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Waiting to try, and cycle a mess from the pill

983 replies

AlexandraOrlov · 19/08/2015 09:20

Just wondering if there are any other lurkers in the same boat as me, planning to TTC in December/January?

I came off the pill three months ago and have only had one pathetic AF in that time, so very glad I came off early but also pretty anxious at how messed up things are, 1st cycle was 39 days, this one is 40 and courting.

So who's with me? I can't be the only person on here who is actually hoping for AF!

OP posts:
Poin86 · 09/11/2015 21:55

I'll let you know if anything looks good in this book. About a 3rd of the way through and the front bit is all about contraception (the woman is really against the pill because of how it messes you up) and other methods, then there is a "maintenance" section whre it tells you how to combat pms symptoms etc. Agnus Castus is mentioned a lot. Iodine for sore boobs, magnesium is good too. Will take a flick through and see if i can find out about regulating. She does mention about OV and what can happen if you dont but still bleed etc. Will try and find the names of the reasons so you can google Smile xx

Cookie22 · 09/11/2015 21:56

It's not terrible at all Sunny, I feel like I'm behaving in exactly the same way! DH keeps saying 'we'll see what happens' so I'm taking that as as a 'let's not actively stop it from happening' type answer! Yet he becomes a bit funny whenever i talk about OPKs etc. I think l might start temping too as I have been really worrying about PCOS. My skin is horrid right now and it's never been that bad, even when I was in my teenage years. Hoping it's just a side effect of coming off the pill and not anything else! Xx

Cookie22 · 09/11/2015 21:59

Poin- that sounds so interesting. I had a wee look on Amazon, might get it myself! This TTC business is costing me a fortune already!Grin xx

Poin86 · 09/11/2015 22:43

Ahhh damn. Typed loads out and lost it!!!

Magnesium seems to be the go to vitamin.

Lots of do's and don'ts with agnus castus so please research and check with gp. Mainly: dont take under age 18, dont take with fertility drugs, do not use for more than 6 months continuously, do not take until you have been off the pill for 3 months, be cautious if you have PCOS
Post pill syndrome
You can get post pill acne - the worst time is the first 3 months whilst your body adjusts to the natural hormones in your body
Post pill PMS - same again your body should adjust
Post pill amenorrhea and PCOS - your ovaries have been suppressed whilst on the pill so may take time to come back again.

Well worth a read girls. You can get it on kindle for 6.66 but i got the book (and have index tabbed bits i want to read again...nerd alert!) for 10.99.xx

Sunnydays321 · 09/11/2015 22:58

Ohhh I just typed loads too and lost it! Thanks for info poin. Oh no, I didn't see anywhere about not taking Angus cactus straight after pill. I read not to take it with pill as it makes it less effective. But I saw a few articles that recommended it straight after pill to reduce hormonal symptoms after pill. There's so much conflicting advice isn't there! My plan was to take it until cycles shorten and then stop and hope my body takes over. Although I suppose if I have got pcos it could do more harm than good. Iv also been wondering if I do go to go for tests I shouldn't be on agnus as I assume that could affect results. Interesting though!

Yeah cookie, I wonder what the men really think! We initially agreed to stop preventing as it is likely to take so long with my crazy cycles. And then the other night we were talking about a friend who has been trying for 6 months with no luck and hubby said "can it take a log time sometimes then??!?". He was genuinely shocked when I said women are only fertile for a few days each cycle! They are a bit clueless bless them.

My skin is shocking at the moment (never got bad teen acne) my face is more spot than face! xx

MissClarke86 · 10/11/2015 07:13

Men are silly aren't they? Mine suggested I stop the pill, then a week later said he didn't want to try until after Christmas, then said he didn't mind "not preventing" but didn't want to feel like a sperm donor (I was a bit over excited the first week!). Now we're not using condoms but I'm also avoiding talking about it because he gets stressed by the conversation!

I'm still waiting for my first real AF. On day 29 of cycle (counted from withdrawal bleed from my last pill packet). I really hope it comes soon so I can have some idea about fertility. I also hate not knowing when it could start - every little inkling and I run off to the toilet just in case, hate it whenever I'm at work!

Gx91 · 10/11/2015 09:16

Hey ladies can I join ? I understand the post says waiting to TTC after bcp but I can't find any thread for TTC after the pill ....
I came off the pill start of September and had the usual withdraw bleed then nothing for 38 days , really confusing month becoz my body was all over the place
Mood swings
Sore/ veiny boobs
Honestly thought I was pregnant until I googled post pill symptoms !
I am currently on cd 29 of second cycle , I used OPKs this month and got a positive OPK on cd19 with EWCM ( didn't temp ) so not sure if we r in for a chance this month
Think I probably should have waited to TTC like u guys because the TWW is driving me mad X

Trying to set to know your stories at the mo , good luck to all those TTC and for those wanting their AF X
Slowly realising how much strain this all puts on us xx

Cookie22 · 10/11/2015 17:39

Hi Gx! Oh I know it's just so confusing. I feel like I've spent the last 10 years or so trying my best not to get pregnant and now I'm just hoping my body starts working again. DH compared me to a car that hadn't been started for a good few years and said it'll just take a while for the engine to get going normally again Grin don't know if he was trying to cheer me up but never been compared to a rusty old car before lol!
Miss Clarke i totally get what you mean. When my cycle dragged on last week I kept imagining AF was starting when I was in work. Kept running to the loo to save any embarrassment!! X

Gx91 · 10/11/2015 18:27

Lol yeh men don't seem to understand , I had to explain the whole malarkey to him last cycle ! Grin X
It s hard waiting for first AF , when I relised i wasn't prego first cycle I was so glad when AF arrived was straight out to get some wine as I hadn't been drinking anything ! I found using OPKs this month very handy as now I can count down the days til AF its its coming , instead of waiting and waiting ..
It's such a great thing being able to talk to other women going thru the sm thing , my doctor didn't go through the effects of coming off the pill before they put me on it !! Xxx

Sunnydays321 · 10/11/2015 19:09

Hi GX. Welcome... You are in the right place, I think most of us are trying now. We should change the name to "cycles a mess after the pill, Not preventing pregnancy"... Cod if we say the words "trying to have a baby" our other halves might freak out! Lol.

Good news on your opk GX. Fingers crossed for you. Will you test in 4 days if no AF?

Ha cookie, that's hilarious your DH comparing you to an old car! Although it's actually a pretty good analogy cos the pill does kinda switch your ovaries off and put them into a kind of hibernation! I want mine to wake up! Haha. Day 21 today. Had 4 days of EWCM this week but no pos opk and now CM is back to creamy and no hint of OV! Can I give my ovaries a little prod that it's time to wake up now please!

Also laughed at your DH feeling like a sperm donor. Because I don't think I'm OV I haven't got mad with the sperm requests... But my sex drive is definitely up now I'm off the pill which I think hubby is quite happy with. I don't think I'm going to tell him if I do OV.. Will just make it feel spur of the moment so he doesn't feel like a sperm donor. Xx

Gx91 · 10/11/2015 23:00

Hey sunny , yeh going to test end of the week if i don't cave before then ( got Preg tests in my drawer ) lol X
Good shout on not telling DH about ovulation , mine says he couldn't do it on demand lol , was just so excited when I got positive OPK !
Plus he works away during the week so was just trying to dtd as much as we could wen he was home Grin
Good luck to u all this cycle !!

ScottishLady7 · 10/11/2015 23:40

Hi guys,
Can I join?
I'm 27, married in July. I was on the depo injection for a coupl of years before switching to dianette for contraception/acne about 18 months ago.

I came off the pill in mid October, had my withdrawal bleed and am now waiting... I was previously regular so fx things get back to normal soon!! Totally agree about spending your entire adult life trying not to get pg and now I'm obsessed with the opposite!!

Does anybody have any experience with coming off dianette? There are some horror stories out there...

Looking forward to having some pals to get through this with!!

Sunnydays321 · 11/11/2015 00:10

Hi Scottishlady.

Welcome. Fingers crossed your periods come back soon! Mines probably not a very positive tale: I came off dianette in July. Actually 4 months ago tomorrow. I won't go into it again but my story is in prev posts. Basically 1st cycle 98 days. Now on day 21 of 2nd cycle. But also came off dianette about 8 years ago and took 10 months to have a period so at least it's not that long this time! I think I was pretty regular before but been on various pills for last 13 years so it's hard to remember. My skin is pretty rubbish but I think it's starting to settle (I hope). I do know people who have come off pills (including dianette) and had regular cycles straight away so try not to worry and fingers crossed for you. Xx

Gx91 · 11/11/2015 08:20

Welcome Scottishlady , hope ur first real AF arrives soon , it's a killer not knowing , but try not to stress about it Confused did u have a specific time u wanted to conceive or are u just trying to get back on track ? Hope AF arrives soon for u ! X
Sunny - omg 98 days ! U poor soul that must have been tough , wer ur doctors any use ? Mine wer going to give me blood test if I wanted them , ( turned out AF arrived day after I called them ) I know a lot of women get sent away becoz they say a year is a normal time frame for conceiving ! X
Well I got up this morning and POAS lol too early and got bfn lol aware I saw the faintest of faint lines for a second so the obsession has begun ! Xx
Miss Clarke and cookie - how u guys feeling today ? Any sign of AF ? Xx

Sunnydays321 · 11/11/2015 08:37

GX, you never know.. Faint lines are a good sign, you have probably tested too early. In my 98 day wait I poas once a month just to make sure, (don't want to be one of those people who goes to the midwife at 3 months cod they didn't know they were pregnant!) and I knew it would be neg (we weren't trying) but it was still a bit disappointing.

Yeah 98 days was a long wait but I was expecting longer... When off pill 8 years ago 1st cycle was about 300 days!! I mentioned it to gp and they weren't fussed... Just said it's likely to do the same this time. I'm going to go back after Xmas when it's been 6 months. Hoping il have had another period by then.

2 more days at work! Then 3 day weekend because I worked last weekend.. Hate the 8 day stretches when Iv worked a weekend! Have a good day all! X

Gx91 · 11/11/2015 10:34

Glad ur going to get some time off ! 300 days the first time round ( nearly a year ) who could have thought the bcp could affect the body like that X I'm seriously thinking of not going bk to it
Altho I had the implant after DD and hated it bcoz I bleed every few days so not a lot of sex that year so went bk on the pill bcoz it's good for keeping bleed regular X
POAS every so often a good idea , u hear the stories of women who didn't know until they wer in labour ! Madness ! Lol xxx

Cookie22 · 11/11/2015 15:23

Welcome Scottishlady! Gx I'm doing good- feel a lot brighter this week now that AF has reared her head! Quite confused by my ovia app though as have been updating it with info and it still says I'm on a 28 day cycle (I wish!!). Bought a BBT and ov sticks so going to try and be more thorough in tracking ovulation this month (if I am even ovulating!). I love the fact that we're all going down the route of 'not preventing pregnancy' with our DHs and OHs. My DH much prefers this option than me saying we're 'trying for a baby'. Why do men freak out so much?? It's us that do all the hard bit Grin Gx fingers crossed for you, would you be hoping for a BFP I take it? Xx

Gx91 · 11/11/2015 15:46

Yeh sure am lol but it's not a disaster if it doesn't happen this month , might put it off for the Christmas month so I can enjoy some beverages ! ( il end up being the driver for everyone ! ) lol
Hope this month gives u a good insight as to what your body is doing - Iv never tried using BBT but Iv heard it's the best thing to use ! Along with OPKs of course
Good luck Grinxxx

MissClarke86 · 11/11/2015 21:48

Still no AF...or signs to even hint it's coming! Grrr.

Glad yours has made an appearance cookie

Gx91 · 11/11/2015 22:54

Miss Clarke - hope ur not too frustrated , if it's any help I had cramps all the time and thought AF was coming last cycle , (and never did ) actually got it on a day with no idea it was coming went for a pee and wiped and ther it was, then was cramping like crazy for the rest of the week X
Hope it surprises u soon ( if ur not hoping to b pregnant that is )
And always b prepared with tampons ! Lol Smile xx

Poin86 · 12/11/2015 07:10

Morning girls. Think ovulation is hitting with me. EWCM all day yesterday and felt a bit rubbish. Woke up this morning, feel sick, bunged up nasally, bit of a tummy upset and generally out of sorts. Guessing the first "natural" one ofter the pill can be a bit like this?xx

Gx91 · 12/11/2015 13:07

Poin glad ovulation is here , certainly sounds like it ! I'm not sure if I ovulated first cycle off the pill but had crazy symptoms and generally felt rubbish ! Hope ur doing alright !
Ovulating first cycle off the pill
Is a good sign tho bcoz now u will have an indication of when AF is due Smile xx


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Gx91 · 12/11/2015 13:13

Well I caved today and POAS ! This Is what a got ! Faint line tho so having to wait and do one tomorrow if I can stop myself doing another aaaaaaahhhhhh
Woke up this morning early, bursting for a pee and boobs are feeling tingly
Hope it's a good sign of BFP lol xxx

Waiting to try, and cycle a mess from the pill
MissClarke86 · 12/11/2015 15:29

Wow that is definitely a BFP! Not faint at all! Congratulations Grin

Sunnydays321 · 12/11/2015 17:03

Wow GX!! Congratulations. That's a brilliant line for cheap dip test! If you pee on a FRER tomorrow/or more sensitive test you will get a lovely dark line! That was quick as well? 2nd cycle? That's the 1st on this thread, hopefully more to come!

And poin, fingers crossed for EWCM and OV! Sounds like promising news 1st cycle.

Sorry no sign off AF miss Clark. Hopefully not long.

I'm on cycle day 23... Was hoping this cycle would be shorted but day 23 now, no sign of OV. Had varying amounts of EWCM for a week now. Still no pos opk... I'm running out! Gross question coming up: I'm not sure how to log my CM some days... It's often a mix of creamy and egg white... Would you only log it as egg white if that's all you get one day? I have read somewhere about checking for EWCM several times a day as it changes through the day. Hmmm.

Weekend now! Yay. Xx

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