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April BFP thread

896 replies

winkle2 · 03/03/2012 19:43

CD 1 today and my last cycle was 34 days which means I'm due to test 6th April.

Anyone fancy joining me?

OP posts:
finnbarr · 13/03/2012 21:33

Hey Jennifer!! I'm ttc %231, cycle 3.
AF today Sad so will be SWI as soon as possible...!!!! Poas will be about same as Jennifer I should think...just to keep me from poasing all the time!!!

cherrypiew3 · 13/03/2012 21:47

Mildred seem to be pretty much in the same position to you my cycles are going anywhere between 29-32 days don't really want to go down the route of opk's think it will make me obsess even more. DH works nights and if we get time in the day I don't really like waking him up so we can swi.

RightUpMyRue · 13/03/2012 21:51
MildredH · 13/03/2012 22:10

Thanks rue I've bought some in anticipation!

MildredH · 13/03/2012 22:12

cherry you're right to steer clear of opk's- I got a real sense of failing following negative after negative where in fact I could've been getting the timing wrong..

winkle2 · 13/03/2012 23:16

I like the clearblue digis - no interpreting of lines, it's a smiley or no smiley.

Cd11 here and first swi of this month done :)

OP posts:
finnbarr · 13/03/2012 23:22

That was meant to be ttc 1...not 231 as that would be scary!!!!

Cookiesandcream06 · 14/03/2012 08:56

Aren't the clear blue digis really expensive? Do you get them online to get cheaper ones? If you are going to use OPKs I would do more than one a day so you don't miss that +ve, last month if I had only done one I prob would have missed it

Hai1988 · 14/03/2012 10:36

Thanks for that link rightup,

Havin werid af pains atm, Dunno if Its af comin as havent had proper af yet, just a post pill bleed i think. Will leave it a few days now and see how i feel then.
Starting to feel Its all in the head now.

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 13:43

Hi everyone,

Can I join? I'm a little bit unsure about dates, or if its even possible for me to get pregnant this month, I'm ttc #2 and misxarried at 6 weeks recently. I'm going to jump back into ttc straight away but don't know if I should hold out any hope!

Judging it as if it were a normal cycle I think I'm due to test on the 1st of april.

Been SWI almost everyday for the past few days and now will do every other day for the rest of the month as so unsure of dates!

Good luck to everyone!!

Hai1988 · 14/03/2012 13:53

Hi curious welcome,
Sorry to hear about ur recent mc.

Dont worry i am to not sure about dates atm, as just come off pill.

Atm not sure if i feel pg or af is coming

Hai1988 · 14/03/2012 14:36

I gave in and poas, was a bfn which in my heart of hearts i sort of expected, but still a disappointment to only see one line.

Guess its back to swi as i have no idea what my bodys doing and when I am ovulating or what ?? Sad Confused

ddas · 14/03/2012 14:42

Hi can I join you. TTC no 2 for a couple of months now. DS was a pregnant first month baby so finding every month that goes by with a bfn quite depressing although I know it's still early days- i just need to learn to be patient!!
Last month started charting and using opk as since stopping BF cycles had ranged from 24-33 days so seemed that was ovulating at different times every month. Due to that last month we dtd nearly every day!!! which was total over kill and think actually probably was worse for DH sperm production as sorry if tmi but by time I'd ovulated on cd19 the amount seemed to have dried up! Also been having spotting from cd10 which last month convinced myself was implantation bleeding but clearly it wasn't :( so this month i'm going to cont charting as at least then I can see when I've ovulated, dtd eod and maybe once get a positive opk try for a few days on the trot, i'm taking pregnacare conception and vitb50 complex to try and lengthen my luteal phase and stop the spotting and DH is taking the wellman conception. so we'll both be rattling with pills- but glad to see there are other on here doing the same!!

And now that i've seen the thing re peas- stop eating peas ;)!! which actually we eat a lot of so maybe that's were we're going wrong :)

sorry curious to hear about your mc. they say that you are actually more fertile post mc and the only reason they tell you to wait for another period before starting again is to do with dating a new pregnancy. know quite a few people who conceived straight after a mc so fingers crossed for you!

cd9 now so going to start the eod method tonight so here goes!!!

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 14:46

ddas - How old is your DS? It's so hard when it was completely easy the first time... I just expected it to be really easy again!

fingers crossed!!

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 14:46

Hai1988 - Sorry about your BFN :(

Cookiesandcream06 · 14/03/2012 17:23

Hai - A bfn is always a disappointment.

Cookiesandcream06 · 14/03/2012 17:26

Oh and sorry to hear about your mc curious, and agree, I have two friends who got pregnant the month following their mc. Not to overfil you with hope, but it's not impossible, they do say you are really fertile at that time. Best of luck Smile

ddas · 14/03/2012 17:28

only 8 months but we want a small age gap- plus you never know how long it's going to take so may not end up that small but i'm hoping this is our month (always had a good feeling about a dec due date :) ) so gap will def be smaller than most people would expect us to have!

just realise put spotting from cd10 in my last post. meant 10dpo!

Hai1988 · 14/03/2012 17:36

thanks for the virtual hugs guys,

one question its been bugging me for days and have been trying to work it out but i give up, what does DPO mean?

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 17:39

Days Past Ovulation.

Hai1988 · 14/03/2012 17:45

thanks curious, funny thing is it dawned on me after i had posted.

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 17:57

ddas - I feel the same way. I think a december due date sounds great... my DH and I both have birthdays in december and we love it. Maybe it's fate ;)

And a friend of mine gave birth on the 20th December last year and her christmas just sounded so wonderful.


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Cookiesandcream06 · 14/03/2012 18:03

My best friend had a DS just after Christmas and was the best present ever. Also it means being heavily pg when it's cold... I had my DD in the height of summer amongst heat waves, and I have never been (or ever will be) SO uncomfy!!

MildredH · 14/03/2012 18:33

I think when you first start trying you have all kinds of ideas about what month would be ideal.. We certainly bought right into the Sept/ Oct babies do well at school argument ( lots of prime ministers, barristers, high acheivers in general have bdays then). However now, after a few months of trying id be happy with a BFP and successful pregnancy any month at all!

curiousgeorgie · 14/03/2012 18:36

Me too... but now whatever month the due date would be in becomes my new favourite month... It was 'a June birthday would be good because they'd be at school with all friends but still have an outdoor party', then... 'July would be good as no ones birthday is then' 'august we could go away for birthday' 'September good for schools' 'October, Halloween would be a cool birthday.....'

Etc :p

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