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Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.

999 replies

NoWordForFluffy · 26/10/2019 18:51

Here we go. I think 6 was the quickest thread yet! Xmas Grin

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 18:31

Wreck get in the nearest Wilkos pronto, the film sounded lovely Smile
Fluffy thank you for the heads up m'dear Smile
Constantly, congratulations m'dear lovely news , l want to start singing the circle of life for some strange reason Grin
Woolly the stars are just gorgeous really , they will be very suitable as display they are gorgeous l loved them Smile

NoWordForFluffy · 28/10/2019 18:37

@LeftoverPizza, these are listed as beginner ones.

OP posts:
NoWordForFluffy · 28/10/2019 18:38

Mrs, did your DH go to the GP?

FWIW, I agree about the house. Service charges are the minimum you need to pay. Expensive works = have to pay loads more. Quickly.

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 18:39

It's very cold here too . Frost on the cars this morning , DH was out there with his spray driver doing his Sterling work bless him 🤗 ❤️
No fog though thankfully 😁
Hope the pain is better Fanny 🤗 bloody things no pun intended 😬
Nero what was Shaun The Sheep like m'dear hope you enjoyed it 😄

EmrysAtticus · 28/10/2019 18:50

Gosh that's a high service charge Mrs! We have a service charge which pays for two gardeners who maintain the development (well worth the money imo as we live on a very green development) but that is only £250 a year and capped at that.

EmrysAtticus · 28/10/2019 18:51

Bought a couple more presents today so feeling pleased about that :)

NerosFiddle · 28/10/2019 18:58

Mrs Shaun the sheep wasn't half bad. I was pleasantly surprised. It was my first time taking them to the cinema on my own. Even though we were all in and out like a fiddlers elbow to go to the toilets, I think we all had a good time.

I used to work in property development. I wouldn't advise anyone to buy an apartment unless it was a buy to let, even then there are so many hidden costs such as the lift if there is one. They have to be serviced regularly and if something goes wrong in the they are an absolute fortune to repair.

70 glad that you're back. Are you at home or back in hospital?

Constantly congratulations you your dgc.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 28/10/2019 19:02

Nero I'm home now , I watched my operation video today ....not something to view if you're squeamish but I was fascinated and re-assured that I'm bloody gorgeous on the inside too Xmas Grin (Actually that's a lie , I look like a Hallowe'en Horror ! )

Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 19:40

Thank you Nero , in fact the lift at the place is out if order atm . I did ask about it when l was there and was pooh poohed off. I am all over the place tbh l don't know what the hell to do for the best .

Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 19:41

Fluffy that sounds really not good, thank you my dear , l now have to fight them two of them to see reason, Hmm

Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 19:45

70 you watched your op Shock

Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 19:55

Would the flat be covered by the NHBC 10 year guarantee does anyone know? Hmm DD2 has set her heart on it and l am not going to be popular

LeftoverPizza · 28/10/2019 21:30

Fluffy thank you, I’ve just ordered one so let’s hope I’m not terrible.

It was cold here too this morning, DC had their scarves and gloves on and I usually don’t get them out until later on in the year.

Mrs that is a high service charge, is there a reason why she doesn’t want the 2 bed?

Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 22:03

Pizza it is because she doesn't want to have her friend sharing. They had this agreement they would live together and the friend now has a BF and she can see the BF almost moving in with them .

WreckTangled · 28/10/2019 22:26

There's mouse poo on my notebook 😭😭😭😭 does anyone want a cat?? 😡

NoWordForFluffy · 28/10/2019 22:33

Pizza it is because she doesn't want to have her friend sharing. They had this agreement they would live together and the friend now has a BF and she can see the BF almost moving in with them.

That's what the word no is invented for!

'I just want to live on my own and get my independence.'

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 28/10/2019 22:37

I know you are right Fluffy Hmm ...... kids !
Wreck yes please he is gorgeous Grin

ConstantlyCooking · 28/10/2019 22:53

Thank you for the good wishes. I went to a local shopping centre today and was tempted by the No 7Advent Calendar but resisted Xmas Grin

NoWordForFluffy · 29/10/2019 06:11


Sigh. I posted and it vanished (anyone else having problems with MN failing to load pages?).

Morning! 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

That is all. 😂😂

OP posts:
flouncyfanny · 29/10/2019 06:59

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WreckTangled · 29/10/2019 07:00

It's not as cold here today no frost unlike yesterday.

The mouse is gone! Dh found it (alive) in the toaster this morning. He set it free.

NoWordForFluffy · 29/10/2019 07:08

Now I've been outside I can confirm that it's colder than yesterday! The cars are frozen solid as opposed to lightly frozen yesterday. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

Mrs, always buy as much space as you can afford. And I assume the house has a garden? Summer BBQs with your mates are THE BEST at that age (it's when I bought my first house; a little 2 bed terrace!). And you can dry washing outside.

I hated flat living. I much prefer houses.

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flouncyfanny · 29/10/2019 07:23

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WreckTangled · 29/10/2019 07:25

Flouncy it's gone! Although it has gnawed our kitchen door and left poo everywhere. Dh said the mouse was practically head butting the door last night and the cat ran away Hmm still not convinced it wasn't a baby rat!

flouncyfanny · 29/10/2019 07:26

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