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Martians 2014: thread 10. More scans, bigger bumps and eating for two! Nearly halfway there, ladies!

1001 replies

IceNoSlice · 25/09/2013 21:16

Thread 9

Shiny new thread. Welcome all those due to pop out a baby in March 14, whether you're an old hand or a newbie, come join the fun!

OP posts:
Beccadugs · 26/09/2013 09:46

We aren't finding our either. I'm sort of enjoying the "abstractness" of this baby. It will be here in all it's pink/blue glory for ever!!

I have a serious aversion to hot drinks, sadly. Coffee has the same effect on my bowel mummypig but it would be greatly appreciated at the moment!!

Also avoiding pâté, rare steak etc. as DH us very paranoid about it. As I'm feeling so sick I don't fancy much anyway, so it doesn't really make much of a difference!

MummyPig24 · 26/09/2013 09:50

I ordered steak in a restaurant a few weeks ago, I ordered it well done, it came medium. That's how I would usually have it. I was secretly pleased and ate it anyway. I have avoided pâté, Brie, alcohol etc though. I would love a baked Camembert!

Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 10:09

Avoiding: cigs, pate, uncooked egg, unpasteurised cheeses, mould ripened cheeses, raw fish, high mercury fish, liver, raspberry leaf tea, peanuts, practically my full pain relief stash Wink

Allowing occasionally: good quality rare beef, a black americano each weekday morning (huge reduction on my normal caffeine intake), the odd small glass of red wine.

Don't think I'm doing too badly considering my pre-pregnancy diet consisted of vast amounts of all of the above. Sure I've missed things off that list too lol

justmuddlingthroughit · 26/09/2013 10:21

Bloody hell, what happened to thread 9??? Just spent an hour and a half catching up on about 20 pages that I've missed since Monday!

saggy, imeg and gawjus, you're all in my thoughts at the moment. You're all so much stronger than I can imagine myself being, and your babies are lucky to have you as their mothers.

Congrats on the new house, prambo, and also on gender scan results, but I forget who for! Blush.

I also feel like I'm lagging behind most people a bit, as I'm only 14 + 3. My 16w mw appointment isn't for another two weeks, and my 20w scan is on 7th November. Wait for me, everyone!

Still trying to think of a new mn name...

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 10:22

Hi all, hope everyone is well!

Still having caffeine (but way less than my usual amount and under the limit) and my favourite - gypsy toast with not properly cooked egg.

I'm avoiding peanuts and uncooked meat and that's it really as I don't really like anything else that's banned other than the stuff I'm eating anyway!

MummyPig24 · 26/09/2013 10:23

Do we need to avoid peanuts? I thought that advice had changed? Or do you have allergies in the family? Not that I've eaten any peanuts or peanut products, just curious!

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 10:26

mummy I don't think we have to avoid them but dp has asthma and eczema so don't want to risk it either way regardless of the research just incase - and I don't really mind avoiding them for a few months anyway!

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 10:33

My ready steady baby book states that pregnant women are no longer advised to aviod peanuts although was munching some last week and OH's lovely daughter was telling me my baby is going to die because I am so selfish blah blah blah. Little bitch. Sick of people telling me to get rid of my cat, been told not to eat pasturised cream cheese, oh and also spinach and broccolli are bad for the baby. People need to fuck off and stop spouting pointless shite at me.

IceNoSlice · 26/09/2013 10:35

justmuddling how about an NN based around the word 'muddle'. Come on maybe and prambo, this is your forte.

I am still eating nuts. Love em and they're pretty good for you.

My colleague has just returned from a holiday in Vietnam and we chatted about the food there. I am seriously craving some pho and fresh spring rolls (has to be the fresh ones, the stodgy fried ones will just not do it). And I have zero chance of having any. Love love love proper Vietnamese food.

OP posts:
Jolleigh · 26/09/2013 10:35

The advice has changed Mummy - most people are fine to eat them apparently. I've just been known to have some quite random and severe allergic reactions and as nobody has managed to tell me the cause, it's best I stay away from peanuts. Which pisses me off as I love peanut butter cups!

justmuddlingthroughit · 26/09/2013 10:40

Ooh, how about 'MuckingFuddled' as my new nn?

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 10:42

I've not been avoiding peanuts, but I think I will start. I do like peanut butter, which MW said was fine but I suppose I am allergic to dust & cats & have a tiny bit of eczema so should prob take it more seriously.

gawj I've not been on FB (and can't get on now I'm at work) but I'm taking it OH is being a dick again? Hope you're ok.

Saggy good to have you back!

Going back to last night:

Kara I am not Dundonian, no. It's an Auzzie phrase I decided to whip out for no reason atall.

Lyra But I don't actually carry the laptop or the camera around. You tend to know when you might want your camera and I can wait until I get home to use the laptop. And the camera on a smart phone can't be as good as a proper camera, surely? How do you zoom for a start? And really there's more pressing things that need purchasing first like a new bathroom and furniture and baby stuff. Nonetheless, I'm a bit interested. Could I get a contract for £10 a month?

justmuddlingthroughit · 26/09/2013 10:44

I've eaten peanuts a few times so far. Although, dh's sister and cousin have mild nut allergies, so perhaps should avoid? Aaarrrggghhh, all I want to eat is rare steak, brie, runny eggs, expensive pate, and drink shitloads of coffee.

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 10:45

Oh no Ice I HATE pho! I spent a bit of time in Vietnam and sometimes it was all you could get. It was like they'd got some instant noodles, boiled them in a shit load of water and gone 'voila!'. If you were lucky you got half a raw cabbage to go with your instant noodles and water.

rescoonetwothree · 26/09/2013 10:48

I'm with you on the pho fox!

justmuddling I like it !!!

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 10:51

Give me Laos food any day. They do a thing described as a salad (but is nothing like a salad) called Laarp. It's great. I must try making it.

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 10:51

Raspberry we're 99% sure we're not going to find out. Like JK I wouldn't be able to stop shopping can't anyway and I'm really trying to hold off on my control freak/micromanaging ways with this pregnancy!

Mummyb I feel the exact same as you about having girl vs boy. I'm sure we'll manage! It's not that I want one more than the other, I just feel like I wouldn't know what to do with a boy!

I avoided caffeine completely in the first trimester (and really went off tea and coffee anyway) so now I'm happy just having the odd mug. Not really actively avoiding anything else (apart from not being able to make my mind up about rare steak) as I don't eat it anyway or the risk feels minimal enough. Apart from blue cheese, I really miss blue cheese!

karamcleod · 26/09/2013 10:55

I want super noodles now. Everytime food is meantioned on this thread I want it. Or if I see food on tv.
Cooked breakfast with a side of supernoodles would be amazing right now :(

Prambo · 26/09/2013 10:58

Muddling, how about SuperMuddle for a name (as in 'supermodel')?

We are not finding out the sex of the baby, Rasp.

I have decided to quit caffeine altogether (I drink 3 or 4 cans of energy drink per day) as I read the other day about the risks of an underweight baby.

RockChick, I suspect you're hoovering like a madwoman or summat. Well, stop! There'll be Greggs cake crumbs when I get there Wink Off to get in the shower.....see you soon, cock!

commsgirl · 26/09/2013 10:59

I can't stop thinking about the jar of gherkins I've got in the fridge at home.

HotCrossPun · 26/09/2013 11:03

I have peanut butter on toast every morning for my breakfast. Nobody in the family has a nut allergy though.

I hope I haven't tempted fate!

justmuddlingthroughit · 26/09/2013 11:04

comms, I'm fairly sure that hard blue cheese like Stilton is ok, as long as its made with pasteurised milk.


Ahem, 'scuse me.

prambo, i like that one Grin


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NoMaybeAboutIt · 26/09/2013 11:05

I'm still drinking tea. I say still, I only felt able to drink it again last week!

Who mentioned laarp? I bloody love it. So hot it makes my nose run! Oh yes indeedy! I have a recipe if you'd like?

Have fun Rock and Pram

Loving the new name Muddled!

FoxMulder · 26/09/2013 11:11

Me, I mentioned laarp marbie! I never had a really hot one, we were always given the tourist version! What's your recipe? Is it a beef one? The only ones I've seen in the UK have been with chicken, but it was always beef in Laos. Or maybe we only ate the beef ones, I can't remember.

MummyBee87 · 26/09/2013 11:13

MummyP, I was told off for eating peanuts - but my argument was that we don't have a family history of an allergy and hopefully by eating a couple (not a lot) now and again it will help build up a tollerance. Not sure if that even has any scientific founding, but it makes sense to me!

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