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Martians 2014: thread 10. More scans, bigger bumps and eating for two! Nearly halfway there, ladies!

1001 replies

IceNoSlice · 25/09/2013 21:16

Thread 9

Shiny new thread. Welcome all those due to pop out a baby in March 14, whether you're an old hand or a newbie, come join the fun!

OP posts:
FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 12:35

Have you tried Bravissimo? I've heard good things.

I don't want to have boobs! They've got heaps bigger lately and I don't like it!

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:37

oh god!! cleavage cheese!

i'm resisting the urge to buy anything yet. I've decided to wait until the new year (hoping for the sales!) to buy everything we need. I've not even looked at prams/travel systems yet... only actually found out there was something called a 'travel system' the other day... i'm beginning to worry for the health and safety of my child!

we do need to get another car thought so I think this is something we'll have to tackle sooner rather than later...

ooh.. what's this I hear about a spreadsheet?!?! I love all things spreadsheet (dare I admit i'm a maths geek?!?)... would love it if you could add me on to it!!

thanks for the age support ice definitely feeling a bit decrepit at the moment but that's mainly because I've had a chest infection for 3 weeks and feel like i'm falling apart at the seams!

Rockchick1984 · 26/09/2013 12:45

I wish I got huge pregnancy boobs, I tried to save up for a boob job when I was about 18 but spent the money on shoes instead I would definitely consider one once I'm done with having more children!

Have got workmen here today replacing the garden fence - how often is it polite to offer them a brew???

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 12:46

eln - all admissions welcome here. People in this thread are talking to me knowing I see David Attenborough as my surrogate granddad and that I cry at geese.

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 12:48

hot Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock is all.

eln we also have a fb (with gender guessing spreadsheets Wink ) if you wanted to join just message me your link !

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 12:50

I hadn't shrunk back from the last pregnancy when I got pregnant because I'm still breastfeeding so mine haven't grown this time. I have no idea what my size is though - I always have to read the label if I want to know.

eln I've never used a travel system - the car seat lives in the car and we use a sling. (Or rather slings as technically we have a few.)

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:51

jolleigh david Attenborough is a demi-god! I also love geese, and ducks and... well.... all animals! grew up on a farm so we had a pretty eclectic selection of animals - 24 cats (farm cats so not in the house!), 2 dogs, 2 pet sheep, and 3 pet ducks who use to follow us around in a line!!!

now i'm down to 2 cats although DH keeps talking about getting a dog once I 'become a lady of leisure' (his words not mine)...

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 12:52

Boobs are overrated. Who needs em, I say Grin

My husband is a workman so I should know this one Rock. Hmm...let's see...I think I may never have offered him a brew. But customers often do. How about every 2-3 hours? More if they're hot. Less if they read The Sun.

eln77 · 26/09/2013 12:53

greymoose i'd love to join fb - is it the link to my own page I need to send you? thank you!

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 12:58

eln yes that's the one, just message me it on here and i'll add you to my personal page so i can add you to the group (you have to be friends with someone to add them because its a 'secret group') x

eln77 · 26/09/2013 13:01

greymoose when I click on the bit that says 'message poster' it just goes to the top of the page and nothing happens - am I missing something really obvious?!?

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 13:04

eln - he is indeed a demi-god and I'm going to cry like a bitch when he departs the land of the living.

I'm also an animal freak but wasn't lucky enough to grow up on a farm. I have a dog and a snake. Would love more but don't have time to care for them properly.

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 13:04

eln not sure why that is, I've just sent you my link in a pm, try that!

MummyPig24 · 26/09/2013 13:07

I'm still not ready to venture into the land of maternity bras. Saggy and unattractive. I'm a 36H so I'm sticking with my support a little longer!

Welcome eln!

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 13:10

Why are bigger bras frumpy? With big thick granny straps, sometimes I think I would be nice to be able to get a neon pink and lepoard (sp? Babybrain!) Bejewelled bra just because. My mum has nicer bra's than me and I'm only bloody 20.

Just ate LOADS of peanuts. And a big bowl of pasta. Still hungry. And of course I've had 4 capri-suns I'm worried I have replaced my smoking with juice-drinking...

I am still in my jammies :) possibly away to bath 3 dogs, 2 ferrets and the cat. Housework can get to fuck, I'd rather wash an animal.

IceNoSlice · 26/09/2013 13:18

Ah kara - 'housework can get to fuck'. I love the Scottish turn of phrase.

OP posts:
SuperMuddle · 26/09/2013 13:30

Housework does indeed suck. My landlady is visiting this evening, and the house is a shit tip. I'm off work today, and was supposed to spend the day cleaning up etc, but have done fuck all. Am also very stressed because we ageed no pets in the tenancy agreement, which makes our two guinea pigs sort of illegal... Plan is to take landlady into kitchen for cup of tea (piggies are in living room) and if she discovers them say we didn't think it would be a problem as they are caged, as opposed to running round the house. Cacking it, I'll be honest. Our own fault I know, but we had to find somewhere quickly and I didn't want to just give them up at the drop of a hat. I believe we may be in for a bollocking...

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 13:41

We have been in our house 2 years 8 months and, landlord has never bothered to check the house. Mind you it was such a shitheap before we moved in I don't think we could have made it any worse. Can't complain thou, our rent is only £300 and I think for a property our size in this area you'd spend £600-£1000.

My pig died last winter muddle I still cry about him, I am pathetic :(

IceNoSlice · 26/09/2013 13:41

Can you take them to a friend's for a couple of hours?

OP posts:
Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 13:41

Muddle - can a neighbour not take them in for a few hours? I once put my hamster cage (complete with hamster) in the car and parked the car 2 doors down so my landlord didn't see it. The no pets rules are normally about the smells like rather than damage...they'd just pillage your deposit if there was damage. And I can't say guinea pigs are an odour free animal (which admittedly may hinder my 'hide them' plan anyway.)

LyraSilvertongue · 26/09/2013 13:41

Have only skimmed. Phone battery about to die.

Fox, I got DS1 a smartphone contract for £7.50 a month. The cameras tend to be pretty good with zoom and flash etc. I don't actually own a camera because the one on my iPhone is great.
Let me find you a decent contract and phone. Pleeeeeese!

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 13:45

My interview next week - do people think I should mention my pregnancy in the interview? My team knows but it's a very big business. Do I HAVE to tell them when I'm only 14 weeks?


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JustCallMeBaldrick · 26/09/2013 13:48

Saggy good to see you back with us Thanks
Nice to see some new faces too Smile, just don't try and keep up with the thread - it moves really fast!
Black pudding should not be eaten because it is vile

SuperMuddle · 26/09/2013 13:51

Can't take them to a friend's, partly because we don't have any close friends near us, also the cage is too big to fit in the car!

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 13:52

You don't have to tell until 15 weeks before your due date, although I always get confused when I comes to english and scottish law. I think it's the same for both. I wouldn't tell as it buggered up my chances of a bloody good job!

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