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For all of you lot who have tvs in your kids rooms

183 replies

fishfinger · 05/07/2005 12:05

i made ds1 read this this morning

OP posts:
QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 18:51

"So you leave the tv on all day just because you can't remember to watch Brainteasers."

No I leave it on all day because I like having it on all day (particulaly nice to have the background noise - while I'm upstairs on the computer - while DS2 is sleeping in the afternoon).

"couldn't you just write yourself a note?"

Nope - doesn't work - I have to use the reminders on my phone and outlook express to do simple things like putting the bins out every Wednesday, emptying the dishwasher or even to make sure I pick up DS1 from nursery on time

"Or fork out for Sky +?"

You going to pay for it for me???

Enid · 06/07/2005 18:52


sorry QofQ you sound like you have a bit of a problem with your memory (and I really mean that most sincerely folks, not in the massively patronising way I am aware that it sounds). I can see why you might forget to watch Brainteasers.

Go right ahead.

Enid · 06/07/2005 18:53

is that why you do the quote thing?

Enid · 06/07/2005 18:53

do you think its because you spend too much time on the internet? I know I can forget things if I am rattling away on here.

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 18:58

LOL - actually I don't usually watch Brainteaser as the temptation to spend a fortune on the phone trying to get through is genenrally too great.

Got a memory like a sieve - always have done (blame my mum for that she's forgetful too)......don't forget 2 weeks ago I nearly took DS1 to an induction day that wasn't until the following week. Plus it was only looking out of the window 10 minutes ago that I remembered there's a parents evening at 7.30pm tonight at DS1 school that he starts in September.

When I'm not too busy or stressed out I'm not as forgetful - but at times like the last few months where I'm trying to do a full time job, a part time job and be a full time SAHM the grey cells are severly lacking.

Mind you - even when the grey cells are working better I still have the TV on all day, complete silence when the boys are engrossed in something or even silence in the background (or when they're sleeping) unnerve me a little........possibly because silences when I was growing up usually mean there was a 'cold' atmoshpere in the air.

Even if my brother and I were playing if there wasn't 'background noise' - it wasn't a very nice atmosphere.

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 18:59

nope do the "quote" thing because I hate reading threads were you get lots of comments like

"was that comment directed at me"

"who are you talking to"

"no I was refering to x,y,z"

As for the internet use - nope makes no difference at all - and 95% of the time if I'm online I'm also working.

Enid · 06/07/2005 19:05

I take your point about silence=miserable atmosphere but dont you think you might concentrate/remember things better if you didn't have the distraction of tv?

emily05 · 06/07/2005 19:08

QoQ - I remember watching 'Child of our time' prof winston - they set up cameras in various families houses. There was a woman with triplets and 2 older children and she had the tv on costantly. But during the experiment the triplets actually didnt watch much at all (I think less than some of the children who watched a set amount).

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 19:11

no - I used to revise for my exams with 'background' noise and did quite (well actually very ) well. If I tried studying in silence I actulaly couldn't concentrate and my mind wandered - I know I'm very odd but that's just me

Most of my day is spent within 'earshot' but not sight of the TV - so the distraction is no more than if I had the radio (which I use the TV to listen to) or CD's (which I get distracted singing along to) LOL

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 19:14

anyhow - now you don't just think but actually know I'm a complete nutter I'm going to go and get changed and sit with the snobby mums at the parents evening (only reason I'm changing is because I splashed dinner on myself when cooking dinner)

okapi · 06/07/2005 19:19

I love silence - I never have the TV on in the daytime - dh however is the opposite - as soon as he come home he puts the TV on... and then leaves the room and puts on the one in the kitchen.....he likes loud music in his car as well

unfortunately the ds's are taking after him

PrincessPeaHead · 06/07/2005 19:29

well there was another study somewhere that said children raised in a house where a tv was always on providing background noise were more likely to have developmentmental delays in speech and language development.

QofQ if you don't remember to watch a programme then surely you didn't need to watch it in the first place?
Thought of tv on all day (or god forbid at meal times - slackjawed chewing while gawping at the box) makes me feel ill.

PrincessPeaHead · 06/07/2005 19:30

does Queen of Quotes remind anyone else of a certain Cardiff lorrydriver cum barrister called Steve?!

fishfinger · 06/07/2005 19:36

hehe pph

OP posts:
CountessDracula · 06/07/2005 19:39
soapbox · 06/07/2005 19:40

Don't think we could go through all that again!

flashingnose · 06/07/2005 19:46

I'm quite surprised that QoQ has received such a pasting on here for this. I have the radio on all day every day for the same reason - silence makes me uncomfortable as I associate it with unhappy times whilst growing up. If her ds's were sitting glued to it constantly, I'm sure she'd take action, but they don't. It's on for company and then they watch specific programmes. Presumeably if R4 was on and then they watched the same specific programmes, that would be OK??

okapi · 06/07/2005 19:54

I'm quite surprisd at the suggestion that Q of Q (AKA Gwenick) is a troll

starrynight · 06/07/2005 20:31

I want to know about Steve!

PrincessPeaHead · 06/07/2005 20:40

who said she was a troll? just thought her views and her love of incessant quoting were reminiscent of young steve's

TwinSetAndPearls · 06/07/2005 20:43

We got rid of our tv about a month ago and it was the best decision we have ever made. We have a portable in the study which I use to record my OU programmes and dd watches boogie beebies in the morning.

Our house is so much calmer, we talk more, my dd is happier as she gets more attention rather than being put in front of a box or being told to shush while we stare at the box. Dd has always been a bright button so I don't know if it has helped her with language etc but we have more time to do things as we are not watching telly.

My dp and I are so mucb happier as our evenings are spent doing things together rather than watching crap on the telly.

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 22:05

PPH - we don't watch TV while eating - we sit at the dining room table - in the dining room (funnily enough ) to eat ALL our meals - even the boys snacks after nursery (shock horror I let them snack too!) are eaten at the table. The TV is in the living room.

PMSL at being described as a troll!


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marthamoo · 06/07/2005 22:14

Heehee, I get to be a 'bit' of a Smug Mum - I failed the "do your kids have toy guns?" test but I can hold my head up high and say they don't have TVs in their room, nor do they watch very much TV. Yayyyyy! (Feel better now...)

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 22:15

Not quite so smug there've just admitted to lying to your children

miggy · 06/07/2005 22:20

Enid-dd doesnt like/ever ask to watch tv-her gran bought her the tv/video thing.
Yes-the boys only use it once a week but they enjoy it and its nice to see an 11yr old and an 8yr old snuggled up together watching (they have strange tastes and prefer musicals and john wyndham films-current fav is "the king and I"!) so why not?
DH and I watch tv while we eat because its the one time we get to sit down together and relax with a glass of wine and otherwise would have to talk to DH but family meals 3 or 4 times a week-rule is no tv. Also let kids watch tv at supper because often boys arent in from school till 6.30 ish and bedtime is 8 so really tea/tv is their unwinding time.

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