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December 2013 - steaming towards 3/4 cooked

990 replies

LadyMedea · 01/09/2013 16:35

Our shiny new thread... Pile in!

OP posts:
2Labradors · 03/09/2013 21:05

Hi, just checking in on this new thread.

crying I hope your bumps and scrapes are healing, poor you.

Sorry to not reply to everyone but I hope you're all well. Hello to deya

I'm on countdown to work and think I'm getting a bit obsessed by it haha. It's 7 and a half weeks now. Days still sound too long. I can't wait to be out of there, I want to wash baby clothes and smell them Blush

Deya · 03/09/2013 21:18

Music yes, this will be my first baby with EDD on my birthday! Still can't figure out whether it is a good thing or not. I have a feeling he'll be a bit early anyway ( or maybe it's just me starting to wish the time away ).

And I know what you and Labradors mean by counting every day left in the office. Same here - 7 weeks, then two weeks holiday and mat.leave. Can't wait as I'm starting to feel my pregnancy quite painfully now. Actually got sick leave yesterday for the rest of the time I have left at work but haven't put it to use - my company are very nice to me and I would feel too guilty. Grin and bear it...

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 21:28

Yeah I've had a long sick leave during this pregnancy (surgery for ovarian cyst) and now find myself feeling like I should be working twice as hard to make up for it! My EDD is FRIDAY THE 13th! I know its common with first births, but hoping I won't be overdue- although she can't be too early or the house won't be finished!

CryingGivesMeAHeadache · 03/09/2013 21:30

Thanks labradors I have a spectacular bruise on my foot along with the inch deep cut which hurts quite alot and it's quite annoying to not be able to use my right hand (I am right handed) or lie on my right side in bed as that is where the cut is.

Deya · 03/09/2013 21:39

Today I was sitting in the office and at times my eyes were popping out with rib pain ( hand goes into the bag for the sick note ). Then again I would feel better ( sick note stays in the bag ). lol
I feel guilty because unknown to anyone, including me, I was 2 weeks pregnant when I started in my current job. So I will be longer off on mat. leave than I have worked there!
Music are you doing up your house or is it a new place?

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 22:15

The main bit is we're extending the kitchen, but also have just finished bathroom. The hall/stairs and nursery also all need decorating! DH lived here when we met, so its 'our house' now and it needs some love! Am excited for when its finished, and meanwhile I'm glad I'm out of the house during the day! We've ordered our pram! (Can't remember if I mentioned that on last thread) Has anyone else chosen theirs? Gone for an Uppababy Vista in bright red (festive!)

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 22:18

Rib pain sounds horrible Deya I'm expecting it to kick in over the next few weeks.... Crying I hope you manage to get comfy, sounds like you've had a really bad run of luck. I'm focusing on NYE bubbly. BF or not, I'm having a little glass of fizz!

CryingGivesMeAHeadache · 03/09/2013 22:25

I just want to be comfy. Apparently that isn't on the agenda tonight so I wish I could just get really drunk and fall asleep. Can't do that either. Pregnancy is rubbish Knowing my luck I will be overdue so STILL wont be able to have a tipple on NYE and baby will be born in the new year.

We have our pram too music we got it for £50 from a car boot and it is brand new came with everything too, the cozytoes thing and rain hood and whatever else you get with a pram. It goes from lying down to sitting up so can be used for a while. Also in bright red as is the car seat Grin

mumoftwoboysS · 03/09/2013 22:51

Anyone watch the midwives tonight? Couldn't watch all of it (but is recorded)as DH came home and refused to watch it. That couple- not sure where they are from? They wanted everything natural which is great, but then he says 'we're not expecting there to be any pain' (during labour/birth) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! That's funny. Oh dear, how naive...

Stom91 · 03/09/2013 22:54

Welcome deya.

I've missed loads and too tired to catch up lol..

Came home and all I want was a hug from dp. I get a bad mood and him telling me I'm not all there and can't wait til I'm not pregnant anymore.. Thanks.

In so much pain and so effing (sorry) fed up now.

We got a 9 in 1 pram thing from a friend they paid £1000 we Brought it for £300 came with loads of extras so good deal. But bit annoyed as was having a play today and the wheels done turn.. So to turn u have to lift the front if you get me? Going to be a pain in the arse lol

Sorry for the huge moan x

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 22:55

Pram bargain! Sounds great. I didn't think I wanted red at first but as the nights get longer and winter comes along I think I'll be glad of something bright and cheerful! Although this winter will be like no other!
Watched 'Midwives' AND 'OBEM' this evening! V interesting, but maybe not the best idea to sit and watch it on my own.

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 23:08

Stom only just saw your post after I sent that one about Deya's pram. I'm sorry yours isn't turning properly. I assume its nothing simple like needing oiling or something tightening?
Have you spoken to someone about your pain, is it somewhere specific? Would you try painkillers?
Can't believe your DH was so grumpy :( try and ignore him, (I'm sure mine's felt like saying that a few times mind you), I hope you get an apology and/or a hug soon. Or have a hug from me. x

musiceverywhere · 03/09/2013 23:09

mumoftwo I saw that, they were an interesting couple. I won't spoil it for you, but let me know when you've watched it all and what you thought!

Stom91 · 03/09/2013 23:17

music it's ongoing pain I've had since I was 12.. .. But it's gotten worse because of pregnancy..
I'm taking pain killers but they aren't touching it :(

Dp says stuff like that all the time. :/ it's the 'your not all there' that hurts most

The pram is designed so the wheels don't turn.. I will double check. But going to be a pain.

MildredH · 03/09/2013 23:48

I'm not sure I can watch that midwives prog.. Watched ep 1 in floods of tears..! Will almost certainly end up watching though!

Ooh yes yes to whoever said community midwife makes you feel like another irritating pregnant lady. I think mine doesn't love the fact I'm
a doctor and I feel she's fairly defensive. Just glad seeing as I won't be home birthing there's no chance she'll deliver me.

6 weeks tomo will be my last day at work. Time's flying by!

DaleyBump · 04/09/2013 01:07

Welcome deya!

I need some advice. I was up in hospital yesterday for reduced fm as I'd only felt him twice the whole day. They scanned me and ran a trace and everything was fine, but it's been a while and he's still not started moving normally again. I'm really starting to worry about it. I know he's probably fine and they've checked me but all I can focus on is that he's not moving and he should be.

itsliz · 04/09/2013 06:57

Welcome, Deya! Looks like your EDD falls on my birthday, too Smile Don't know about you but I can see December getting even more expensive than usual what with my birthday, the little one's birthday, Christmas AND New Year! Very jealous of everyone that's cracking open the champagne this year as I'm due on 30th and have a feeling he'll end up being late!

Ohhh and don't forget to add yourself to our stats thread:

music I'm loving the sound of your festive pram Grin We got our travel system a couple of months ago on eBay - It's a Graco Symbio (with the car seat, carrycot and upright toddler seat) in black and 'moon grey' which is worth well over £500... We got ours for £160! I wanted a Bugaboo and DP wanted an Oyster, but this one is like a combination of the two!

Daley glad everything went ok at the hospital yesterday. I think we're all getting to the stage where everything is starting to worry us now that we've come so far! If you need any extra reassurance though, maybe try things like eating something sugary and sweet or having an ice cold drink or going for a brisk walk (I always find he's wriggling around loads when I finally get to sit down after walking around or being busy for a while!) Big hugs from me though, I'm sure everything will be fine Smile

weechops · 04/09/2013 07:13

Just checking in briefly before another manic day starts!
I've been rubbish at keeping up with posts recently.

Good news here is that dh is starting a job at home in 3 weeks so no more oil rigs and scary choppers woohoo!

In getting really bad pain in my hips at night. Having to constantly turn over to ease them so I'm not really getting a good sleep :( we have a new bed coming on the 20th so I'm hoping a new super comfy mattress might help a bit.! Poor dh might have a problem getting in though with all the pillows surrounding me these days :)

froubylou · 04/09/2013 09:32

Morning all

Sorry to hear about everyone with aches and pains. Especially Crying. You poor love. I think you need wrapping in mummy style bandages for the rest of your pregnancy love! On a serious note are you getting enough rest and eating enough? I always get more clumsy when I'm tired.

Hello Deya!

I'm off for a nosey around that Mothercare outlet again today. I wasn't going to get a pram just yet but if you lot have started buying yours............?

And am tempted to nip into town too. We have a bric a brac market on a wednesday in the market and I know there is a baby stall on there with 'reconditioned' prams and stuff. They are all immacualtely clean and like new and start at about £60 for a 3 in 1 travel system. DP wanted a new one for him but I know I won't use it long before I want a Maclaren umbrella style. Am really tempted to forgo the travel system altogether and buy a nice maclaren that lays down so suitable from birth and a car seat seperate. So going for another look at prams today so I can hopefully decide.

But I won't be buying one today. Nope I won't. Definatly not

Have a fab day everyone!

CryingGivesMeAHeadache · 04/09/2013 09:43

I'm getting hardly any sleep frouby its a miracle if I get more than 3 hours a night Sad hope you find a lovely pram though Grin

I want to go look at baby things. it annoys me that PIL have already got us everything we need so I can't go and buy things. Saying that, now we're in September, I need a coat that fits. anyone got any recommendations?

MrsShrubs · 04/09/2013 09:57

Morning lovely ladies!

weechops I had that pain in my hops so I went to mothercare and bought their version of a pregnancy pillow for £24.99 (there are other brands there for about £40 but i didnt want to pay that much!) and I'm now having the best nights sleep, apart from having to go the loo at 2am I sleep straight through now. Also great news on your OH's job!!

Welcome deya !!

We're ordering our pram next week, we're going to get the icandy peach2, we're thinking of getting the carrycot in silver but the main pram in black for a bit of a change. Plus gender neutral for in a few years when we think about baby number 2 and it converts to a two seater pram too.

daley I had the same and was checked out last Monday, it took him nearly 2 days after I was checked for me to feel him properly again and then he hasn't stopped since, they said he was moving from what the tests showed but he'd gotten himself into a position where he was either facing my back so wouldn't be able to feel him anywhere bear as much or squashed himself somewhere where he didn't have as much room to move. It is really scary though when you're used to feeling then quite a lot. They also told me some people still at this point haven't felt their baby move at all.

MW wise I haven't been allocated one specifically its whoever is the community MW available that day but so far all 3 I've seen have been really lovely so fingers crossed I don't end up with a dragon when I go into labour!

Feeling really good this morning, and managed to find a work appropriate summery outfit that doesn't make me feel frumpy too so huge pregnancy bonus in the office stakes today!! Very jealous of how little time left at work people have, I've got 11 weeks to go so only 3 weeks before he's due, but my works quite low maintenance and I'm really lucky that they're great to work for so it shouldn't be too bad!

mumoftwoboysS · 04/09/2013 10:13

I'm going to get my dream genii pillow out of the loft today- starting to get sore hips too. Sorry to hear you're not sleeping well crying as for maternity coats- eBay is a good bet if you don't want to pay too much tho from what's remember bidding can be fierce as they're always in demand. I don't have one that fits me for winter- I used a non-maternity wool one that just had a belt I could tie round me last winter but was wearing it when I have birth to dc2 outside the hospital so it got ruined! Turns out amniotic fluid and vernix (that whitish coating on baby) doesn't come out in the wash!

A cheap alternative that I used last time was a knitted poncho. Sod whether or not its fashionable, layered up with a jumper it does the job if its not too cold!

Just tried to neaten up my lady garden with DH's trimmer- ended up looking bald and also cut myself- can't see a bloody thing anymore! Maybe I should look into waxing tho I don't know if I can bear the pain!...


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mumoftwoboysS · 04/09/2013 10:17

From ' what I' remember'. Meant to say...

Stom91 · 04/09/2013 10:19

crying new look website have some nice maternity coats!

I'm waking up hungry in the middle of the night.. What do u all eat?
I think I may need a pregnancy pillow. Worst night sleep ever! Baby was wriggling making me feel sick lol
But least u know she's happy :)

CryingGivesMeAHeadache · 04/09/2013 11:30

Ooh I shall check out the newlook website then. I have a lovely dress from newlook that I pretty much live in these days as it's so comfy. My Dad just popped round to check how i'm doing after my disastrous day earlier in the week and gave me £30 to treat myself with. Might use that to get a coat or a jumper.

I need to have a shower today as I've been managing with just flannel washes for a few days but I don't feel clean. I'm just not sure how to manage it with only one hand haha.

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