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Waiting to try, and cycle a mess from the pill

983 replies

AlexandraOrlov · 19/08/2015 09:20

Just wondering if there are any other lurkers in the same boat as me, planning to TTC in December/January?

I came off the pill three months ago and have only had one pathetic AF in that time, so very glad I came off early but also pretty anxious at how messed up things are, 1st cycle was 39 days, this one is 40 and courting.

So who's with me? I can't be the only person on here who is actually hoping for AF!

OP posts:
DelphiStar · 16/11/2015 10:58

Hey folks. Just wanted to drop in with a positive story. When I came off the pill in April my cycle was totally messed up. First cycle 48 days, second cycle 37 days... Third cycle pregnant. I'm now 12 weeks and throwing up.

Try to relax and keep having sex. Sometimes it takes time to get back to a normalish cycle but it's likely you are fertile. My midwife told me that people tend to be more fertile after coming off the pill due to residual hormones.

NewGirl2015 · 16/11/2015 14:02

Tested again today and got a peak OPK reading, so I am Ov, plus confirmed by EWCM and a definite stabbing Ov pain.
This is going to sound awful when you're waiting for yours cookie22 but I'm quite glad we probably missed it, I have been gearing myself up for ttc in December (literally the very end!) and so have had a bit of a panic that I might end up with a BFP in November! We've been using condoms around Ov time so far. Cold feet I guess, and selfishly I want to enjoy drinking in December Blush
The CB ones are expensive but so easy, I plan to get some cheap ones and just use them to confirm like you said but I couldn't resist when I guessed I might be Ov.
So this is your 3rd cycle off the pill? xx

NewGirl2015 · 16/11/2015 14:08

Congratulations delphistar!
So weird to think that could be me in a few months.
Been pretty chilled so far Smile

Cookie22 · 16/11/2015 20:17

Congratulations Delphistar. This cheered me right up and gives me hope! My cycles are well and truly a mess but I like hearing that there could light at the end of the tunnel! How is your pregnancy going? Is it your first?

Newgirl I totally understand where you're coming from! I feel like part of me wants to postpone so I can enjoy the drinks and parties over the festive period but we'll see what happens! Going to 'try' and be super laid back this month about TTC but I've I feeling I may become a bit pedantic Grin this is my 3rd cycle (tho should be 4th really as I completely skipped a month!) xx

sophied1983 · 16/11/2015 20:20

Ha! You sound like me.

Came off Pill late May... six weeks until first AF, then 45 days for next cycle, 47 for next one and am currently on day 41 of the next cycle... it's crazy isn't it?!

Sunnydays321 · 16/11/2015 22:37

It's good to hear a positive story Delphi, congratulations on your pregnancy! Hope the sickness settles soon (although a good sign of all those lovely pregnancy hormones).

Hi Sophie. We all seem to be able n the same boat over here with crazy post pill periods. Nice to have you ladies around to make me feel a bit more "normal". Almost All my friends in RL have got pregnant the second they stopped their pills! Xx

NewGirl2015 · 16/11/2015 23:15

Hope things settle down for you all, it's so frustrating just waiting all the time! As everyone keeps saying it is really nice to have people to talk to who are on the same page.
Are you all symptom tracking as well? Have you found it helped you identify Ov?
I've got really into it even just after just 3 months and can't believe how much more in tune with my body I am, literally have never had a clue about when you Ov before or what to look for.
Anyone tried Angus cactus (I think?!) to help regulate/shorten cycles?

DelphiStar · 16/11/2015 23:15

Hey. Pregnancy is going fine I think. Had 12 week scan and somewhat nervous awaiting results. This is my first pregnancy so it's all new and scary. I used opks in the cycle when I conceived and they mainly acted as reassurance that I was (most probably) ovulating.

sophied1983 · 17/11/2015 06:27

This month was weird, it was like my body ovulated twice in one cycle. All the symptoms earlier in the month and even felt like AF was coming, but nothing... then on day 38 I get peak fertility. Yes, DAY 38!!! And no, deffo not pregnant which other people suggested.

Gx91 · 17/11/2015 17:36

Hey ladies
Congrats Delphi ! Wish I was as far along as u I'm a while away from first scan ! X
Sophie- congrats to u on ur positive ovulation ! It is possible to ovulate twice or ur first surge mibi didn't release an egg ... Good luck anyway a enjoy having lots of sex fx for u ! X
New girl I enjoyed using OPKs and using other FAM too found out a lot of useful information about my body and I truelly believe it helped me get preggers ! Didn't use any supplements tho just folic acid healthy eating and exercise X

Cookie and sunny how u guys ? Where are u guys at in ur cycle ? Sorry I know I keep asking the sm questions but pretty tired and loose track Confused keen to know how everyone is doing ! Xxx

Cookie22 · 17/11/2015 20:19

New girl I'm giving Angus Castus a go this month. Only taking one tablet a day tho (think you can take 2 per day but I was a bit worried about some of the negative stories I'd heard!). Will see if it helps shorten my cycle this month!

Sophie, Sunnydays- any sign of your afs yet? Totally know what yous mean by symptom spotting! I've never been as in tune with my AF before!! Gx how are you feeling? Are you feeling exhausted/nauseous or all good?? Xx

Cookie22 · 17/11/2015 20:22

That should read 'in tune with my body' not 'in tune with my AF' Grin God, I wish I was in tune with my AF haha! GrinGrin xx

NewGirl2015 · 17/11/2015 22:23

Reassuring to hear that from you both Gx and Delphi that OPK's and symptom spotting helped you get your BFP's!

Cookie, be interested to see if you think it makes a difference.
Im a bit lost on what to expect this month now having said all that, last month I had a 37 day cycle, so if I have the same this month then I have approx 20 days to wait for AF!!
Sophie that's a strange one, hope you get AF soon so you can work out where you are xx

Poin86 · 18/11/2015 09:32

Congrats Gx and Delphi!!xx

Good luck on the Agnus Castus Cookie - let us know how you get on.xx

Feeling a bit rough at the moment. Killer hip pain today, had cramps, backache, constipation (sorry tmi), felt sick and sore boobs yesterday. Been burning up over the past 4 days too. Went to the loo for a wee 3 times in 2 hours last night which is unusual but just getting over what i think was a UTI (always have antibiotics in as have them very often). If this is my period on it's way, i just want it over with!xx

Gx91 · 18/11/2015 10:28

Hey poin sounds like ur having a rough time of it !
Cramps backache and sore boobs wer my earliest symptoms before BFP good luck to u !
How's everybody feeling today ?
I was a Crabbit wretch this morning just running a big bubble bath for me and DD so try wind down before I hit the shops to start buying from Christmas and DDs bday on Tuesday ! Xx

Poin86 · 18/11/2015 11:09

We aren't trying just yet so not sure how it will go down with the OH Hmm Thinking this just means i've going to have the worst AF in forever!

We've not DTD without protection since i've come off the pill, but had a little fumble and i got his stuff in the general area so would be a massive fluke if i was!!
It's the hip that's getting me down today Sad
A big bubble bath sounds great GX, certainly before hitting the shops! Hope you get everything you need.xx

Gx91 · 19/11/2015 08:53

That certainly would b flukey poin! Lol not unheard of though ! Thanks bath was great and got a few bits and pieces
Didn't get a chance to come bk on here last night fell asleep at 8 after DD and slept 12 hours !! Xx

Mollydog88 · 19/11/2015 12:08

SO glad I've found this thread..hope I'm not too late! Came off the pill end of last Feb - was on Marvelon for about 8 years and then was switched to a mini pill after migraines last December - took that for 3 months, had no bleeding at all, felt awful the whole time and stopped it all together. Didn't have any kind of withdrawal bleed and first period showed up about 40 days later. Been anywhere from 29days to 60days since then. Had swabs, ultrasounds, internal exams, blood tests and docs say nothing is wrong.

This month, bang on 28 days later, I had cramps and felt like it'd started...but only pink spotting when wiping (and spots of blood in urine which is weird) which has now been going on nearly 2 weeks! Sounds ridiculous I know but I'm terrified it's some sort of infection that hasn't been discovered and I've done terrible damage. I wish it would settle down!

Poin86 · 19/11/2015 12:14

Haha - i'm hoping it's unheard of for me Grin. As i'm in the first month since stopping the pill, goodness knows when AF will arrive but hoping it's soon. Thinking i may be feeling rough with a virus as well as having pre-period symptoms.
Sounds like you needed it so hope you feel well rested!xx

Poin86 · 19/11/2015 12:16

Hi Molly!

I'm sure they won't have missed an infection if you've had all those tests. With the blood in the urine, could you have a UTI at all?
Have you called your Dr at all?xx

Mollydog88 · 19/11/2015 12:49

I don't think so - I am prone to UTIs, but don't have any other symptoms. Could be though, and just a coincidence that it's when I should expect a period. Just don't know what to think anymore at all!

Same as everyone else, never expected it to take this long to settle down!

Poin86 · 19/11/2015 13:20

I've had UTIs in the past with only 1 symptom and that is my urine smells slightly different, not felt unwell other that.

Hope it settles for you soon! Still waiting on my first period post pill.xx


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sophied1983 · 19/11/2015 18:03

Currently on day 45 of cycle... YAWN!!!

Cookie22 · 19/11/2015 18:49

Had a mega stressful last couple of days at work so not managed to get on! Welcome molly! Im so glad we're all in similar positions and here for each other for support. The waiting for AF is just horrible. I think I nearly broke Google last cycle as I kept searching for things and looking for answers Grin xx

Sunnydays321 · 19/11/2015 19:26

Hi all.. Wow speed of this thread has picked up a bit last couple of days! Iv missed lots!

Hi Molly. Welcome. I would speak to go about blood in urine. Especially if it's a new symptom. Is it definitely in the urine and not vaginal blood that's being washed down when you wee? I assume there is nothing on wiping. I agree if be suspicious about UTI.

I'm currently on day 30... Not even OV'd yet. Boo. The wait is boring! I hope this isn't going to be as long as last cycle but looks like it's going that way. I'm bored of temping and OPKs already cos they don't tell me anything! Haha.

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