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Anyone trying for no 3?

237 replies

ELR · 30/07/2013 15:10

Going to start trying for a third in August, I already have a dd10 and a ds7. I don't mind a boy or a girl but if I could choose I would choose a girl as still have all dd gorgeous little dresses and cardigans don't know what happened to ds clothes!
Anyone else mad enough to try for a third??

OP posts:
2lilgirls · 29/08/2013 14:07

That would be a bit of a shock alright!

Congrats, blow some baby dust my way please Smile

TwoCrazyKids · 29/08/2013 15:03

Thank you, baby dust all round!!

ThreeGoMad · 29/08/2013 15:03

My pg tests have arrived so have just done a random test even though it's the middle of the afternoon pee and I think I'm only 8DPO (could be 11DPO if I oved on CD14 but if I did then I'm definitely not pg as we shagged late this month Grin).

Having declared my allegiance to the line is a line club though, I'm now rescinding my membership Grin There is the very merest hint of a whisper of a possibility of a line - one of those ones where you have to look so hard your eyes hurt and turn it backwards and forwards Grin I think it might just be the dye catching where the line would appear if it was a BFP though. Still excited for the morning Wink

(First couple of months are exciting, think this will get old very quickly!)

TwoCrazyKids · 29/08/2013 16:28

Threegomad, fingers crossed its a line!!!!! Hold you pee for a few hours and try again :)

Debsv · 30/08/2013 18:25

OMG just got a BFP! In total shock!
My husband is grinning from ear to ear and saying he has super sperm! Lol! First month off the pill, I cannot believe it! Off out tonight so looks like I will be drinking lemonade!

basilafawlty · 30/08/2013 18:32

Wow, I can't believe how quickly and easily people on this thread seem to be getting BFPs!

Congratulations Debsv and hubby!! That's brilliant!

I have my fingers crossed for you, threegomad.

I'm out this month as AF is here, and probably out next month as dh is going to be away for a few days on what will be my most fertile days (still a faint chance of conceiving either side of when he goes away but not too likely). Have hopes pinned on October now...

ThreeGoMad · 30/08/2013 20:29

Huge congrats Debsv, that's amazing news! Won't mention my cousin had twins when she got pg first month off the pill Wink

Tested again this morning twice and there's a ghost of a shadow of a line if you're prepared to stand there for a bit turning it different ways ... In my heart I know it's a BFN really, this is just the ttc equivalent of buying a lottery ticket and not checking the result, so you can continue to dream ...

TwoCrazyKids · 30/08/2013 20:53

Congrats debv!!!!

Gonemad, have you any update on line???

ThreeGoMad · 31/08/2013 23:54

Tested again this morning and still got vvvvvvv faint glimmer that is only viewable if you put on special magic classes first. So therefore can't have seen a line two days ago as it would be a lot darker if my hcg levels had doubled twice since then!

Told myself I wouldn't test now for a couple of days but my resolve is already crumbling ...

How's everyone else getting on?

TwoCrazyKids · 01/09/2013 09:41

threegomad can you get a different brand?? When is af due?

pommedechocolat · 01/09/2013 09:41

I am bored! I want to be trying already! I want no 3 to pop out nearer xmas 2014 though so have to be patient!

Excited for the success rate on this thread though!

ThreeGoMad · 01/09/2013 10:52

I'm currently on CD29, which is slightly odd as my previous four cycles have been 27-28 days but I do think that I OVed slightly late this month so that would make sense. Fertility Friend reckons AF should arrive tomorrow. If nothing by Tues I'll buy some different tests. I have the ebay cheapies atm because I believe they're the most sensitive plus I can test like a lunatic without feeling too bad about it.

TwoCrazyKids · 01/09/2013 12:50

three the internet cheapies are very sensitive but I've had a few evaps from them in the past. IMO, the first response are the best for giving an accurate result. Best of luck!!!!!!

ThreeGoMad · 01/09/2013 13:04

Thanks - might get some in.

I do have an incredibly sore nipple Blush - sure I'd remember if that was a normal symptom of AF!

TwoCrazyKids · 01/09/2013 13:21

I had really sore nipples just before bfp! I'd get shooting pains randomly. Hope this is it for you!!!

MiniWilson3 · 01/09/2013 15:11

We've gone mad too, have 2 dd, one 6.5, the other about to turn 8...
Now we're both feeling our biological clocks ticking (I turn 32 this year) and missing our babies being babies. We know we're insane but can't help it! !It's just like the desperation I felt when I HAD to get pregnant with no1! I hope I fall preg quickly (just came off my pill, both previous ones where shall-we-have-a-baby-whoops-I'm-pregnant ones, I was even still on the pill with no.2!).

ThreeGoMad · 03/09/2013 08:53

Hello Wilson Smile

CD31 here (prev 4 cycles were 27-28 days). No AF (yet - FF reckons today but usually arrives first thing). BFN according to Sainsbo test treated myself to and ebay cheapie just in case Blush Fed up now!

2lilgirls · 03/09/2013 11:44

Oh that must be torture ThreeGoMad - can you not get a first response or tesco test? They are apparently very good. I know 2 strong pink lines on FR last time when I had shadows on Internet cheapie strips.

Are you certain of when you ov'd?

Best of luck MiniWilson3, hope it happens as quickly again and what a lovely age gap you'll have, fingers crossed.

ThreeGoMad · 03/09/2013 23:54

Not even certain that I did OV, will chart next month though DS still wakes me up a fair amount :( Got loads of EWCM on CD17, so assumed it was then - would make sense for AF therefore to be 3 days later than usual.

Got a Tesco test for the morning if still nothing. 99% sure it's a BFN but bit fed up of being in limbo and just want to crack on with the next cycle now.

2lilgirls · 04/09/2013 09:56

I'm sort of the same. I think I'm around cd20 and not even sure if I ov'd this month, my opk's didn't arrive in time so I may have missed my positive and have decided not to waste them so keeping them for next month. Cycles can be long for me so it's hard to know Sad

Hope you know one way or the other v soon Smile

TwoCrazyKids · 04/09/2013 11:30

Oh threegomad you must be going insane! I really hope your just testing too early. Xxx

ThreeGoMad · 04/09/2013 13:37

Thanks two - AF arrived in the small hours last night so put me out of my misery and avoided wasting another test too :) At least I'm relieved to know what's going on, so that's taken the edge off the disappointment a bit.

Good luck 2lil


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2lilgirls · 04/09/2013 14:04

Sorry to hear AF arrived.

Positive vibes to you for this month.

I have to say I would love to conceive in September, October or November as I'd love a summer baby. Blush

TwoCrazyKids · 04/09/2013 16:27

three, so sorry to hear it arrived Sad

Onwards and upwards, fingers crossed for next month :)

ELR · 04/09/2013 19:41

three sorry af arrived.
On cd7 today so the shagging will soon commence!! Hoping for a BFP this month love the number 9! And if I did fall this month due date would be my mums birthday so that would be cool!
To be honest I don't care just want to be pregnant!!

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