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Due May 2009 Hairy Mary!... We're on the final stretch!

993 replies

Belgianchocolates · 23/03/2009 15:14

Thought I'd better start the new thread before it was too late. Here we go!

OP posts:
EmmalinaC · 25/03/2009 08:40

Morning all

Just read yesterday's CS debate with interest as I'm trying to decide between an elective c-section and VBAC before I see my consultant on 2nd April. I am very much leaning towards elcs and fortunately my consultant AND midwife have both been extremely supportive (they are both women and seem to like each other very much - I am sure this helps!!).

I know 'because I've had one before' doesn't really count as a medical reason but also I think wanting a cs because of the fear of something going wrong is not 'a bit silly' as someone said earlier. Particularly if that fear is based on something that DID go wrong last time.

I'm very aware that it's my choice and I don't know why we all feel the need to justify our decisions (she says, justifying frantically!). As long as the end result is healthy babies and happy mums who cares which way they come out

With regard to names we are really sturggling. Fi I love Rose but one of my friends has one. We're thinking with Polly, Niamh and Hannah, with Thisbe as an outside choice. Doesn't matter what we choose though - DD is still insistent that her little sister be called Nemo!

I'm on day 3 of maternity leave and our new cleaner started yesterday so the house is spotless and I don't really know what to do with myself!

Hope you're all well and welcome to the newbies!

Em xx

bantam73 · 25/03/2009 09:37

Morning everyone

DANDY-I thought you said it well last nite about measurements. Yes I am different than the others who are a 2/3 wks bigger than dates cos I'm completely of the scale.
I'm not worried about the birth yet but I do not want a cs.
With dd1 I had a long labour with episiotomy in the end cos she put her head on her chest and got stuck, I didn't take long to heal.
dd2 [14 years later] it was quick but needed 5 stitches cos my scars were old and wouldn't give.
I'm ready for anything but not a cs...

Belgianchocolates · 25/03/2009 09:46

Right, chase me of after this message I was just being nosy and wanted to see what you had been talking about last night.

We haven't got any names yet either. I have loads I like, but dh doesn't like any of them. As we're going to have to get a pasport as soon as baby is born I've told him we've got to have a few names ready before it's born. He's still under the illusion it's miles away, but I'm 34 weeks, so in a good month or so the baby could already be here.

Anyway. Now I'm off to do that presentation (after doing online groceries and crib mattress shopping). I'm going to try my hardest best not to get distracted.

OP posts:
Blottedcopybook · 25/03/2009 09:57

Oh my. I've been folding up all the baby's clothes and I'm a blubbering wreck. There's going to be a BABY in them soon!! Oh my fans self

DandyLioness · 25/03/2009 10:45

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DandyLioness · 25/03/2009 10:50

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flippineck · 25/03/2009 11:07

Wow, there's been interesting discussion going on here! Nothing really to add to the debate, other than I'm hoping to avoid a c-section if I can, but I'll just take each day and decision as it comes. DD was not quite the lovely chilled waterbirth I'd planned, but still a wonderful event and a wonderful result for which I'm grateful (and not just a little bit proud of myself ).

Gosh, just saying it makes me well up a bit - but like loads of you I've hit that teary point now! I cried yesterday because DD has been unwell, but I sent her to the childminder because I thought she was call 3 hours later to go and fetch her, got to the CM and burst into tears because I felt so terrible about it all!

Still not huge amounts of nesting going on here, I just haven't had time! Hopeing to have a morning to myself tomorrow to sort through DD's wardrobe and drawers to clear some space for LO's stuff, and then DH will have to get all the nb stuff out of the loft at the weekend.

We did buy our double buggy at the weekend though! That was quite scary. We'd managed to negotiate a really good deal with a local shop on an Out n' About Nipper but had to get it there and then. I was really hoping to not buy one and just sling the LO, but DH was not budging at all, although he has agreed that there will be days (public trasnport etc) that the double just won't be practical!

I'm seeing the mw tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see what I'm measuring - last time I was a week small, despite feeling huge.

DandyLioness · 25/03/2009 11:08

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FiKelly · 25/03/2009 11:13

keeping fingers crossed for you sausage.. i agree with dandy def pants to be phoned when you're on hols.

blotted ds 'helped' me look out baby things yesterday for hospital bag. keep changing my mind on baby going home outfit! it also crossed my mind i should take something neutral just in case sonographer got it wrong . new crib mattress arrived yesterday & now desperate for dh to put it together.. would do it myself but ds would try and help and would be v stressful! also i think dh wants to do it. ooo should fish out the linen see if it needs washing.

lo has hiccups by the feel of it at the moment!

DandyLioness · 25/03/2009 11:19

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DandyLioness · 25/03/2009 11:21

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llareggub · 25/03/2009 11:53


DS is in nursery and then going to his grandparents for the afternoon and evening, so I have a looooooooong day to fill.

I'm waiting for someone from the hospital to ring me back about my blood sugar readings and my 24 hour heart monitoring results. It is the 4th time I've rung for the results and I get the distinct impression they are lost. I've been told the diabetic nurse is on leave until 31 March so I need to ring back then, so I've asked for one of the doctors to call me as I know they have a clinic this morning. Just in case though, I have conducted an experiment (!) and have sat with my feet up all morning, have eaten the same food as yesterday to see if I get a higher reading. If I do, I'll be reassured that it was just my activity levels. Hey ho!

I was so tired this morning! I had tummy pains last night which I think are constipation related due to the iron tablets. Pregnancy is great, isn't it?

matthewandbumpsmummy I think we all have times when we feel down and unable to cope. I do think it is worth talking things through with a midwife or HV if you have one. I find my emotions are all over the place at times.

Jennster · 25/03/2009 12:03

Well my post from early this morning has disappeared.

Went to a talk by Gabrielle Palmer the author of The Politics of Breastfeeding last night. It was lovely to catch up with my friends from BfN. I've ended up with a large fabric wrap sling and a birth pool! All I need to do is buy the one use liner for it. It comes with pump and everything else so now just need to mention it to my mw who is coming a week on saturday to deliver my homebirth pack.

I have finally managed to listen to the homebirth preparation cd without falling asleep this morning. I can highly recommend it to help you drop off into a VERY deep sleep. DD didn't wake to use the potty in the night so it was just my bladder that made me stumble to the loo once in the night. I was so doped I was asleep immediately.

chocolate Wow you have 2 navel rings? I took mine out when pg with dd and never put it back in. I'd heard horror stories about saggy skin around the hole, but don't think mine would have done in the end. Never mind. It's not like I ever get to show my toned [splutter] tummy anymore.

frazzledoldbag · 25/03/2009 12:09

Hello, just on here very quickly to chase belgian away and say hello and welcome to emma.
Am pretty stressed out with work at the mo and just having a cup of tea so thought I'd pop in for a minute to give my poor brain a break.
About names fi I think Rose Kelly is absolutely gorgeous [jealous of someone with a nice surname emoticon]
I have taken a bit of a strop about names since DH is insisting on Hamish or similar Scottish names and when his parents were here the other night there was a lot of discussion about how it 'must' have a Scottish name. (Between them I think they'd settled on Alasdair or Isla!!!! - nobody asked me although when I said we'd chosen Annabel for a girl MIL screwed her face up).
Well, I'm English and sat there getting more and more irritated with them all. SO I have decided that on NO ACCOUNT is this child having a properly 'Scottish' sounding name and have decided I like William (Will). DH thinks if he keeps repeating Hamish to me enough times I'll change my mind but it's not going to happen. He quite like Will I think but he seems to think I'll come around to his way of thinking - and he's sadly mistaken (hormonal, moi?) I also like Charles but DH will definitely not let me have that. My hairdresser (bless him) suggested Sebastian or Timothy (!) which made me giggle - apparently he has a guinea pig called Timothy, and yes he's gay (the hairdresser, not the guinea pig).......
So anyway, what do you guys think of Will? (our surname sounds a little bit like 'Broody' - but doesn't begin with a B, just to give you a bit of help!).
Detsy what are you thinking about names for your little baby Edward......actually I quite like Edward as a name with Eddie for short.........(big fan of Mr Izzard, DH looks a lot like him in The Riches bizarrely).
Right, plumber is making a racket better go see what he's up to then get on with working. Baby going ballastic currently, must be the caffeine and chocolate I've just inhaled.

(sorry, long post- oops)

FiKelly · 25/03/2009 12:28

dandy we went through the ofsted and value added league tables in detail and i've spoken to lots of friends i know from toddler groups with older children and between all that have narrowed primary school choice to 2 schools. the one rated good is our 1st choice and the outstanding is our 2nd. booking in viewings left right and centre and not ruling out a house until i've seen it. saw a possible this am. have another this afternoon, tomorrow am and 2 on sat. looking forward to sat ones as it's the one with huge garden.. turns out area not as bad as thought.. on border with nicer. have driven around it and neighbours have Mercs and bmw's, gardens well cared for and very quiet residential. basically it's got tarred with same brush that doesn't apply IKWYM?!

still not had that this is the one feeling yet..

FiKelly · 25/03/2009 12:40

llareggub let us know how your experiment goes.. hoping you're right about the activity etc.

frazzle i like will/william a friend of mine has a wilym which i like too. rose is a scottish or english name apparently so should keep both sides of our family happy.

FiKelly · 25/03/2009 12:52

btw have discovered the sat house viewing in supposed not so nice area is getting a waitrose near by.. so really trying to work out what is so bad about area. looked at local crime stats for there in comparison to where we are and was surprised to see not great difference & areas i thought were v nice still have probs just shows how even when places change peoples perception/opinions don't..

Belgianchocolates · 25/03/2009 13:02

Just checking in for lunch. Thanks for chasing me away earlier frazzled I actually like William (Will). It's on my list, I've suggested it to dh who has neither agreed nor vetoed it, so I'm not sure where we are with that one. Will is also easy enough for my Belgian relatives to pronounce without making it sound wrong. I also like Irish names, but with an Irish surname, dh thinks it's too Irish. I wonder if it's got anything to do with the Catholic/Protestant thing. Don't Catholics tend to chose names like Thomas and Peter, rather than Liam or Kieran? Or am I completely mistaken?

I've also bought one of these today. They're very popular in Belgium and Holland and seemed perfect for my Skate as it doesn't have a mattress to tuck in sheets. This is the more summery one, the wintry ones are actually nicer with lovely patterns and stuff, but I've seen them in real life and look really warm, not for a spring/summer baby.

llare Hope your experiment will work.

Right, going back to business now.

OP posts:
EmmalinaC · 25/03/2009 13:07

Fi I agree getting the feel of a place (school, house, area) is the best way to choose but you might find the the National Office of Statistics website helpful. You can look at their Neighbourhood statistics which include crime, education, health, living environment etc Have a look here (use the Summary box or you'll get pages of stats!)

Have just managed to convince my nearly 3 year old DD that she really does need a nap before swimming so I think I might go and have one myself...

Hope you all have a nice afternoon!

Momino · 25/03/2009 13:17

belgian, geddowddahere... (she says in her strongest american/ohio accent). you're not a good example for me who should also be working but a bit fed up with the avalanche of email.

emmalina, so of your cleaning lady.

sausage, good luck with finding out about your course and sincerely hope it's not as bad as you thought.

names - none jumping out at me but Henry for a boy (safe), but I love Atticus yet not sure if it's too unusual for britain. for girls, we like Harper and Honour but again, they don't really stand out to me. Will be packing baby names book in hosp bag.

Momino · 25/03/2009 13:20

llareggub, grr about trying to phone the hosp. hope your reading is better!

now. truly. back to work.

chocolatebunnies · 25/03/2009 13:22


This thread moves so so so quickly!

Good on you guys who are behaving and not coming on here! I wish I had as much self control!

So much has been spoken about, dont know where to start . . . .

frazzled that would wind the hell out of me too, its your baby to! and if it were me, there would be no chance of me agreeing to a name the IL's pick, ooooooo can imagine the repercusions! Me & DP dont tell anyone the names we like until they're born, saves the hassle of having to deal with people giving their opinions, once baby is here no-one is going to bad mouth their name, well atleast thats what we hope!

Fi Your a busy little bee with all those viewings! Hope you find somewhere perfect soon!

Jennster Yep 2, I have the top and bottom bit of my belly button pierced, the days of rebellion at 16 Im afraid to say! Everyone kept telling me to take them out the first time, my view was I paid alot of money to have it done and I wasnt going to give em up without a fight! They haven't sagged at all, they have shrunk IYKWIM, I need to wear the smallest bar avaliable, so they are snug, this stops it shrinking or pulling any further. Have had to put hoops in now tho as my belly button has popped out and I keep cathcing the jem bit on my tops!

Well done for listening to the CD without falling asleep, howmany goes did it take for you to get to that stage? Im out like a light everytime! Might see if I can listen to it during labour and sleep through the whole thing (wishful thinking!)

Llare Enjoy the peace and quiet whilst DS is out, Madi is having 'one of those days' today, her current favourite word is 'poo' (pleasant child) and keep saying everything is or smells of poo, I blame my younger siblings for this gem of a word they have given her!

blotted thanks for the info yesterday on your labours, they were quite speedy weren't they! I too had all the baby clothes out earlier, making me v.v.v.v. broody!

So am 32 weeks on Friday, have not got anything ready incase baby arrives early, should probably make up a hospital bag at least, i just dont know where to start with it, especially as im aiming for a homebirth this time!

For an update for those who are interested in my wedding planning, we have 5 weeks to go until 'big' day, family are still trying (and failing) to take over, they really have some bizarre ideas on how things should be done, especially when you take into account that me & DP have been together 4 years, lived together for 3, and have a 2 1/2 year old! My family keep bringing up the fact we wont get a proper wedding night (what she thinks we'll be getting up to at 38 weeks preggers I do not know!) and yet no-one has offered to take Madi for that night! Typical!

Cup of decaf tea/ coffee anyone???


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llareggub · 25/03/2009 13:26

Yes, my experiment has worked and I am now feeling very lazy indeed!

Monimo I like Henry too. We also like George and Edward, but DS has started calling baby George so we might have to stick with that! He called the baby Anna for ages, which is a lovely name, but as baby is a boy I had to get him out of that one!

Off to do some housework now to make the most of a toddler free day. I have to sort out upstairs as we have been decorating so we are in a mess, and also wash the floor downstairs as I have visitors tomorrow and Friday! The playroom is in a terrible state and I really hate tidying that as it ends up in the same state again after a few hours of DS being home.

DS was funny this morning, although at 5am I wasn't too appreciative. He told me George could have my right boob as it isn't as tasty as the left! I told him George will need to feed off both sides and he seemed kind of miffed, and then said "but not my diggers, they are mine" which did make me chuckle, bless him.

Jael · 25/03/2009 14:10

Belgian Chocolates Are you around? I could really do with talking to you. My probably very long post is going to follow this message, but I really need advice please? XX

Jael · 25/03/2009 14:24

I was out yesterday with my sister, and I had a funny turn, which resorted on me being carted off to hospital (again) I was there from 2pm and discharged at 10pm. They're quereing a mini stroke? I'm 22...It started off with my speech, it was slurred and very very jumbled for an hour+, my sister was with me so she witnessed it all. I couldn't get my words out, couldn't form sentences. I couldn't remember words, like I picked up the tray and couldn't remember the word for was a very very terrifying experience. That passed after just over an hour, and then my right hand went completely numb for 15mins to half an hour, I couldn't feel it at all...the hospital checked blood sugar level,did an MRSA check, and a CT scan, which came back normal, however, they want me in within the next couple of days to completely rule out a mini stroke by doing an MRI scan. I've searched and searched the internet this moring and cannot find any information on it. All the doctor said to me on the phone this morning is that there may be risks to the baby, he didn't tell me what these risks may be or anything, and now I'm woried out of my mind. What do I do? Do i have it and make sure it 100% wasn't a mini stroke? But what are the risks to a 34 week baby inside? If someone could help me I'd really appreciate it...geez just once I'd like to have something good to say on this thread, all these problems this may well be our last baby, I can't deal with all this stress...

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