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Martians 2014: thread 10. More scans, bigger bumps and eating for two! Nearly halfway there, ladies!

1001 replies

IceNoSlice · 25/09/2013 21:16

Thread 9

Shiny new thread. Welcome all those due to pop out a baby in March 14, whether you're an old hand or a newbie, come join the fun!

OP posts:
NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:55

WelcomeEln!! Congratulations on your little boy! I'm quite far back too, due on the 24th. Get you, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous Wink. Is this your first?

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:56

Maybe arguably I do nothing for a living! (Although technically I am self employed doing admin/accounts for DH's business but this doesn't create any additional earnings - it's just a sensible division of the work.) I think being a SAHP probably gives me the opportunity to read up about things I want to know about more easily.

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:56

On the home made front, Lakeland sell the little cellophane old-school sweet bags. That's what I out my fudge and cookies in, them I got some nice festive ribbon to tie them!

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 11:57

Welcome Eln and congrats on your little boy!

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:57

SAHM counts as a job in my book BWP! You really are a font of all knowledge!

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:59

Welcome eln. I have no idea who those people are either.

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:00

yes it is our first... we actually only got married in april so its all a bit sudden! i'm 35 (36 on Saturday - old bird!) so I wasn't expecting things to happen quite so quickly!

delighted though although it doesn't really seem real - the only symptoms I've had is EXTREME tiredness in the first 10 weeks, and nausea most of my waking hours (nothing major though and I didn't throw up). my boobs are also beyond huge - I was already a 32F before I got pregnant and now I think they're off the charts! just going to get some cannon ball slings and strap those together I think! no significant symptoms now though, and the only thing that gives it away a bit is that I look like I've eaten too many pies!

is this your first nomaybe?

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:01

wow - so many replies already - you guys are quick!!!

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 12:02

Indeed it is Eln! I'm with you on the boob front, also a 32f before starting! Mine feel like boulders. I have gone up a back size and switched to maternity bras. The comfort is off the scale Grin

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:05

nomaybe I tried that but then got a major cleavage rash so weighed it up and went back to my old bras... hubby thought I was diseased when he saw it!!!

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 12:05

Eln my boobs have got huge as well. Reluctant to buy new bras though as they seem to change every week, might just bandage them to my body!

SuperMuddle · 26/09/2013 12:05

Welcome and congratulations eln! I see you've noticed we're a tad chatty... We filled up the last thread in about five days, so don't feel you have to read every post!

Some bastard had already taken the nn MuckingFuddled, so I am now SuperMuddle! But you can call me Super Grin

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:07

commsgirl i'm not sure there are enough bandages in the world!

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 12:08

Eln I believe Prambo suffered with 'cleavage cheese'. Nasty Grin

I like this trapping down idea Comms.
NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 12:08

Strapping even

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 12:09

Welcome eln congrats on a blue bump!

I still have 21 days until we get to know the sex. I know I will just empty OHs bank account buying cute little outfits but he is the one desperate to know. Mwahahaha.
I've had black pudding, it was stornaway mmmmmmmmm :) actually I had a black pudding and runny egg roll. I am a bad person!

Thanks for the homemade xmas gift tips. I feel like Kirsty Alsopp. Will probably have plenty of time for crafty homemade things seen as OH thinks I should be a SAHM, not sure how to feel about this yet, but I have at least a year to think about it!

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 12:10

hi eln! yay another for a boy! on the boob front, was a 26g at the beginning but my back has got much bigger now too, so guessing the ribs are spreading out!

mtb can you add eln and me as boy, rock and baldrick as girls to the spreadsheet if you havent already please?

could we also perhaps link it in the title post please cool?

hot/anyone, do you know if the unassisted home birth of felix alexander is the one with tree etc in? was there two posted or is it this one which is the shit covered crazy one?

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 12:11

i meant ice not cool - i was going with temperature based and have preg brain Blush

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 12:13

Ice I'm sure pho CAN be nice, just that everywhere we had it in 4 months in Asia was dire. But we were eating in very cheapo places. The locals seemed to be lapping it up, but we didn't quite get it. Vietnam was at the end of the trip and, the be fair, I think we were a bit over it by then. I remember one day I couldn't find anything to eat but pho, so I had nothing to eat. I couldn't stand another bowl of hot water with a sprig of lemongrass floating in it. Eventually I found some bread & saved it for the next morning. But by then the ants had got to it Sad. Then I had to get on a boat full of people vomiting to get to the stupid, overpriced phu quoc island. It was shit. Smile

marbie I am carrying my notes around in my rucksack, which comes to work with me because it is packed with all my food.

SuperMuddle · 26/09/2013 12:14

Ooh, if you're updating the spreadsheet, mtb, could you change my username pretty please? I also happy for you to put my location as Bristol. Thank you!

Forgot to say, thank you for the name suggestion, prambo!

IceNoSlice · 26/09/2013 12:17

Welcome eln and congrats. You ain't that old love, we've got older on here! You're somewhere in the middle.

I have never heard black pud is banned and eat it most Saturdays.

Nice name SuperMuddle!

I'm feeling boob envy. My Bs have probably made it to... C. Great.

I tried the homemade presents thing once. There are loads of MN threads about it including one especially good one from a poster called FellatioNelson. However, much as I like the idea I don't think it saved me money after buying all the ribbons and stuff. And I really CBA this year. Maybe when DCs are old enough to help I'll have another bash.

OP posts:
FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 12:19

Ice I have no boobs either. Well, I measure 30/39 which technically gives me a massive size, but in rl it looks like nothing.


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HotCrossPun · 26/09/2013 12:23

Grey Yeah that's the one. It's in 2 parts. Happy viewing!

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 12:33

Plenty of boob here if anyone would like to come take a slice or 2. I've never slouched so much in my life.

Surely, all things being equal, those with ickle knockers should be the ones to see the massive growth, and those with the wrecking balls would stayvtge same?

I'm going to call a scaffolder next because people who make bras evidently don't want to cater for the larger boobed lady.

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 12:34

*Stay the

Stupid fat fingers

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