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Name for sibling of Sequoiadendron?

341 replies

claudethelad · 25/02/2020 10:56

I'm expecting a second child and struggling with name ideas. Not sure of the gender yet but would like something unique that you don't find often. My husband is a botanist which is why we called our daughter Sequoiadendron (Sequoia for short!) and we're looking for something similar that's plant related.
Thanks in advance for the help fellow mums!! :)

OP posts:
MisguidedAngel · 25/02/2020 12:26

Let's have more occupation-related baby names. My children's father was a maths teacher, so we could have had
maybe simultaneous first name, middle name equation
decimal first name middle name point

Thank goodnes that fifty years ago it was only narcissistic celebrities who were this deluded/selfish. Apologies to the OP if this is a joke. The trouble is that there are so many batshit parents out there that maybe it isn't.

Flutteringsatlast · 25/02/2020 12:26

Cleaner here.
Dd is Windy. Nn for windolene.
Ds's - twins - are Sheen and Cifton, Cif for short...

bananahood · 25/02/2020 12:27

BOG MYRTLE. Bog for short.

HelgaHere1 · 25/02/2020 12:29

Garrya Elliptica

Windyone · 25/02/2020 12:30

Hahaha “UK Deed Poll Service” just came up as an advert 😀

HelenUrth · 25/02/2020 12:30

Trachycarpus if it's a boy.

Given it's a little bit fern-like, it's perfect to go with little Sequoiadendron's middle name.

Nuttyaboutnutella · 25/02/2020 12:30

Olivia or James, obviously.

ifIwerenotanandroid · 25/02/2020 12:32


64sNewName · 25/02/2020 12:32

I once came across someone in an 1890s newspaper whose occupation was related to volcanos and whose numerous children had names like Etna and Vesuvia.

I then looked them up in census records out of sheer curiosity, and they were real.

OhWellThatsJustGreat · 25/02/2020 12:33

It's actually very pretty when you say it. But a bit Shock to read.

I like Taraxacum or Persicaria for a girl.
Dandelion and Devils-Tail

I like Malus or Pyrus for a boy.
Apple and pear.

PleasantVille · 25/02/2020 12:33

I don't usually click on baby name threads so have no idea if this is a piss take on another thread but surely no one would give a child a name that all teachers will curse and will mean they have to spend their whole like spelling, explaining and smiling politely when people comment on it.

My name is fairly normal but can be spelled in two different ways, it gets tiring always have to spell it out.

BoreOfWhabylon · 25/02/2020 12:35


or Giant Hogweed for short.

Suitable for a boy or girl

ifIwerenotanandroid · 25/02/2020 12:35

btw, DH's initials are SC & we were both programmers when we met, so we decided if we had a son he'd be Alexander [DH name] the Second, so ASCII.

CandyCaneLeBonBon · 25/02/2020 12:37

How about Myparentsarebonkers?

theoriginalmadambee · 25/02/2020 12:38

Those poor kids, whose parents have to show up their qualifications. Wondering if this is a botanist thing. We have a distant relative, who married a botanist, she also insisted in calling their dc horrible, horrible tree names.

But if op has a career, surely next dc should be named accordingly? Kind of hope she's a cook, then name the dc 'frying pan'.

Floribundance · 25/02/2020 12:39


^ points at name

FrangipaniBlue · 25/02/2020 12:41

Planty mc-flower bush

I'm done 🤣🤣🤣

Anyone remember Daisy Lou Freebush?

Michelleoftheresistance · 25/02/2020 12:42

Floribundance it is lovely... unfortunately when I read it in print it always comes out in my head as Flori bun dance, with images of happily dancing cupcakes.

CandyCaneLeBonBon · 25/02/2020 12:42

Actually as pp have pointed out, the Sequoia does have Native American connotations so I call cultural appropriation and suggest you rename your child Bob instead and give yourself a good talking to!

viques · 25/02/2020 12:44

Quercus for a boy.

Floribundance · 25/02/2020 12:44

That’s how I read it too Michelleoftheresistance Grin

Shosha1 · 25/02/2020 12:45



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Zilla1 · 25/02/2020 12:46


I haven't read the whole thread but are you sure the OP doesn't have enough native american heritage for it not to be cultural appropriation?

I liked the suggestion that the second child should be named for the other parent's profession though I suppose they might both be botanists (though I'd expect they'd have said so in the OP).

Bluetrews25 · 25/02/2020 12:47

The Greek chef down the road has twins, boy/girl called Tzatsiki and Taramasalata. Taramasalata is obvs the girl as it's pink (and NN Tara)

TeddyIsaHe · 25/02/2020 12:47

Balonz was much funnier.

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