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Waiting to try, and cycle a mess from the pill

983 replies

AlexandraOrlov · 19/08/2015 09:20

Just wondering if there are any other lurkers in the same boat as me, planning to TTC in December/January?

I came off the pill three months ago and have only had one pathetic AF in that time, so very glad I came off early but also pretty anxious at how messed up things are, 1st cycle was 39 days, this one is 40 and courting.

So who's with me? I can't be the only person on here who is actually hoping for AF!

OP posts:
Gx91 · 12/11/2015 19:15

Thank u miss Clarke and sunny !
I know I really didn't expect it with OH working away and having late ovulation ! X
Probably would have totally missed it without OPKs and would have had another long cycle ! X
Really hope this starts a domino effect of BFP for u guys will b keeping an eye out to see if u any of u guys get your lovely surprise ! Xxxi

Gx91 · 12/11/2015 19:23

Sunny I'm not sure how u would log it in - I only had 2 days of EWCM this cycle and it was completely clear but then rapidly changed to thick creamy white , hard to say because everyone's body is different X
I think if u can stretch it pretty far without it breaking that's good enough as sperm can survive in it X hope that helps X
If ur getting faint lines on OPKs they will get darker if ur approaching 0 day , I had the cheapy ones from savers ( 1 pound for 5 ) and kept them to check the difference , took a week to get a dark line on it ! Hope u catch ovulation Smile xxx

Cookie22 · 12/11/2015 21:16

Wow- huge congratulations to you Gx. Must be such a great feeling to get your BFP. I hope you're our good luck charm & we all can follow in your direction!

Sunnydays, I also get very confusing CF at times & not sure how to log it. Last cycle I did get very obvious EWCM on one day in particular and it was v v stretchy. On most other days though it seemed to just be a mixture of both school glue & EWCM! So I just decided to log it as school glue xx

Cookie22 · 12/11/2015 21:18

CM not CF- iPad keeps autocorrecting Grin

Gx91 · 12/11/2015 22:14

Thanks cookie still in shock ! Xxx

MissClarke86 · 13/11/2015 19:14

Well my period arrived today (cd33 after stopping the pill) but it is very weak. Still, I'm hoping it'll be a normal period so that I can get into my cycle.

Probably the only time I'll be excited about getting it!!

How is everyone else doing? I like this thread because I find it hard to keep up with some of the others!

Sunnydays321 · 13/11/2015 22:25

Yay for period miss Clark! It's a funny thing to congratulate someone on but I know how happy I was! 33 days is good 1st cycle off pill. Hopefully it all settled in to nice pattern now.

I like this thread too. The others are so busy I would have to log on every few hours to keep up... And that would fuel the crazy even more! Haha x

Gx91 · 14/11/2015 07:13

Miss Clarke day 33 is very good for just after the pill nice 1 ! Looks like your cycles are going to sort themselves out very quickly ! Congrats xx
Haha sunny I know it's funny about the congratulations for AF! X
I really like this thread too !
I recently joined July antenatal thread and its carnage ! Most ladies are on it constantly so hard to keep up X
Hope your all doing well hoping to see some BFP soon Grinxxx

Sunnydays321 · 14/11/2015 07:19

How are you feeling GX? Any symptoms yet? Has it sunk in yet? How did your partner react? Xx

Gx91 · 14/11/2015 07:47

Yeh feeling ok thanks Iv had a touch of insomnia , sore boobs and very dizzy when I stand up ! No sickness yet but still very early days couldn't get an app with the doctor to confirm pregnancy for another 2 weeks so just have to wait patiently until then X
How are u doing ? What cycle say are u on now ? Smile xxx

Sunnydays321 · 14/11/2015 07:57

The gp's don't tend to confirm pregnancy now. The tests they use are similar to internet cheapies.. So basically if you have a bfp at home you are pregnant.. They won't usually even test again. I would only go to gp if you are on any medication that needs changing, or obviously unwell/bleeding/pain etc. You can just book straight in with midwives by calling your surgery or local maternity unit depending on your area.

That's good, glad your not feeling sick yet. Nice to have few little symptoms tho to make it feel real!

Well technically on day 24 of 2nd cycle.. But actually been off pill over 4 months now and only had 1 period so who knows lol! Xx

Gx91 · 14/11/2015 08:02

Thanks for the info I didn't know that , maybe nd to call them bk to get the midwife ! Lol X
Have u had any more signs that ovulation is on her way ? The thing with post pill is an egg can pop out at anytime so if ur dtd frequently likelihood is you should catch it , wishing u all the luck this cycle !! Xxx

Cookie22 · 14/11/2015 09:28

Hi ladies, I love this thread too as sometimes I only have time to check in morning & night! You must be so excited GX. Glad you're keeping well. Have you told anyone else yet or are you waiting until your 12 weeks? Hope your AF arrive soon Sunny. Have you had any ov pains? I've been taking Agnus Castus since CD1 this month but finding some conflicting advice regarding its use now. My cycles are so wild tho I feel like I want give anything a shot in the hope they settle down! Xx

Sunnydays321 · 14/11/2015 10:00

GX that's ok, I can tell you all the inside knowledge from work, I know all about pregnancy/babies... But it wont help me in actually getting pregnant! Haha.

No sign of OV... Temps all still low, all opks neg. will just have to be patient.

I was using agnus castus, I do think it helped 1st cycle because it was 98 days instead of the 300+ I had last time I came off pill (although who knows, that might have happened anyway). But Iv stopped taking it this week as Iv had thrush (sorry tmi) for the 2nd time in about 6 weeks, I haven't had it for years, and I saw someone else on MN who got recurrant thrush on agnus. Also a bit worried I might have pcos and Iv heard agnus can make it worse. Iv read loads of good things about it though. Might try it again next cycle. Iv decided I'm going to go back to GP after Xmas as that will be 6 months off pill, and might still have only had 1 period by then. Xx

Gx91 · 14/11/2015 10:16

Cookie - thank u , I'm only telling a few close relations now and will spill the beans to others around 12 weeks if I can keep my mouth shut lol nothing wrong with trying everything to get bk on track , I don't know much about Angus cactus I'm afraid X
Sunny - sorry to hear about the thrush I had it twice in a few months a while back . So irritating ! Doesn't help when ur TTC because I think u end up transferring two and fro when u think u r another symptom free ! X
Hope u get another period before Xmas , never does any harm speaking to ur GP they might offer some help to bring on a period xx

NewGirl2015 · 14/11/2015 22:56

Hi ladies!
Can I join too, we are going to start ttc#1 next month.
A bit about me
I'm 28, married in May 2015
DH 30 & very keen for a baby, has been for ages, I've been the one holding him off Shock!
Been off the pill for 3 months & tracking to get to know my cycle.
Currently CD17
Just started taking preconception vitamins today.
Love reading about all your stories, so exciting!

Gx91 · 15/11/2015 08:20

Good luck newgirl !
Tracking ur cycle is a good idea hope it helps pin point ovulation day and u fall pregnant soon!
How has ur 3 months off the pill been , have ur cycles calmed down ? Xx

NewGirl2015 · 15/11/2015 10:22

Thank you Gx91!
It's been surprisingly ok actually, I was apprehensive as I've been on it for over 10 years. Cycles are quite long, approx 37 days but relatively regular and I didn't have an extra long wait for AF after coming off it like some ladies on here.
Didn't know about taking supplements to shorten your cycle before joining MN so might try that.
I'm more aware of my symptoms, but that may be just because I'm paying attention to it. Definitely increased libido which is good in the lead up to TTC as I'm not feeling pressured about lots of DTD!
Congratulations on your BFP! How have you been feeling so far? How many cycles did it take you to fall?

Gx91 · 15/11/2015 15:17

That's newgirl - second cycle I got BFP first cycle was 38 days X
Hope u enjoy TTC and glad ur libido is up !! Have fun xxx

Gx91 · 15/11/2015 17:06

Meant to say thanks lol xx

Sunnydays321 · 15/11/2015 18:38

Hi new girl! It's good news that your cycles are pretty regular already! (Not jealous at all, lol). I think we are all a similar age and a few of us also got married this summer. Nice to have you on board! Hopefully your wait for bfp is as short as gx's... Seems like a lucky thread. Xx

Cookie22 · 15/11/2015 19:38

Hi new girl! That's good you're regular & will be able to pin point ov much easier. Yeh I think we are all similar ages! I'm 28 too! DH really surprised me this morning when we had a lovely chat about trying and he actually seemed quite excited. I felt it was a breakthrough as previously I was trying to sound super laid back about it all so that I didn't scare him too much lol! Now I just need to hope for ov this month ahhh! Xx


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NewGirl2015 · 15/11/2015 21:48

Thanks ladies! Such a friendly thread. Gx91 is certainly very lucky Thanks

sunnydays321 I think I may have jinxed myself with the claim of regular cycles!!

I got a high reading on a digital OPK today a week earlier than expected...we DTD on Friday so v slim chance I could fall a month earlier than plannedConfused ...!! Told DH this morning and he just grinned like an idiot, he's more keen than me!!
Sorry I've not caught up with your story, are you guys trying now?

Cookie22 that's great news, when will you be trying? Again sorry I've not caught up on where you are at!

Got to say being new on MN, these chats are a bit addictive Wink

NewGirl2015 · 15/11/2015 21:58

Sorry cookie22 just re-read that you are waiting for Ov this month, fingers crossed for you. Where's your cycle at?

Cookie22 · 16/11/2015 08:40

I'm on CD 8 just now and my last cycles were 55 days and 37 days Shock we were going to wait until December/January time until we TTC but just going to go for it this month. Ooh fingers crossed for you new girl. A high reading on the opk means you're in for a good shout! I've got the cheapy OPKs as I think I might go through loads of them because of the irregularity of my cycle. Going to buy the CB ones too though so I can verify if I get a high reading! Xx

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