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Martians 2014: thread 10. More scans, bigger bumps and eating for two! Nearly halfway there, ladies!

1001 replies

IceNoSlice · 25/09/2013 21:16

Thread 9

Shiny new thread. Welcome all those due to pop out a baby in March 14, whether you're an old hand or a newbie, come join the fun!

OP posts:
NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:13

The one I have is chicken, but would work equally well with beef! It's a rick stein recipe. I shall dig it out for you!

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:14

On the peanuts, I was told to eat them as normal!

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 11:18

Maybs I love that you have a recipe for everything! :)

Rockchick1984 · 26/09/2013 11:19

Prambo hoovering??? I'm sure I've heard of that.... Oh, I remember, its one of the jobs I make DH do Grin

Been catching up on the Christmas bargains thread, have now ordered 2x Oasis watches for £3 each, a box of Hotel Chocolat choccies for £7 instead of £20, and am trying to order some book people books with 10% off! Determined not to panic buy presents this year and end up spending a fortune!!

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 11:25

I didn't mean to scare people with the peanut thing...they really are fine for most people. It's just because I've ended up in hospital several times unable to breathe properly and we don't know the root cause Confused

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 11:25

Thanks maybe I will surely give it a go if you dig it out.

At my booking in appointment the midwife was reading through a list of 'not supposed to eat' things and peanuts were on there, but she says they change the advice constantly so not to worry.

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 11:26

I'm doing homemade gifts this year seen's I'm an unemployed erse and have plenty of time to faf around with glitter and ribbons and jam and all that awful shite. :(

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 11:30

I've been told not to have any citrus. Probably because I'm allergic to pineapple, grapefruit and kiwi. Orange juice makes me sick now anyway.

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:35

Ooh Kara, poor you. I'd be lost without pineapple juice. Lost I tell you. I love a bit of handmade. I made loads of edible stuff the other year. Chutneys, fudge, crackers, biscuits.....

Yes Comms. I do indeed have a recipe for every occasion. Down to cheese biscuits for dogs.....

Fox I will send you the recipe!

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:35

On peanuts - I read the Committee on Toxicity report on why the advice changed because DH is allergic to peanuts. For a few years they advised that pregnant women where there was a family history of allergies because the theory was that sensitisiation occurred in the womb (or through breastfeeding). The reason for this theory was that it is common for people to have a reaction to peanut on their first known exposure to it. The proportion of women the advice was aimed at (family history of allergies) who followed the advice was equal to the proportion of women it wasn't aimed at who followed it (from memory this was around 70%). Furhter research was done and after the advice had been in place for a number of years the eveidence was reviewed. Since it was found that there was no change in the incidence of peanut allergies despite a large proportion of pregnant women following the advice it was concluded that antenatal exposure was not causing sensitisation and the advice was withdrawn. Another possible route of sensitisation which they suggested is through skin treatments as there are plenty of those which contain peanut oil.

justmuddlingthroughit · 26/09/2013 11:38

I'm thinking of doing homemade gifts this year too, kara. I did it a couple of years ago, and baked cookies that were the right size to fit into a Pringles tube (which was duly wrapped to look prettily festive), made some flavoured vinegars for my mum and mil, who both enjoy cooking (I just got some fresh herbs and spices, put them in posh cider vinegar for about three weeks, then strained into pretty jars into which I also put a sprig of the relevant herb etc to look nice). It actually went down really well with everyone, which relieved me cos I was a bit nervous about how things would turn out. Have a look on, they always have good ideas. It's not all glitter glue and ribbons, promise!

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 11:39

Just checked my official notes (which I am dutifully carrying around with me) and it still says to avoid peanuts in there. Not sure when these were printed though.

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 11:41

I don't do Christmas presents, cuz I'm a tight bastard. That's just the way I roll Grin

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:41

The most amusing advice I read on peanuts was on an NHS page about breastfeeding which said that you don't need to avoid peanuts when breastfeeding but that you should if you are allergic to them yourself. Really? Like people with a peanut allergy couldn't have worked that out for themselves!

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 11:42

BWP you are just a fountain of knowledge!
Maybs I have a stack of recipe books. I've never opened a single one, I'm more of a 'chuck it in and see what happens' kind of girl :)

IceNoSlice · 26/09/2013 11:47

grey, fox, you obv had bad pho! But it's one of the staple foods there, isn't it? So bound to get a real variety of quality - I guess like fish and chips in this country can be yum or vile. We stayed longest on Hoi An and did a cookery course and my pho was fragrant, flavourful and amazing. So there Wink

Oh no, now I'm thinking about pad Thai too! (Another dish so common in its country you can get amazing or rubbish versions). With loads of crushed peanuts...

OP posts:
BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:47

I think the advice changed around Summer 2010 as I found out it had changed around my second/third pregnancies. A quick google doesn't turn up the actual COT report (and I gave my hard copy to a friend) but this BBC article references the report's recommendations:

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:48

Grin Kara I have so many books it's a joke!

Sounds like a plan Muddle

I love how even notes vary Fox. Mine don't say that! Ooh, are you carrying yours around now? Does this mean I need a new handbag to put them in?!

April13 · 26/09/2013 11:49

the peanut thing is weird, I was told they are fine to eat Hmm I love peanut butter on wholemeal toast with jam :)

I think I have been OK with food. I was super vigilant for the first 13 weeks but relaxed now with caffeine. I have even had a few dippy eggs (convinced myself it was OK on the basis of the whole red lion argument), I had a single black pudding (but I forgot I was not meant to be eating that) and I have had haggis a couple of times as part of a supper from the chippy and as a meal (before that it was in the whole awful/black pudding category). I even had a medium steak.....I feel like I am living on the edge!!!

Not had pate, cream cheeses etc and like joll I really missed my ibuprofen, codeine, aspirin etc when I wasn't well recently...the 75 mg of aspirin I am for the pre-eclampsia risk thing doesn't even cut it!!!

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:49

Ice I love pho. I'm sure yours was amazing Wink. I bloody love pad Thai. But it's not as good as Nasi goring. Drool.

BWP you are amazing. Can I ask what you do for a living?

NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:50

Why can't we have black pudding?

BadlyWrittenPoem · 26/09/2013 11:51

HM presents get easier once you have a child old enough to do them - last Christmas we gave mugs or photo frames painted by DD1 to all adult relatives which seemed to go down well.


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eln77 · 26/09/2013 11:52

hello everyone!

please can I join you lovely ladies? I've been lurking for a little while but thought i'd send you a little message to say hello! i'm currently 14 weeks exactly so i'm right at the back of the baby queue (due on 28th march)... 20 week scan isn't till 6th November which feels like a lifetime away!!

we actually also know what we're having already - we had the harmony test done which meant we could find out the sex, and we're having a little boy! hubby is besides himself with excitement (i'm pretty sure he's bought a set of baby golf clubs already!)... harmony test was interesting - was in the waiting room with Frankie sandford (who is the size of a house now so must be due any day!), and Rachel stevens! this is going back a couple of weeks ago, and then 2 days later she announced she was preggers! hubby had no idea who either of them were...

anyway enough inane dribble from me! hope you're all enjoying your pregnancy, and for those having a tough time of it through one thing and another i'm sending you lots of love and Thanks

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 11:53

Erm...why shouldn't we be eating black pudding? I had some this morning Blush

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 11:55

Maybs my dog would be your best friend!

Keep the homemade gift ideas coming! Just I love the cookies in a Pringles tube idea :)

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