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Autumn Wren - please tell me it's ok?

117 replies

LovedByAll · 05/01/2017 19:00

Baby girl is 4 weeks old. We love Autumn Wren. Is it just too 'Yankee'? Sad

OP posts:
EmmaC78 · 05/01/2017 20:33

I like both on their own but not together.

user1480267413 · 05/01/2017 20:35

My message was tongue in cheek!! My point is that just because someone has used a word as a name it doesn't mean that it is a good idea. Just trying to save your little one from huge embarrassment later. I could have called my daughter Sinkplug Washington but common sense took over.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 05/01/2017 20:38

Love the names separately but not together.

Ontopofthesunset · 05/01/2017 20:38

Just on a technicality winter doesn't start on the solstice. The solstice is actually midwinter - the shortest day of the year. So winter really begins about 6 weeks before Dec 21 if you take a strict 3 month per season approach. The summer solstice is midsummer. If your daughter was born in December she was born in winter.

I think both names together are a bit much, like a fabric design or paint colour or even bird genus.

AprilShowers16 · 05/01/2017 20:39

They're both beautiful names but I think together it's a bit much sorry.

AthenasOwl · 05/01/2017 20:47

I think wren is beautiful.
Autumn is lovely too on it's own. It would be one or the other for me, personally I'd go with wren.

holliewilliams · 05/01/2017 20:52

When I first saw the two names together I thought it was a plant name or something species related. Sorry. Autumn is a nice name whether or not someone is born in the season. I would choose a different middle name.

LovedByAll · 05/01/2017 20:53

Autumn Madeleine?

OP posts:
Foureyesarebetterthantwo · 05/01/2017 20:55

I think it's lovely, and no-one ever ever knows people's middle names, I don't know why it's such a big deal on here, I shouldn't think any of my friends know my middle name, certainly not ones I've made in the last 20 years, it just doesn't come up. So, I would stick with it, as Autumn is lovely and Wren, if you like it, goes well together. I prefer it to Autumn Madeleine.

AthenasOwl · 05/01/2017 20:55

I like Autumn Madeleine..very pretty.

lorelairoryemily · 05/01/2017 20:56

Autumn Madeleine is lovely

2plus1plusL1 · 05/01/2017 20:57

I love it - I love originality and the fact you love it should be enough.
Does she have dark hair? I imagine a beautiful dark haired baby

Loyly · 05/01/2017 21:03

OP, your more recent idea of Autumn Madeleine is beautiful.

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 05/01/2017 21:05

Its daft if the child isn't born in Autumn.

Gingergin · 05/01/2017 21:05

I love it

Anywhichway123 · 05/01/2017 21:05

I love it!

We have an Autumn Scarlett :)

FourKidsNotCrazyYet · 05/01/2017 21:10

It's a pretty name. When she gets a sister you can call her Winter Robin Wink

thebakerwithboobs · 05/01/2017 21:14

It's a beautiful name. Just as a passing comment, my first name is a month....and not a month I was born in. Genuinely, I can probably only count on one hand how many people have asked if I was born in the month of my name. It's a non-issue. I love Wren too!

thebakerwithboobs · 05/01/2017 21:14

Not very well explained but that was for the 'was she born in Autumn' comments Smile

Pluto30 · 05/01/2017 21:14

Autumn Madeleine is infinitely better.

I love Wren, but Autumn Wren sounds like a kind of bird, and Autumn Violet doesn't work either. Two nature names never work well together.

LovedByAll · 05/01/2017 21:20

She has so much dark hair! Smile

OP posts:
Soubriquet · 05/01/2017 21:22

Don't count on it staying dark Grin

Ds had black hair with blonde highlights when he was born. Every midwife commented on it because it was beautiful

He now has a head of bright blonde hair


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LovedByAll · 05/01/2017 21:22

Oh, we also like Autumn Kate?

OP posts:
Artandco · 05/01/2017 21:23

It's a bit like a product own after another. Can you add a middle name?

Autumn Elizabeth Wren
Autumn Theodora Wren
Autumn Juliana Wren

LovedByAll · 05/01/2017 21:24

Soub, we don't mind (obviously!) what colour it is/goes Smile

We think it might end up red though, as my whole family is and DH's family does (he is the only one with brown hair, pretty much!)

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