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Thread 19 - the one with the rancid banana loaf mixes

999 replies

Reastie · 12/11/2020 15:54

please post any bargain info IN BOLD to make it easier to scroll through the thread.

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Here’s Barbarara’s instructions from last year on doing clicky links:

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OP posts:
Theonlyoneiknow · 12/11/2020 22:43

Is anyone else having problems using the QVC £10 off referral code? It says promotion applied but the £10 doesn't come off? Thanks peeps

PinkDaydreams · 12/11/2020 22:49


Lidl has some lovely Christmas baking stuff in store from November 15th, including a mixer

I think someone on the last thread was looking for an electric scooter? Groupon have one here for £220, but there are often discount codes around.

(And just to ask again if anyone has tried Black Cow vodka and if so, whether they'd recommend it - I need to buy vodka for SIL and it gets good reviews but I'm not a vodka drinker, was looking for more opinions!)

I've bought Black cow on a few occasions, it's nice and I'd appreciate it if I was gifted it Grin
Elpheba · 12/11/2020 23:06

What do I need from John Lewis? I’m tempted by a jellycat but I don’t need any. I’ve got a voucher to use and a bus cushion to buy but that doesn’t get up to free click and collect!

Sunshineskies · 12/11/2020 23:09

@Theonlyoneiknow That happened to me and I just gave up in the end. Sorry, no help.

CoffeeAndEnnui · 12/11/2020 23:13

@oatmilkisntsobad, I have seen free delivery on Red Bubble but I believe it alternates with the bigger discounts so if you hold fire for a bit it may come up but you may lose the benefits of a discount. The best offers I've had were when I had the time to put items in my basket and leave them sitting there until the discount emails started coming in. Might be worth a try if you can wait a bit.

uniqlo · 12/11/2020 23:16

@Theonlyoneiknow something similar happened to me in that it got to the checkout page and took the £10 off at first and then when I wanted to increase the quantity of the item I was buying the code wasn't there anymore and when I tried to apply it again it wouldn't let me saying that it had already been applied! Anyway I called up customer services and they were able to process the code and the order over the phone.

sorryiasked · 12/11/2020 23:21

@makingmiracles I had a payment confirmation from cotton on rather than typo and that detailed the whole order (once I'd dug it out of the spam box)
I've now had a text confirmation of order tracking.

oatmilkisntsobad · 12/11/2020 23:28

Thanks CoffeeAndEnnui they're in my basket so I'll just wait for a bit

IfyoushouldmeetaCrocodile · 12/11/2020 23:31

Can anyone offer any wisdom on gaming chairs? DS is 10, just received his first xbox but we don't want him squirrelled away in his bedroom yet so are going to set him up in our very small and already over stuffed living room! Don't know if we should be looking at a beanbag chair, a rocket type thing or more of an office type chair. Any bargain information would obviously be a bonus Grin

SweetPeaPods · 12/11/2020 23:52

Really hope the Aldi Black Friday deals are true but don't want to get too excited as chances of me getting any are ridiculously slim. Switch and the Lego set are on dc Christmas list and DH wants AirPods.

TheLastStarfighter · 13/11/2020 00:07

For anyone anticipating the Aldi Black Friday deals, apparently it will be online only I.e not in store and not on the app. This is the page that will go live on the 27th (MN it’s slightly different to the one linked in the Independent).

I would expect it will be from midnight on 26th, but who knows. Good luck!!!

Winterfellismyhome · 13/11/2020 00:08

Anyone with Vodafone, they have 4 free bags of chocolate from Doisy and Dam (you need to cover P&P) thats just started. Its vegan too :)

Whydidimarryhim · 13/11/2020 00:25

Ifyoushouldmeet - we got a padded chair from Argos - it’s like an office chair the swivels but is padded slightly. Around £50. He’s had it since August and it’s going ok.

slithytoveisascientist · 13/11/2020 00:41

Quidco is doing 50% cash back on Matalan today only

4Minions2CallMyOwn · 13/11/2020 02:12
NoWordForFluffy · 13/11/2020 05:16

That's a great deal on Doisy and Dam. Our DC can't eat much milk chocolate as that step of the milk ladder upwards evades them, so they'll love these!

recklessgran · 13/11/2020 06:14

DEBENHAMS free delivery on all orders with code SH8M

Chocolateteabag · 13/11/2020 06:15

@Theonlyoneiknow - I think the QVC referral isn't working for the hotel chocolat tsv because it's an Advance order - excluded which is a pain

mummyof2boys30 · 13/11/2020 06:51


Can anyone offer any wisdom on gaming chairs? DS is 10, just received his first xbox but we don't want him squirrelled away in his bedroom yet so are going to set him up in our very small and already over stuffed living room! Don't know if we should be looking at a beanbag chair, a rocket type thing or more of an office type chair. Any bargain information would obviously be a bonus Grin

Depending on budget the gt omega pro are the ones that they use in game. They are £180 full price but i think i paid £125 black friday 2 years ago. We did sell ours there a month ago though as he didnt use it and are quite bulky
Foggyday124 · 13/11/2020 07:10

NoWordForFluffy do you want a code?

yafilthyanimalandahappynewyear · 13/11/2020 07:11

Mountain Warehouse have £10 off a £50 spend with code SAVE10.

Changingagain · 13/11/2020 07:11

Just a reminder that Tesco Christmas slots became available at 7am this morning for delivery saver customers.


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bookish83 · 13/11/2020 07:14

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

bookish83 · 13/11/2020 07:15


Selfridges up to 20% off. For a limited time

Delahot · 13/11/2020 07:18

Does anyone know where I could get those little red Cadbury’s small vending machines. You put the miniature bars in and pop a coin in to get one out? I used to always get one at
Christmas as a child and would love to get one for my DC.

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