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April ttc girls continued for may!

999 replies

kitkatkaty87 · 01/05/2014 19:31

New thread for the 'for those ttc in april' ladies and anyone one else who wants to join in....

OP posts:
BearsInMotion · 20/05/2014 17:54

Congrats rachie! How many graduates do we have now?!

Cupcake92 · 20/05/2014 18:05

Congrats rachie!! Another bfp woo!!! :D

And Ducky omg I got that with DS!!
But hate to say it's never really gone away, my hair has thinned in one place on my head near my forehead, looks like a bold patch then my hair will thicken n it looks normal :) then it starts all over again lol

Ducky23 · 20/05/2014 18:22

Ohhh glad to hear it's not just me cupcake! I have my hair short on the one side so looks like il have to grow it out! Might change my parting to the other side cus it's right at the front!!!

I read a tip on here the other day that if you have thin hair and wash it with just baby shampoo, no conditioner or anything it will thicken it up, might try that Grin

kitkatkaty87 · 20/05/2014 18:24

Congrats rachie! What cycle were you? X

OP posts:
lillamyy1 · 20/05/2014 19:53

Congratulations Rach! How wonderful!! Smile

Cupcake92 · 20/05/2014 20:03

Oo I might try that Ducky! Thanks for the tip :)

Is it test time yet? No? There's another 5 days to go? Ow :(

Ducky23 · 20/05/2014 20:11

No idea if it actually works but someone posted it on mn the other day and I thought I might give it a go too Smile fingers crossed.

Days go soooo slow recently!!!

Me624 · 20/05/2014 20:23

Congratulations rachie!

poppet85 · 20/05/2014 20:33

Well I've given up on opks , I chose not to get any more today as they were stressing me out and I found all the rules around them bit much ! Hubby is working late again tonight and he's so tired there is no way it could happen even if we did have a positive opk so to avoid frustration and feeling annoyed I've a admitted defeat with them ! Upside is I guess I don't really know if Iam in my tww yet and we will carry on with ever other day Wink . Iam ok if we haven't DDT as much as we should do , just wasn't meant to be this month !!

poppet85 · 20/05/2014 20:39

Dtd even !

LuluJakey1 · 20/05/2014 21:16

Congratulations Rachie- very good news. Really pleased for you.

I've had my blood tests today and got an appt to go to the consultant's clinic for first appt next week.

Still not feeling quite real yet.

Hope there's some more BFPs tomorrow.

MrsPopple29 · 20/05/2014 21:30

Congrats Rachie! Grin

Poppet, sounds like a good plan to give up on OPKs this month- it is stressful trying to work it all out! I've had very few symptoms, mostly bloating but that may be due to the 3 course meal I've just had for a friend's bday... :/

Just bought the comfiest pair of baggy trousers, would be perfect for maternity wear! Sigh.

Cupcake92 · 20/05/2014 22:21

Poppet that's a good idea. Opks did my head in this month as well they were so confusing!!

Lulu my last pregnancy never settled in till I had my scan, then it became very real! :)

Oo popple a 3 course meal sounds so good! I could eat that right now! Can't stop eating today! Mm id love some beef stew and dumplings mmmmmm

Ducky23 · 20/05/2014 22:29

fab news! DH has inspected my head and no bald patches! My hair has just got lighter in some places Smile which is a bit wierd but better than falling out! It's gone white blond in random patches. Not heard of that happening before!

And I'm living off a diet of cereal at the moment Grin ha

LuluJakey1 · 20/05/2014 23:07

Cupcake, nurse today said they might do a scan next week when we see consultant- said they often do an early monitoring one. We'll see. I hope so.

Cupcake92 · 21/05/2014 06:59

Ducky, what cereal u on? :p I loveeeee these strawberry crunch cluster things, think I might have a bowl now yum yum Grin

Lulu that's great! :) do u always get an early scan if ur consultant led then? As I am almost certain I'll be consultant led when I get a bfp. Because of my pregnancy with DS, I was consultant let part way through as I went into early labour at 31/32 weeks and had it stopped. I'd love an early scan :)

Ducky23 · 21/05/2014 07:06

Today it's frosted shreddies Blush it changes each week though haha Grin

BearsInMotion · 21/05/2014 07:09

Nearly time for a new Fred ladies!

AF due tomorrow...
I will not POAS
I will not POAS
I will not POAS

Cupcake92 · 21/05/2014 07:18

They are so good! Yum yum :p

Bears how have u not tested???? Is have probably poas 20 times by then hehe :p
Test test test!

kitkatkaty87 · 21/05/2014 07:24

Poppet I am really tempted to do that this month too and just dtd every other day. I think I will use up what I have and then leave it. I think I will know from my body anyway.
Think I'm cd10 today so probably start the dtding tonight after a break from last month and illness!

OP posts:
Ducky23 · 21/05/2014 07:26

Test bearssss!!!! Testtttt GrinGrinGrin

MrsMck1 · 21/05/2014 08:09

Af is due for me today/tomorrow too Bears. Not going to test until Friday though... (I promised dh would never test without him there and he doesn't understand the need to test before af due lol!!!). No symptoms though so not holding out much hope :-(


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Ducky23 · 21/05/2014 08:16

Omg mrs!!!! How the hell are you doing it!!!!! BlushBlushBlushBlush

poppet85 · 21/05/2014 08:21

Bears & Mrs how exciting !!! Any symptons ?How have you not poas ?!! Kitkat its working for us in terms of we can stick to it I have no idea about getting pregnant though !! Iam just aware this tcc is turning into a bit of a marathon not a sprint for us , it will happen for us but when the right time which better bloody be soon

Cupcake92 · 21/05/2014 08:51

I'm only 8 DPO n desperate to test! Dunno how uve stopped urself :p
Poppet I so understand about it feeling like a marathon. It's only our 2nd cycle but it's hard work and timing being right and having to make sure we dtd it's stressful :( I give credit to those ttc for years,

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