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April ttc girls continued for may!

999 replies

kitkatkaty87 · 01/05/2014 19:31

New thread for the 'for those ttc in april' ladies and anyone one else who wants to join in....

OP posts:
macmissy · 05/05/2014 18:56

hi Lulu! welcome to the club! course he will! if he's anything like my OH he'll be willing to get DTD whenever you require! haha! good luck lovely

Popple85 · 05/05/2014 19:14

You never know, you might conceive straight away because you are in a romantic phase! My DH is very similar, and even though AF came today and our first cycle is over, he's still convinced it'll happen next month and isn't at all phased by the whole monitoring thing (yet- I give it one more month!)

It really annoyed me today just how much everything costs in boots for people who are ttc. We picked up some his/hers conception vitamins before we realised they were £18! And £50 for digital ovulation sticks (I bought mine on amazon in the end). They must make a fortune! Grrr. Rant over.

Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 19:42

They must make a fortune! And it's probably mainly from the people on this thread hahaha Grin

Have you looked in asda at the vitamins? They are probably a lot cheaper.... Bloody hell you'd think id have shares in asda. Just thought though because I looked in boots at my vitamins the other day and they were £18 but they were £3.50 in asda Blush

Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 19:43

And my DH romantic phase lasted about a week haha Blush

Popple85 · 05/05/2014 19:50

Thanks for the tip Ducky! There's an asda near me so I'll definitely give it a go!

kitkatkaty87 · 05/05/2014 20:05

I'm using seven seas trying for a baby. They are about 5pounds for a month. Didn't get on with pregnacare - they made me bleed :s

OP posts:
Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 20:18

I've read a lot about pregnecare recently with them making people feel ill and stuff, I've used them since dd1 and have been fine. I carried on taking them after dd1 without a break due to the folic acid and TTC #2 :-)

macmissy · 05/05/2014 20:25

This is what I need advice on actually ladies, my doctor said vitamin D and folic acid so I've been taking for a couple of months. Beyond that I really am clueless!

Imustbecrazy26 · 05/05/2014 20:33

Evening all!

Sorry af got you Popple!

Cd26 today and it feels like af is about to come any day keep rush in off to the toilet to check! My boobs still hurt! So not holding out to much hope and I still have not poas yet I am very proud of my self (prob because they haven't arrived yet)

Me and DH use Pregncare conception we've never had any problems we get them off Amazon they are loads cheaper!

Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 20:37

Mac what did you want to know? I'm sure between us we can answer almost any question on TTC Grin my midwife said to just continue with the normal pregnecare as I still had them and they have everything I needed in them Smile apparently taking them can also improve your chances of conception although I'm not sure how true that is.

Crazy, you deserve a medal! No poas!!!!! Well done! The amount of money I must have wasted on bloody poas at stupid dpo! It makes me cringe thinking about it. Are you usually regular? How many dpo are you?

Cupcake92 · 05/05/2014 21:19

Hi lulu !!
Just enjoy all the dtd whilst ttc ! Look at the fun side :)

And yeah Ducky I'm testing twice a day once at 2:30pm and another at about 11pm

Imustbecrazy26 · 05/05/2014 21:21

I'm sure if they had come sooner I would be an addict I am hoping they will be here tomorrow Grin

I have no idea duck first month off the pill in 18 months! But I had ewcm on cd13 so think I'm maybe 11 dpo!

Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 21:27

Fingers crossed you get your positive opk soon cupcake! I have a feeling this is your month!

And fingers crossed you get your BFP crazy!

I recon were guna have lots of BFP's in May Grin

Imustbecrazy26 · 05/05/2014 21:34

Thanks ducky!! Going to try hold out on poas till Thursday if I can but I know as some as I get them they will be calling me to use them!!

Cupcake92 · 05/05/2014 21:49

Fingers crossed crazy!!

I think ur right Ducky! Mays gonna be a big bfp month!
I'm hoping it is my month :)

Bugaboom · 05/05/2014 22:07

Welcome Lulu Smile
sorry to hear AF came Popple. There will be lots of BFP this month Smile
I use the supermarket/boots own brand pregnant multivitamins. I think the official line from NHS is folic acid and vitamin D are the essential ones.
I'm feeling utterly exhausted and little overwhelmed today about coping with pregnancy, work and a toddler who seemed to spend most of the day in a tantrum Shock

Ducky23 · 05/05/2014 22:11

Ohhh Bugaboom I don't know how you manage Confused I'm still off work ATM and spend my day feeling exhausted even when I don't do anything! And I have no other children to care for all day Confused I was thinking today I don't know how people manage being pregnant with other children! Smile

Cupcake92 · 06/05/2014 04:08

Omg what a night I've had!!! :( it's been awful!!
DS went to bed at 9pm all fine and straight to sleep, by 1am I'm calling an ambulance as he's suddenly struggling to breath and coughing horribly and he's panicking bless him :( just got home now. He's been given special medicine and seems better now.
It was the scariest moment of my life :(
I don't dare go to sleep now, I'm sat by his cot constantly checking he's breathing. :(

Popple85 · 06/05/2014 06:45

Oh cupcake that sounds terrible! Glad he's doing better now. Poor little thing. Thinking of you both and hope you manage to get some sleep!

BearsInMotion · 06/05/2014 06:47

Oh no Cupcake, how are you both this morning?

Bugaboom · 06/05/2014 06:58

Oh cupcake how awful. Can you bring him into your bed so you both get some sleep?Thanks

macmissy · 06/05/2014 07:04

I really feel for you cupcake, that's awful. Glad he was better when you got back home though, how is he now? I'm keeping everything crossed for you, finders, eyes all of it. Let's hope for a power nap & a half too.

Bugaboom I take my hat off to you! I'm not sure I could cope at all to be honest.

Ducky I really don't have a clue! Is all a bit overwhelming - there seems to be a lot of products available and so much information. Is a bit like can't see the wood for the trees!


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Cupcake92 · 06/05/2014 08:15

Thanks guys. I slept on his floor he's still asleep now cuddling his teddy bless him. Seems okay now :) shocking what babies do sometimes lol!

Ducky23 · 06/05/2014 08:34

Omg cupcake how scary! What did they say it was? Hope he's ok now and you managed to get some sleep x

kitkatkaty87 · 06/05/2014 09:10

aw no cupcake. poor him. hope you're ok.

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