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What are your dc getting for Xmas?

110 replies

sum04 · 25/08/2012 07:04

What have your dc been asking for and what will you be getting them?

OP posts:
TitsalinaBumSquash · 25/08/2012 10:41

Both of mine still have birthdays to come.

I'm stumped as usual this year, they're not really children that ever want anything.

They seem to really be into the little marble
Run they have so I might see of I can get a giant one or an add on pack. Apart from that I have no clue!

ByTheWay1 · 25/08/2012 10:51

My girls have reached that lovely age (10/12)- money/clothes/shoes/bags.....

they will get- a stocking with sweeties, a book and some little bits to open , but mostly money to buy what they want....

wannabedomesticgoddess · 25/08/2012 11:03

A bike and a toddler camera.

She asked for the camera. I thought of the bike. She never asks for anything.

Aside from that, pjs, clothes, and little bits and pieces.

kitsonkittykat · 25/08/2012 11:04

Mine have birthdays around Christmas time, so Im totally stumped.

Ds has asked for a 3d Ds. Im not really happy to get him that, with the issues Ive heard about it. Dd wants a pony, but wont be getting that! Stockings will be nice little bits and pieces, a book, some gold coins, the usual stuff.

BeaWheesht · 25/08/2012 11:08

Dd is 2 in september and I've no idea what she'll get for Christmas - maybe a baby annabel?

Ds - his birthday is at Christmas, he'll be 6 - we've already got him 2 x imaginext batman vehicles, garage, football goals and a vintage star wars snowspeeder vehicle. All in sales / on ebay. Don't know what else he'll get.

ScottishBritishMNer - our asda had imaginext batman stuff reduced massively and also woolworths online has 20% off.

insanityscratching · 25/08/2012 11:09

Dd wants a 3ds xl which I am loathe to buy as she has a 3ds and a dsi xl already but dh will buy it her anyway. I'll get the stocking and books a game or two and see if I can persuade her something else would be better.
My others are adults so far easier cash, a stocking and a few small gifts.

OvO · 25/08/2012 11:09

Lego, Lego and some more Lego.

sunnyday123 · 25/08/2012 11:12

Mine have birthdays coming up before xmas but :

Dd who'll turn 5 ill get the brave fancy dress for birthdays and a DS for Xmas
Dd who'll turn 7 will get something from the disneystore for birthday (she loves everything in there!) and something electronic for Xmas as she's neither of them have had anything like that but I've given in this year!

lljkk · 25/08/2012 11:14

As near as I can project,
4yo: micromachines
8yo: scooter
11 & 13yo: heck knows. I have more ideas about their birthdays coming up.

DesperatelySeekingPomBears · 25/08/2012 11:16

DS will be a few days shy of 1 at christmas, so obviously hasn't asked for anything (unless he's trying to tell me something by shouting 'mamamamam RAAAAAA'). However, he's getting a smart trike (reduced to less than half price inc free shipping from ELC), some Happyland play sets (also less than half price from ELC), books, a Matey bubble bath/glove puppet wash mit gift set (reduced to £3.66 in Tesco), a new winter coat, probably his first shoes, two large push along toy cars (half price in Mothercare) and a few other bits and pieces for his stocking.

I've actually bought things when I see them on sale, rather than waiting and invariably missing the sale so he's got about £250 worth of stuff for closer to £100.

SilkieChicken · 25/08/2012 11:26

DS wants a 3DS, do you think the XL one would be better? Still undecided as to whether to give in or not.

akaemmafrost · 25/08/2012 11:31

Ds 9 - new laptop, his has given up and he uses it constantly.

Dd 5: not sure yet, depends what she shows interest in nearer the time.

Shinyshoes1 · 25/08/2012 11:33

mini iPad each , if they are released before Christmas

MikeLitorisRings · 25/08/2012 11:33

Silkie dd1 has 3ds and I think the xl would be better. Easier to use I think. If she didn't already have the 3ds I would definitely be getting the xl for Christmas.

Shinyshoes1 · 25/08/2012 11:34

oh and a pair of Vans for DS1
Superdry t-shirt for DS2

Not even thought about dd yet

fuzzpig · 25/08/2012 11:48

I think a playmobil castle thing as their joint present (5 and 2) if I can find a used one. Something castley anyway.

I think DD would also like that new Barbie wardrobe thing that has loads of clothes in but it's £30 which seems a lot for what it is. She's watched a lot of tv this summer (normally only use DVDs so no toy ads) and it is the only thing she has said she would really like so I might just swallow my dislike of Barbie and get it.

DSDs are 14 and one will be happy with anything big bang theory related (the girl's got taste :o), the other would probably like some converse or anything about Harry Potter. Although if I could somehow get tickets to any diving competition with Tom Daley in I would be stepmum of the century. :o

DSS will have done his first term at uni and I have no freaking clue.

ENormaSnob · 25/08/2012 12:00

Ds1(12) - iPod touch

Dd(7.5) - iPod touch

Ds2(2.9) - scooter and toy story stuff

lljkk · 25/08/2012 12:57

Silkie Nintendo XL DSi:

My DS1 (12yo) dislikes them, can't remember what he said, but he is staunchly against (DS2 got a DSi for birthday 2 months ago, so I was considering same question).

oreocrumbs · 25/08/2012 14:00

Beawheesht I got DD baby annabell for her 2nd birthday and she relly loves it, she had been playing with NDN's for ages.

Argos had the old model on sale for £20 odd pounds last week as they have released the new one now - only difference is the outfit, the doll has the same functions. So it might be worth keeping an eye out if you are out shopping. Of course I only spotted that after I paid full price and gave it to her!!

GWenlockMaryLacey · 25/08/2012 14:05

DD1 is getting Disney DVDs, a couple of princess dresses, odds and sods and a maxi micro scooter. No idea about dd2, she'll be just shy of a year old.

Due to finances and being snowed under with every toy imaginable I'm reining it in this year!

Haribojoe · 25/08/2012 15:11

Reading these and thinking that DS1 and DS2 might like iPod touch.

Would 8gb be adequate for games and some films?

D0oinMeCleanin · 25/08/2012 15:15

Dd1 wants a 3DS, an ipad and a poodle or chihuahua. She might get the 3DS, if she manages to look after the NDS she has just been given as a replacement for the one she broke.

Dd2 wants nothing. She just wants her family to be happy and to have a party. She'll get whatever she seems to be taking interest in closer to the time.


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insanityscratching · 25/08/2012 15:23

Dooin dd would give her eye teeth for a poodle or chihuahua too Grin

D0oinMeCleanin · 25/08/2012 15:30

We foster rescue dogs while they're waiting to be rehomed. Every time the "dog lady" as dd1 calls her, phones she gets all excited and starts jumping up and down squeaking "is she bringing me a poodle? Is she? Is she?" we foster for a sighthound charity Grin

Dd2 has told me she doesn't want nothing. She wants a really real fish tank with really, real, really alive fish in it. Brown spotty ones with big mouths Confused

DoubleMum · 25/08/2012 16:31

Mine are getting Blackberry Playbooks, now they are such an astonishing price at Currys. Cheaper than an iPod touch even. And then I'll upload an e-reader and some books and I'm sure to be able to borrow one of them some of the time!

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