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April ttc girls continued for may!

999 replies

kitkatkaty87 · 01/05/2014 19:31

New thread for the 'for those ttc in april' ladies and anyone one else who wants to join in....

OP posts:
bristol21 · 06/05/2014 09:11

Hello ladies pretty please can I join ?!! ttc no1 just started cycle 3 and going to try all the tricks/gadgets and pinapple a girl can take .Fingers crossed for May !!!:-) xxxxx

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 09:19

Mac, well if there's anything your unsure of just ask and I'm sure someone on here can help Smile

Bristol, hiiii Grin good luck with TTC! Hope it happens quick for you! We are expecting lots of BFP's this month Smile

Cupcake92 · 06/05/2014 09:20

Ooo I've just had a faint positive opk!!!!
Does that mean it'll get darker by tonight?

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 09:23

It could do cupcake GrinGrin. Mine got darker and vanished very quickly! I'd see how it is tonight! But remember if it disappears your still in as the positive means you will ov in next 28 -36 hours (with the cheapies anyway) and the egg lives up to 12 hours Smile

If I were you I would DTD when you get a strong positive and the following two nights Smile you should catch it then!

Could it be that you tested too early? I thought you weren't supposed to do them until after 10am?

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 09:27

Hiiiii ladies !!
Been hidding out on this page for a while and as I dont really feel I can moan to my 'real'friends about ttc so hoping to make loads of virtual ones to get through this tricky time with Smile .Fingers crossed May is our month !!!!
Whats everyone trying this month ? So far Ive avoided opks as I think they might stress me out but interested to hear other peoples stories ?
Lovely to find a positive supportive bunch Grin !!

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 09:36

Hi poppet!!!

I tried opks and the first month I tried them I got my BFP Smile we just DTD every other day and then a few days in a row when we got the positive opk Smile I think the best advice I had (although near impossible to follow) was just relax and enjoy it, yes near impossible! But I think stressing over it does affect you in this kind of situation.

Fx for your BFP Grin

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 09:41

Thank you !! Think I might try them this month , did you use the cheapy ones? This is only cycle 3 but starting to wobble a bit ( I know ,3 months is nothing !) and I've planned a girls night out soon to lift the spirits !! Chin up and get on with it I guess !!

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 09:53

I just got cheap ones off eBay Smile I had very long cycles so no way could I afford the clear blue ones!

Enjoy one last party while you can!!! Typical the only thing I'm craving at the moment is wine Blush

macmissy · 06/05/2014 10:33

ducky ALL OF IT! Haha! Walking into Boots I feel like a duck out of water staring at shelves! I don't know what is best and what's not - I really have absolutely no clue - this is my first month TTC so it's all very new!

Popple85 · 06/05/2014 10:58

Hi Bristol and Poppet (we have VERY similar names! Are you 29 as well?) Smile

And I'm boycotting the boots shelves after yesterday! Going online for everything.

Our group is growing by the minute!

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 11:01

Ha ha glad its not just me Missy ! I dont know what to do for the best !! Everyday/Every other day ? Lotions/potions ? Welcome to a crazy crazy world !!Grin

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 11:13

Ha oh yes! no doubt that will cause lots of confusion on the boards !!29 in October !

KatoPotato · 06/05/2014 11:20

Ahhhhh you're all HERE!

Staying positive for a BFP in May! April was my first month ttc, so I secretly bought some OPKs for this month from boots and can start using them on Thurs CD13.


What's our stats? I'm guessing OV on Sunday 12th with AF due Monday 26th..

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 12:22

Mac I agree with popple, I go online for my stuff, are you currently taking folic acid? If not start that. We DTD every other day as apparently it takes men 48 hours to get a good load of squiggles. We started from Confusedthe day AF stopped as my cycles are wierd.

I also used opks which just detect the surge in lh that comes before you ovulate, it's best to do these twice a day if you use them and you can get a load of cheapies off e bay or amazon apparently. When you get a positive DTD everyday for 3 days Smile

There is also stuff like preseed (is that what it's called?) and concieve plus which you can get off amazon which from what I have read can help with getting pregnant as it creates the right environment for sperm to get to where they need to go Smile

Have I missed anything? Lol Grin

BearsInMotion · 06/05/2014 12:38

Hi Newbies :)

Poppet I know exactly what you mean - this is cycle 3 for us and I'm starting to worry there is something wrong! Am trying to last without OPKs this month, but if no BFP then I might start next month!

kitkatkaty87 · 06/05/2014 12:47

Hi all and welcome to the newbies!
Bristol21 I ate pineapple last night - come on pineapple work your magic! I have also been reading brazil nuts can help (i think im going insane)
I'm on the 2ww now, being back at work doesnt help as i keep thinking about it now!
I've been using conceive plus for anyone interested, also buy all my things off amazon as it cheaper I think :)

OP posts:
BearsInMotion · 06/05/2014 12:54

What does pineapple do?!

Oh, stats - ttc#2, cycle 3, BFP due 22 May (I think!)

KatoPotato · 06/05/2014 12:57

I want to know about pineapple!

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 13:00

Glad Iam not alone Bears feel silly to start worrying now but I can feel the crazy creeping in !! I am lucky as I think Iam now in a regular cycle ,thats an invitation for mother nature to go and mess everything up !!

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 13:06

Stats ttc#1 cycle 3 BFP 1st June can I still be in the club ?! [Blush]

kitkatkaty87 · 06/05/2014 13:15

something to do with bromelain in pineapple core can help implantation. Not too sure really - i was eating pineapple and just decided to google pineapple and implantation, because i am a crazy woman - and lots of things came up.

My stats - ttc #1, cycle 1, bfp due 17th May (ish)

OP posts:
KatoPotato · 06/05/2014 13:16

Just the core? I use a device that makes rings!


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poppet85 · 06/05/2014 13:21

Double Blush for not being able to work technology

Imustbecrazy26 · 06/05/2014 13:30

Hi to all the newbies!

I'm driving myself crazy symptom spotting now where are my tests!!
Still got sore boobs, tired, feel hugely bloated today and I was so hot this morning! Still fell like af is about to show up so not hopeful!

Stats TTC #2 cycle 1 BFP positive due 8th (ish)

poppet85 · 06/05/2014 14:04

Ooooooh sounds hopeful !! fx for you !

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