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Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.

999 replies

NoWordForFluffy · 26/10/2019 18:51

Here we go. I think 6 was the quickest thread yet! Xmas Grin

OP posts:
WreckTangled · 30/10/2019 10:23

I'm pleased too although I liked Alice from the start. I think the fright decision was made in the end though

Mrsmadevans · 30/10/2019 10:30

I can't reply to everyone now because l am taking DH to the quack re his Afib at long last! Hmm
Hope everyone is ok will catch up this evening we are off to Cwmbran after Smile would catch up in the car normally but no data left Hmm
Thank you all so much for the support re Dd2 and house V flat Wars Grin

EmrysAtticus · 30/10/2019 12:29

Argh shouldn't have read the thread, haven't seen GBBO yet and now I know who leaves Sad

EmrysAtticus · 30/10/2019 12:29

Sorry wins!!!

NoWordForFluffy · 30/10/2019 16:20

Oh no, Emrys!

I'm exhausted. I was at the allotment from 9.30 til 3:20. And it was bloody freezing too!

I did manage to eat a load of raspberries though, which was good. I only had those and an apple, so I'm also very hungry too!

We're off out for dinner tonight as a joint anniversary (late) and birthday (early) night out. Mexican. Yummy. 😋

OP posts:
WreckTangled · 30/10/2019 16:22

Oh yum fluffy I love Mexican! We've had a very lazy day literally vegging but tomorrow will be busy so that's what I wanted today.

NoWordForFluffy · 30/10/2019 16:35

We did bugger all on Sat because of the weather. I loved it.

I'm not sure what we're doing tomorrow as DH is working. It's meant to be pumpkin carving, but I've never carved them before. Maybe save that for when he's here after 3! 😂🎃😂🎃

OP posts:
WreckTangled · 30/10/2019 16:53

Oh haven't you?! I hate scraping out the insides. Yuck. Here's ours. One dd did by herself and the other I did for ds. We prefer the traditional ones rather than the ridiculous ones where people obviously use templates etc. Ours are obviously much better Wink

Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.
NoWordForFluffy · 30/10/2019 17:17

They're ace! We'll do that style too. 🎃🎃🎃 We grew the pumpkins too!

I don't mind the insides. We're keeping the seeds from the biggest one to grow next year.

We may get takeaway, we've decided. I'm knackered and hurt. I've strained my right wrist weeding! 🙈🙈

Mrs, what did the GP say about your DH? Good news re your DD coming to her senses! 🏠

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 30/10/2019 18:36

Right here l am to tell the tale. Dh and l went to the Gp re his Afib . To cut a long story short , Gp sending him back to see his Cardiologist, also they did a loads of bloods and Bp, all his obs , examined him thoroughly. He had an ECG and we are waiting for the results. He couldn't find anything wrong with him today, except his B/P was high because he has white coat syndrome. I have tested his B/P (over a week) before now to double check his B/P because the Gp has noticed it before and it was fine .So he has to take the tablets as usual when it occurs. I think they will prob give him something to try to stop them like Digoxin when we see the Cons.
So that was him
DD2 & us, went to the flat and we didn't sign . She actually listened to me re the service charge and we looked at the 2 bed and we thought about it but we decided to leave it , very expensive for a 24 yrs old to buy even with our help
DD just come home will have to come back to reply to you all again lol

sueH1983 · 30/10/2019 18:46

Hello all!! Pumpkin carving for us tonight. DS1 has requested a Batman pumpkin so that’s what we’ll attempt.
I’ve just returned from a 3 day Glamping trip with DS1 (DS2 was in childcare and DH had to work.) Was so nice spending some time, just me and my big boy! We stayed in a dome, with a proper bed and a log burner. Keeping warm was ok, I put DS in a sleeping bag under the duvet and blanket. I slept under the duvet and 2 proper wool blankets. We both wore fleece PJs. It was great! I love being really cosy in bed when it’s cold outside. Made me even more determined to buy a Bell tent. Amazing being able to fully stand up in the whole thing.

flouncyfanny · 30/10/2019 19:20

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

CrazyBaubles · 30/10/2019 20:52

Fluffy I hope your food was nice this evening.
You're so dedicated to the allotment (and the cross stitch). How do you find the time?

MrsMad can your dd afford to buy without your help?
I always think it's good to have 2 people viewing houses (for us, I can envisage if we can make a house into what we want and need it to feel right. DH balances that but being Uber practical).

Emrys I tried not to give away the Bake Off winner but now it's out, I have to say I understand and think it was the right choice. Alice was my favourite though.

Lovely pumpkins Wreck

I've been brave today and ordered some cross stitch kits - 2 Christmas ones to give as gifts and one big one which will hopefully end up on my bathroom wall (pics attached).

Also had a success cooking tea for my parents and nephew (potato gratin, pork chops, veg and a white wine sauce). It was delicious 😋

Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.
Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.
Whizz, bang, pop...remember, remember it's the Countdown to Christmas 2019. Thread 7.
TheWoollybacksWife · 30/10/2019 21:12

Lovely kits Crazy. I'd love to do some festive cross stitch kits but I'm so rammed with knitting and crochet I don't even know if I'll finish my projects by Christmas. I'm getting to the same point as my mum - she always used to knit us (me and my younger sister) new cardigans for Christmas and Easter. I remember her spending all of Christmas Eve sewing up our new Aran cardigans before we went to midnight Mass. Perhaps we work better with a surge of adrenaline pushing us towards a deadline.

Sue your glamping sounds idyllic.

MrsMad house prices are bonkers. DD1 will be making her bid for freedom next year. She's got a decent deposit saved but I'm horrified at the size of mortgage she'd need. For context her deposit would have bought 30% of our first house 30 years ago.

I'm going shopping with DH tomorrow looking for his Christmas present and then going to our local town by myself to mooch around and pick up some stuff I've ordered. We've got an old fashioned sweet shop so I'm going to pick up some sweets for stockings while I'm there.

sueH1983 · 30/10/2019 21:38

@TheWoolly I love the sound of your sweet shop! Wish I knew of one near me.

Mrsmadevans · 30/10/2019 23:02

Fanny , no he isn't on Blood thinners, he isn't deemed to be at risk atm. What are our fellas like ? I will do DH B/P for the next week to double check Grin
Have a lovely day tomorrow Woolly , l know the prices are nuts ! I was hoping the prices would go down a little due to Brexit but it seems to be having no effect Hmm
Crazy , no, DD2 couldn't possibly afford a place without our help, am loving your new x stitch kits too Smile
Wreck fab pumpkins well done Smile
Fluffy , well done on the allotment yah boo sucks to the wrist ! Hope you enjoyed your takeaways too Smile
Em , sorry l let the GBBO winner out of the bag Smile
I had best get to bed , have a good night everyone Smile

ConstantlyCooking · 31/10/2019 00:26

Your DD sounds sensible MrsMad. I think buying seems much more daunting these days because the prices are so high.
I am in awe of the cross stitch sets. I have tried knitting but am v slow and need to keep looking down do get a stiff neck.
On the plus side the Christmas vodka is infusing and I am planning some cranberry just for the colour (I don't actually drink vodka- honestly I just like infusing!)

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 31/10/2019 00:34

Happy Hallowe'en everyone ( and Bah Humbug for it is my 2nd favourite holiday > just pilfering their lyrics and mangling them)

I love Hallowe'en and usually decorate and welcome ToT but this year I am not up to it . My DC are too old and might do something, no idea .

WreckTangled · 31/10/2019 07:13

London today! We're going to Waterstones in Piccadilly Circus, lunch, school or rock and lots of mooching. Should be good.

NoWordForFluffy · 31/10/2019 07:49


Lovely kits, Crazy. The Snowdog ones are adorable, aren't they? I'll frame mine once I've finished my current kit!

The takeaway was nice, but low on quantity. I think I'm going to complain. It's like they took advantage of us not being on site to short change us.

Constantly, I've done cranberry vodka this year and it's amazing (and far too easy to drink!). It's gone upstairs so I don't demolish it before Christmas. 😂😂

My knees ache like buggery today. As do my thighs. My wrist has eased a little, but I'll take it carefully for a bit.

Woolly, have a lovely day today!

Wreck, that sounds brill. We're going to do that at some point next year, but with Matilda!

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 31/10/2019 08:46

Morning everyone 😀
Happy Halloween 💀😈
Am just off to Mum's
Constantly thank you re DD l am not sure she is sensible mind 😂
Fluffy have some Ibuprofen m'dear it does help, l take 4 a day with 4 paracetamol for my back. I am keeping going, it's still there but nothing like it was thank you God 🙏😇 🙌
Wreck have the most wonderful time with your DC it sounds perfect 👌
Have a lovely day everyone 😀

Mrsmadevans · 31/10/2019 08:47

Pity re the takeaway Fluffy. I wouldn't complain. Too scared they may do something to the next order l get from them 🤢😫🤮


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NoWordForFluffy · 31/10/2019 09:05

We won't get another, Mrs! We'll be safe! (It was Chiquito via Deliveroo.)

I can't really take ibuprofen. But I might this once (well, Naproxen with omeprazole).

OP posts:
NerosFiddle · 31/10/2019 09:32

Morning all.

It's DSs 3rd birthday today so the living room currently looks like a bomb site with all his presents. We only got him one thing, but he's still got so many from others. I'll post a picture of his cake later when I pick it up from the bakery.

ConstantlyCooking · 31/10/2019 09:47

Enjoy your day woolly- mooching round shops is one of my treats.
Tangled - hope you and your DC have a fab time
Happy birthday to your DS Nero

Off to Tesco now to buy cranberries, then I need to do my present audit so I can write my final list in my beautiful Christmas planner Xmas Grin

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