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Is Hades a horrific boys name?

105 replies

JustALittleConfused · 08/04/2014 01:01

That's it really. I've always thought it would be an awesome name and now I'm pregnant and my other half likes it I've been seriously considering it. Thoughts please..?

OP posts:
MammieBear · 11/09/2017 07:08

I wouldn't do it if I was you, it's like Lucifer, it just sets your child up for a life of torment, best way to think when picking names is could you live with the name and all that comes with it? Think of high school, job interviews...

donajimena · 11/09/2017 07:11

Well he'll be 3 now so I hope she called him something else.

EmpressOfTheSpartacusOceans · 11/09/2017 07:13

I've just seen my own comment from 2014 suggesting that people RTFT before giving opinions.

If the OP is still around three years later, nice one!

Sugarpiehoneyeye · 11/09/2017 08:25

Sorry OP ... dreadful.

Crumbs1 · 11/09/2017 08:28

Sounds like the baddie in a Bond movie or the lead in a fifty shades type novel.

Kellyturnbull · 11/09/2017 09:01

I know a little boy names Hayes, his brother is Heath and I think they are lovely names!
What about Hayes instead of Hades :)

Farahilda · 11/09/2017 11:23

A lovely example here to show the importance of RTFT!

The child is 3 and is not called Hades (though the then hypothetical future dog might have got it)

User24689 · 12/09/2017 13:16

How about Hayes? I know a Hayes?

flatpopcrapcrisps · 12/09/2017 13:19

Or Datchett?Wink

Needalifeoverhaul · 12/09/2017 13:21

Sorry but really not a name that would appeal to me op

Needalifeoverhaul · 12/09/2017 13:22

Oops Blush

Sarahrp · 12/09/2017 20:51

What does it matter when the thread was from. People need to lighten up and let people call their children whatever they like. Hades is a good strong name and stands for strength and Wealth not just the god of the underworld

AuntieStella · 12/09/2017 20:58

"What does it matter when the thread was from. "

Because it's quite likely that OP has already decided on the name of her 3year old.

Because the habit on this site is to start new threads with fresh enquiries, not reanimate zombies (yes, we do all know other sites have other habits but we're not the same)

Sarahrp · 12/09/2017 21:15

I think as the internet is free to roam where ever I choose, it's not down to you. I'm not giving the poster advice to but to everyone else that may find themselves on this post reading all the shitty comments. If you don't like it, mute the thread.

blueberrypie0112 · 12/09/2017 21:17

Grim reaper sounds better, don't you think?

AuntieStella · 12/09/2017 21:28

I know it's not down to me.

I was just pointing out that some things look odd when a site has a well established style. See the many many threads about zombies in Site Issues (and elsewhere) if you need to get further angles on this shibboleth. Because it is the norm here to advise the OP. And anyone else considering the name would always be advised to start a new thread.

And of course child for which this name was being considered is now 3. So OP really won't be using it!!

Though it wouid be mildly interesting if we found out about the dog

TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 12/09/2017 21:32

Hell, yeah.

sk1pper · 12/09/2017 21:35

How about Hadrian instead?

DixieNormas · 12/09/2017 21:43

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Sarahrp · 12/09/2017 21:51

Well we did and everyone loves it.

Madeyemoodysmum · 12/09/2017 21:53

I like it as a actual sound It has a nice ring. But I couldn't use it unless it's for a black cat or dog.
I also like judas and Jonah

Jude66 · 13/09/2017 11:35

Just don't inflict a life on your child of explaining his name means 'Hell'.


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BeatriceBeaudelaire · 13/09/2017 14:40

I like the above option of Hadrian.
There are other god names which would maybe be nicer - Eros , Helios, Atlas, Castor, Aether, Eleos

Sarahrp · 13/09/2017 21:20

It doesn't mean hell, the myth of Hades predates the Christian version of hell by hundreds of years. Do some research.

SumAndSubstance · 14/09/2017 14:57

No, it doesn't mean Hell, but it does refer to the god of the Underworld and the dead, to the Underworld itself and, by transference is often used in Ancient Greek to mean death or the grave. It's not cheery!

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