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What are your kids getting for Xmas?

180 replies

sum04 · 11/11/2010 22:52

What are your kids getting for Xmas?

OP posts:
taffetacat · 13/11/2010 21:43

Talking to another mum waiting outside a DD activity today about getting DD a styling head for Christmas. Another different mum pipes up:

" Oh God! My DD is never getting one of those. Not now, not ever. "

Discussing Christmas presents for your DC in RL is a real eye opener. Hmm

waterlooroadisadocumentary · 13/11/2010 21:47

Some books.

ninedragons · 13/11/2010 21:49

DD (nearly three) is getting a bubble machine and a children's digital camera.

FC is bringing her a couple of books, a little plastic dinosaur and about three or four more little trinkets.

dementedma · 13/11/2010 21:52

OMG - help
DD1 - flip video camera
fairy lights for bedroom
Bon Jovi Cd
Cookery book
stuff from Lush

Michael Buble CD/DVD
stuff from Lush
no idea what else

Ben 10 stuff
more Ben 10 stuff
stuff from Lush - he loves it!

Tillyscoutsmum · 13/11/2010 22:03

DD (3)
Keepsake box
Make up set
Cleaning set
Nurse outfit and medical case
PJ's & Outfit for Christmas Day
A big stocking with various bits & bobs to keep in her keepsake box

DSD (7)
Fur Real
Keepsake Box
Make up set
Pj's & outfit
Hello Kitty watch & necklace

DS (1)

Thomas Tank Ride on
Toy Garage

DoodlingPomBear · 13/11/2010 22:31

I genuinely don't know - have dd's bday before hand so am thinking of that one but some of the ideas for both are :
dd 3
Playhouse (from us, pil, gp etc) thinking a wood one. - prob bday

also got at the moment:

various puzzles (10 in 1 boxes thomas and friends/disney ones)
I can Cook book
Mister Maker book
sylvanian family babies
and she is desperate for some ghastly cooking oven thingy by disney which am currenly classing in the no category like I do lelly kelly shoes - so no doubt gp's will get it! Grin

ds - will be 5 months
recycling dd's baby toys but might get a really lovely bear for him

BelligerentGhoul · 13/11/2010 22:35

A chocolate coin from Starbucks each, so far, since that's all I've bought!

DD1 15 will probably get some books, some perfume and some make up (she wants a new phone but hasn't got a hope in Hell!)

DD2 13 wants a keyboard - if we get that, she won't get anything else though!

Feel a bit bored and uninspired by it all tbh.

DoodlingPomBear · 13/11/2010 22:55

Have to admit I am with you - you can't get excited when your dh wants you to get an electric tyre pump for xmas can you? How brilliant and exciting is that? Or a leaf blower but don't think will stretch to that one!

misdee · 13/11/2010 22:57

bugger all at the rate they are going this week!

or if they behave

dd2 is getting a new bike and pokemon stuff.

dd3 is getting craft stuff and some small toys.

dd1 wants money (ha no!), so will get clothes and stationary stuff

dd4 will get ITNG stuff and books.

ds1 has some rattles if he arrives in time for xmas.

DoodlingPomBear · 13/11/2010 22:58

Although if DD had her way - the whole of the elc catalogue AND every toy advertised during milkshake! Grin

simpson · 13/11/2010 23:04

DS (5)

Marble run
walkie talkies from ELC
leapfrog leapster
Roald Dahl book
Toy Story 3 DVD (from my dad)
Playmobil (from my mum)


Stephanie (from lazytown) outfit
happyland school house (elc)
ELC dressing up outfit with shoes
Ben & Holly DVD

Not sure what my parents are getting her yet but will probably ask them to get more Hppyland stuff....

simpson · 13/11/2010 23:07

Oops I forgot both Dcs have got a playmobil advent calander each due to DD not being allowed chocolate (severely intolerent)

And they have got PJs for Xmas eve and I will probably get them a new Christmas story book (to share) as I have done for the past couple of yrs....

simpson · 13/11/2010 23:08


Guacamole · 13/11/2010 23:24

I've gone overboard I think considering he can't even open presents, but it's his first Christmas...

DS (will be 9 months)
ELC Whizz and Go Garage
One if those peg jigsaw things
A pull along train
A hammer and peg set
2 books
A Fisher Price Little People Aeroplane
A Fisher Price Telephone
Bath Squirters
New PJs

DoodlingPomBear · 13/11/2010 23:34


dd's first xmas (she was 2 weeks ffs!!)
I bought presents and a stocking - I think I just got too excited about the whole thing!

DS is reaping the rewards and will have the identical if used toys in his stocking!

YourCallIsImportant · 13/11/2010 23:53

From Santa:

DD (7)

DSi + a game
X Factor game for Wii
Hama Beads
Pictionary (free with last Sunday's Express)

DS (4)

Wii Game

  • stockings for both of them with random small stuff in them.
goingroundthebend4 · 14/11/2010 06:59

ds1 and ds2 are getting ps3 they wanted for age but could not afford but luckily my phone contract was up and when got new one got a free ps3 with it so that xma and birthday sorted

Dd and ds3 lego and base boards and scaletrix between them

and then will spend £20 in poundland to make the pile look bigger

this time of year is when i notice just how small my family is

my mum /step dad will buy for them and my ebt friend will so I always feel guilty that here piles look small compared to others but there happy and d1 and ds2 will be over the moon:)

ReformedCharacter · 14/11/2010 07:05

DS (8) says he wants an Ipad or nothing Hmm

Last week I dragged him round Toys R Us to try and inspire him, but he still maintains that it's an Ipad or nothing.

So, he's getting nothing then.

LtEveDallas · 14/11/2010 07:12

Dd (5) is getting:

TP climbing frame etc (eBay bargin!)
Password journal
Guess Who
From my parents: Moxie Girlz hair doll thing
From PIL: Lego
and assorted random crap/choc in stocking

DSD (15) is getting:
black towels (in joke from hair dye disaster)
Travel Straighteners (she uses her mums and can't bring them to ours)
Superdry hoodie

My sibs and Dh sis will ask so I'll be searching Argos catalogue again this week

FreudianSlimmery · 14/11/2010 07:18

Shock always amazes me the way kids want stuff like ipads etc... My DSD said last year she wanted an iphone Hmm um, if we could afford that we wouldve bought ourselves one! The only reason I recently got one is because my very generous friend gave me his old one when he upgraded. Tbh even if we were mega rich I wouldn't get a child or young teen something like that, just a target for theft.

Also would they take care of them - my DSDs both got ipods (2nd hand) last Xmas and one of them went in the washing machine before new year!

ReformedCharacter · 14/11/2010 07:26

I would get him an Ipad if I could afford it Freudian. He really does look after his belongings and I know he would love it. Obviously there would be rules about where he goes with it. What has particularly annoyed me is that when I suggested an Ipod Touch he said it wasn't good enough.

So, he really will be getting nothing. At the very most I will buy him educational things that we'll use throughout the year.

I'm so disappointed with him at the moment. We've not over-indulged him despite how it might look. We've brought him up to value everything he gets and be grateful.

And it's his birthday 2 weeks after Christmas so it will be the same story again.

IWantToBeAFairyWhenIGrowUp · 14/11/2010 07:35

Some excellent suggestions here I am really struggling.

Our family spend about £30 on her.

wooden pink guitar and stand + other bits (my sis)
Digital Camera + other bits (my mum and dad)
Panto tickets + other bits (MIL)

So far we have bought her

Princess Poppy set of books
Seasons jigsaw from ELC
Alphabet sand things (which were a bargain at £1 from Tesco during the summer)
Hello Kitty notepad and pen
Tinkerbell and Lost Treasure DVD
Shrek DVD
Toy Story 3 DVD (although that might be mine Grin
Craft stuff / pens etc
Chocolate button or some other crap for her stocking.

She's asked for a Hello Kitty bedroom, so will probably get her a duvet set, if I can find one and a sparkly lamp (like the lava lamp but with glitter in).

I'll probably spend about £50 when we've finished.


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IWantToBeAFairyWhenIGrowUp · 14/11/2010 07:45

and she's 3.7

FreudianSlimmery · 14/11/2010 07:56

ReformedCharacter I wouldn't have assumed your DS was over indulged - certainly happens in some cases but I think it's just the way western culture is heading - it's all about STUFF. with the amount of advertising and the ease of getting stuff On Tick kids think they can and should get everything RIGHT NOW.

Sorry for the tangent

ElspethDiggory · 14/11/2010 07:57

Blimey! I can't believe how much some children are getting Shock Either we're really mean or you lot are very generous.

DS: lego set (but will be a biggish one)
A top and trousers (from dd but we will buy)
DD: Hannikins set + extra fabric
A dress (from ds but we will buy)

  • stocking stuff (books, felt tips, socks, sweets)

    They get SO much from grandparents/godparents/aunties/uncles/friends that if we buy them a stack load of stuff too it would be crazy!
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