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For all of you lot who have tvs in your kids rooms

183 replies

fishfinger · 05/07/2005 12:05

i made ds1 read this this morning

OP posts:
Enid · 06/07/2005 11:27

Just to fan the really I was thinking about this this morning...I think it is spoilt. I can't believe all these kids that have their own tellies and game cubes and pcs in their rooms. We have all those things but can only afford one of each - so they stay in one room where everyone shares them.

(we do have a telly normally - just havent had one for a while with builders - I am quite happy to let them watch it btw)

Enid · 06/07/2005 11:28

QofQ your telly is on all day


how depressing

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 11:38

yes Enid it's on all day - just the same way some people have the radio on all day (and the people I know who have the radio on all day have it on much louder than our TV is on )

batters · 06/07/2005 11:42

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Caligula · 06/07/2005 11:45

I can't bear TV's being on all day. I fail to see the necessity for background noise and pictures.

I do have the radio on, but when something comes on that I don't want to listen to (like Gardener's Question Time) I turn it off. It's on because I am listening to it. Flickering pictures attacking your brain, that you're not quite looking at properly, is quite different, imo.

I hate stand-by as well. Won't use it - what's so difficult about turning an appliance on and off?

[crusty old trout icon]

Enid · 06/07/2005 11:46

having the radio on is different (although I dont do that either) but we do have music on a lot.

completely different - you can do other things and concentrate with music on - you cannot when the tv is on.

also it is dross in the day - how can you bear it?

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 11:47

music yes - but radio - most of the radio stations have phone in's and dicussions. - and ime radio tends to be played louder than TV (well it does in our house).

AM - Kids TV on - volume low/medium
PM - Whatever I feel like putting on - volume low
After 6pm - the news automatically comes on then it's DH's choice volume medium/high

tamum · 06/07/2005 11:49

Me too batters. Mine watch TV more than I would like, although I have cut the hours considerably. It's certainly not on as background noise. I wouldn't have the radio on constantly either actually.

I would have thought that there would be a very high correlation between no TV in children's bedrooms and no TV during meals, surely? Both are pretty well unacceptable to me, and I would have thought most people would do both or neither. I can't believe that none of these studies took anything other than TV into account either, I'm sure they will have controlled for lots of things. In terms of people who have posted on here to say their children have TVs in their bedrooms and are super-bright, surely no-one would take my argument seriously if I came on here and said (truthfully) my children are very bright and don't have a TV in their bedroom so that proves the research right would they?

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 11:49

sorry but I HATE a completely quiet house - and am yet to find a radio station that doesn't do my head in that's available on the 'normal' radio.

Most of the radio stations we do listen to are only available on sky.......

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 11:50

Tamum - we don't have TV's in their bedrooms- but the TV is on during dinner (although we do sit at the dining room table to eat every mealtime.

tamum · 06/07/2005 11:52

I said a very high correlation, not perfect. Presumably if your TV is on all day then it is on at mealtimes by default.

batters · 06/07/2005 11:53

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QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 11:56

yes it's on - but we don't watch it as we're at the table in the dining room and we sit and talk about our days, what the boys have been up to etc etc..... (unless DH's eagle ears pick up on some news about Zimbabwe in which case he excuses himself from the table and watches the report).

Certainly better than what used to happen when I was a kid - "Radio dinners" - plates on lap (yes we did own a table but it only got used for sunday lunch) radio on full blast - complete silence as dad wanted to listed to whatever was on.

I can understand why some of you don't want TV's in their room - but you can't deny that TV's DO have some educational benefit??

tamum · 06/07/2005 12:00

I wouldn't deny that at all, but I have to say that I feel that the educational benefits are likely to be much higher if the TV is specifically switched on for a particular program or programs.

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 12:03

I'm glad you've got the 'memory' capacity to 'remember' to switch the TV on for certain programmes - most of my memory cells have disappeared after 2 pg's.

If there's something I particularly want to watch I put it on the programme planner on "auto view" and "series link" (if there is one) so that it automatically changes and I don't miss the programme...........only works if the TV is swtiched on though

CountessDracula · 06/07/2005 12:13

God I couldn't bear to be in a house with the tv on if I wasn't actively watching it. It just annoys me. I'm with whoever it was who said that they find it unbearably rude to go to someone's house and the tv is on in the background.

And no I would not let dd have a tv in her room. I want to monitor what she watches. I survived without one why shouldn't she? Much more important that she has her time for imaginative play, reading etc IMHO.

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 12:19

That's ok CD - I can't bear to be in a house with a naff radio talk show on - or cr*ppy music blaring from a CD player - find both as off putting as each other - and IME radio/music is always on louder than a TV on in the background so that people can actually hear it.

And FWIW - both of my kids are very active, and do lots of imaginary play, read (well I read to them as they're too little to read on their own yet), and enjoy riding their bikes outside (when it's not raining obviously LOL). Just because the TV is on doens't mean we're always sat down watching it - and if I DO listen to the radio it's always on the TV as you have more choice in channels on there

QueenOfQuotes · 06/07/2005 12:22

"I survived without one why shouldn't she? "

Sorry but I love that statement - our grandmothers didn't have washing machines and "survived without", lots of our parents didn't have disposable nappies but "survived without", people didn't used to have electric kettles,

oh and most importantly - my parents didn't have the internet when they were growing - and they "survived without"............shall we just chuck out computers in the bin as our parents didn't need/use them!

tamum · 06/07/2005 12:24

Why the assumption that anyone who doesn't have TV on all day must have the radio on though? I don't think volume is the main point either.

soapbox · 06/07/2005 12:26

Don't have TV or Radio on - hate background noise of any sort as I'm a little bit deaf.

Only put radio on in the kitchen while I am cooking or clearing up. Have radio on in car.

Otherwise noise only when I specifically choose it!

TV on in the background really winds me up. TV while eating is a soul destroying depressing experience!

handlemecarefully · 06/07/2005 12:28

Tv in kid's bedrooms / on at meal times / on all day as background noise...

It's just not on my radar of things to worry about...

handlemecarefully · 06/07/2005 12:30

Totally respect everyone's rights to have strong and forthright opinions on this matter, just surprised it's generated such strong views


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Papillon · 06/07/2005 12:42

Background TV on all day - no way, can´t stand it. The electric dummy to pacify the people.

Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy said it all so well with their song Television, the Drug of the nation

Apathetic, therapeutic and extremely addictive - well definately imo apathetic and addictive. Don´t believe TV is therapeutic - as watching TV induces the slower alpha waves - like a coma.

I have the book ´In the Absence of the Sacred, by Jerry Mander´he wrote another called Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television - I think what this reviewer said is so right on... ´We have been so inoculated to all of this by now that it's hard to see unless you go away and come back again.´

With that in mind, the need for TV on all day seems, well, empty and idyllic defence

handlemecarefully · 06/07/2005 12:45

I can't think of an adequate riposte to that as I am in a tv induced coma

Well, not really, I'm at work so in an office induced coma

Papillon · 06/07/2005 13:01

handlemecarefully - you are in front of your computer in the office... not far off coma material imo for most - especially if you are just feeding the machine

did not quite get to finish my posts last sentence. Wanted to mention to you QoQ that this discussion is not just about your family, but beyond that, about humanity and the effects of television - that is what the study that the news article is reporting upon. Just a thought huh.

News link again for later arrivals to thread...
Study announces results of study - headline... TV cuts chances of getting a degree

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