much waiting around now, only so many times I can keep cleaning the house and reorganising things 😂

Haha that’s very true,‘I haven’t had a wax for a long time down there so god help them but I really don’t care,
I’ll sort it out at some point after.

Haha my friend said that about the tea and toast!

How are you getting on? Few day’s till your early scan! Xx

Sauty · 05/05/2020 11:38

A few days yes, but stupidly I’ve been sat thinking about my boob soreness and got myself worked up that it was actually a reduction in symptoms so I’ve done a spare digital test and it’s gone from 3+ nearly two weeks ago to 2-3. Clearly I’ve lost again. 😩😭😩
Can’t get seen by EPU because of Covid situation and their change in guidelines. I’m gutted.

Helensss · 05/05/2020 11:44

@sauty that happened to me though! I did a clear blue and it said 2-3 ages after I’d done the 3+ one,
I think they are really inaccurate!

I don’t think you should lose hope yet,
Saturday needs to hurry up, have you had any other symptoms that might suggest something’s gone wrong? If not I think you might be just fine, those tests are naughty xx

Sauty · 05/05/2020 11:51

Well I’m not bleeding and I’m not in pain, just a reduction in boob pain. That’s interesting that the 2-3 thing happened to you though as I was just going to start googling.
I’ve contacted my sonography friend - she scans brains not belly’s 😬 and she said Digital Tests and Home Heartbeat kits are made by the devil in so much as they do not give reassurance they just cause women to panic.
So tell me your 3+ : 2-3 story, how, why etc.

Helensss · 05/05/2020 12:39

Yep happened to me! I can’t remember exact dates but I think it was about a week after I got the 2-3 but was still first morning wee,
I completely panicked but just stopped doing tests and then all was ok in the end, googling showed me this can happen a lot actually xx


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Sauty · 05/05/2020 16:36

@Helensss well I went into super-panic mode, and ended up booking a scan for today - at a ridiculous cost but I needed peace of mind - which is priceless.
So I went and saw a gestational sac and a heartbeat!!! Measuring 6.5 weeks not 7, but all looking ok. Phew!

Sauty · 05/05/2020 16:36

Teeny tiny but there. 🥰

Tww x2
Helensss · 05/05/2020 17:10

Ahhhh @sauty so pleased for you!
Yes money is nothing really when it comes to these little beans! Yay ❤️

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