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Is your tree up?

125 replies

BanyanTree · 16/11/2017 12:12

I usually put my tree up mid Dec but last year it was 01 Dec. However I am sick and tired of browsing in shops only to find that what I want to buy is already out of stock and there will be no more. It seems that people buy all their decorations in Sept and Oct.

I needed to do an inventory of what I have and needed to measure my tree for a skirt ready for a shopping trip tomorrow. I thought sod it, the boxes are out so lets get the tree up.

Anyone else got an early Christmas tree?

OP posts:
Star2015 · 18/11/2017 18:45

We have bought a little mini one from the supermarket which is table top and decorated with mini baubals from Paperchase.

I’ve ordered my main tree from Wilko today and will hopefully pick it up in time to decorate it next weekend!

billybagpuss · 18/11/2017 18:50

No, there are 12 days of Christmas, none of which are in November.

HelenaJustina · 18/11/2017 18:52

Noooo. 3rd Sunday of Advent at the earliest...

Bananajam · 18/11/2017 18:54

Someone else said that recently about Christmas music playing! I agree, save the celebrations until at least December 1st.

Bananajam · 18/11/2017 18:55

My post was in response to you. - billybagpuss. Grin

No, there are 12 days of Christmas, none of which are in November.

VirginMediaAreShite · 18/11/2017 18:57

There are 12 days of Christmas, not 40-50 days, 12.

CountFosco · 18/11/2017 19:05

Weekend before Christmas, no sooner. The DC think I'm the Grinch. Actually this year we might go it the weekend before since the ILs are arriving on the 23rd. Hmmm.

Waxlyrically · 18/11/2017 21:18

Noooooo mine has to be up until 12th night, (superstitious), so it would be a twig by then! Each to their own, but now seems ridiculously early unless there are special circumstances.

Poledork · 18/11/2017 21:50

I'm going to put mine up in the next few days. I'm usually a first weekend in December kind of girl but it's been a pretty shit year with one thing and another so I'm looking forward to the simple joy cosy nights with tree all lit up brings.

Yep I'll be judged for it but meh, you only live once.

endehors · 19/11/2017 11:08

We used to put the main tree up on Christmas Eve, for many years and pre DC. The DC small tree would be up sooner, a week or before Christmas. However, Christmas Eve is just too impractical as the day is so busy. Hence a week or two before the big day now.

Amazing generally how many people now think it’s odd not to put the tree up at beginning of December now...

lynmilne65 · 19/11/2017 11:17

Wtf ?????

Bluntness100 · 19/11/2017 11:24

As it’s only mid November and clearly not Christmas time, no mines not up and I don’t know anyone who has theirs up. Nor am I seeing any in houses really as driving about. Which is because it’s not xmas it’s on,y mid November.

hashtagelfie · 19/11/2017 11:29

Why do people constantly throw out the 12 days of Christmas argument? Is it because you are deeply religious and will only put your Christmas tree up on December 25th as that is the true first day (the 12th being the 6th January when they come down), or are you just basing your Christmas traditions on a song? Because that seems a bit daft to me.
The whole “not before December” is also daft as advent sometimes begins in November (not this year mind but last year it did).
For many people Christmas is not a religious celebration anymore and therefore these “rules” are completely irrelevant.

I don’t mind how or why anyone celebrates. It doesn’t bother me if you only put decorations up on Christmas Eve or if you have them up all year long, I just wonder if anyone actually questions and really thinks about why they make these rules for society and if they are actually relevant to that persons beliefs. Or do they just throw them out as that’s what they are told to do.
Just some general ponderings I’ve been having lately

endehors · 19/11/2017 11:38

We spotted one decorated and lit tree in a window of high rise block of flats last Thursday. Haven't seen or heard of anything else.
Actually, we'll be starting to put the tree and decorations up in our business premises next weekend but that's a little different I think.

Poledork · 19/11/2017 12:01

@hashtag they throw the 12 days of Christmas about because on mn in particular there's lots of snobbishness at those who decorate early, use tinsel and buy lots of presents. It's very working class don't you know.

WhatWouldTheDoctorDo · 19/11/2017 13:06

Always the first weekend in December here. Though we’ve moved into a new house with much more space to decorate so I’ve been buying all sorts of new bits over the last month. I like to have it up to kick of the festive season at the beginning of the month as the rest of December is always very busy! It’ll stay up until after new year. I normally take it down before going back to work.

stargirl1701 · 19/11/2017 13:19

Hashtagelfie, I think it's the frustration with people then moaning they are sick of their tree by Boxing Day and want it down. Logically, if you put it up at the 'correct' time, you won't be sick of it in the middle of Christmas.

Personally, it feels like an another example of an inability to delay gratification which I feel is prevalent in our culture. Why can't folk wait until the festival begins? I would find it ridiculous to be eating my haggis on St Andrew's Day by the glow of the Christmas tree.

We enjoy celebrating Advent during the season of Advent, and Christmas during Christmas. We do leave the Nativity set out until Candlemas in February.

Christmas trees up in December do not really bother me but I do find a tree up before Remembrance Sunday crass, tbh.

LooksBetterWithAFilter · 19/11/2017 13:35

Our goes up the 1st of December or there abouts. I love Christmas and me and the dc have been doing some Christmas crafts this morning but December is soon enough for me.
We have a teal tree and we all love going and choosing it and decorating it.
I do draw the line at November but that’s partly because it then seems like ages until Christmas but once that first door on the advent calendar is opened it’s fair game here. Dh indulges my Christmas lasts the month.

endehors · 19/11/2017 14:58

Agree stargirl!

billybagpuss · 19/11/2017 17:47

Thank you Poldork, I do not throw the '12 days of Christmas' about at snobbishness for those who put their tree up early, if you want to dust around a tree and tinsel from the beginning of November, go for it. But I was raised as a Christian and to me Christmas is the Mass of Christ which does not happen in November.

Stargirl - I completely agree too.

Poledork · 19/11/2017 18:00

@billy I didn't say you personally did Confused. I've seen it used as a reason many times on here by people who by their own admission don't celebrate Christmas as a religious festival. You can also have a quick skim of the how much do you spend threads and see how quickly the digs at the working class come out.

As I said above I usually wait until the first weekend of December, it'll be earlier this year because last Christmas was awful for various reasons.

Mine won't be coming down on Boxing Day either.

DivisionBelle · 19/11/2017 18:10

Yes, ours had been up since July 13th.


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Snausage · 19/11/2017 18:16

Mine usually goes up on the second week in December. This year it'll be going up on the 18th, as that's the first day of my annual leave and the preceding weekend we're visiting MIL and Co.

It's a bit of a ritual for me; we go and choose our tree as a family and then spend the afternoon decorating it and putting lights up everywhere we possibly can. Any gifts that are already wrapped go under the tree, too. I thoroughly look forward to it and usually Tree Day falls on a Saturday but it'll be different this year! It always comes down on the twelfth night.

HeffalumpsnWoozles · 19/11/2017 18:29

Yes put it up yesterday, ordinarily it wouldn’t go up until December but life is a bit shit at the moment & I decided to put it up as all things Christmas cheer me up no end. Which it has! Sat reading a book with the lights twinkling away most of the afternoon & for the first time in months the constant anxiety has gone & I actually feel relaxed.

Nobody can see it from the street as our lounge is at the back of the house & even if it could no fucks would be given on other people’s judgement 🎄

billybagpuss · 19/11/2017 18:51

Poldork, thank you and my apologies. x

I must admit pre kids mine went up 24th, but since kids this has slipped to the middle of Dec as they couldn't understand why we were the only undecorated house.

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