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Is Hades a horrific boys name?

105 replies

JustALittleConfused · 08/04/2014 01:01

That's it really. I've always thought it would be an awesome name and now I'm pregnant and my other half likes it I've been seriously considering it. Thoughts please..?

OP posts:
Puddles1234 · 13/04/2014 16:55

Love Hades. Such a fabulous name.

Bunbaker · 13/04/2014 17:48

"Love Hades. Such a fabulous name."

I assume you are saying that with your tongue firmly in your cheek. I cannot believe that any educated person would seriously consider this as a name for a child. Why not Hell, Adolf, Purgatory, Devil etc?

I also assume that the parents aren't wanting to have the child christened either. I can't see any vicar agreeing to baptise a child called Hades.

squoosh · 13/04/2014 17:57

I'd love to witness the sizzle and smoke of holy water hitting little Hades' head! Grin

Puddles1234 · 13/04/2014 18:12

Bunbaker Its a Greek God darling hardly Adolf Hitler. I love the name of Hades wife, Persephone she was queen of the underworld but does that stop people naming their child that? No it does not.

Bunbaker · 13/04/2014 18:22

I think it is because the alternative meaning of Hades is hell. I think it is a truly horrific name for a child.

nonmifairidere · 14/04/2014 15:56

Some idiots on a US reality show named their son Sin ( Sin Halo Jude Pfaff, actually). Persephone just sounds pretentious, despite it's origin, but Hades sounds plain silly.

NigellasDealer · 14/04/2014 15:59

no no no, thrice times NO

friedeggs · 14/04/2014 21:48

why. poor child!

Spaghettinetti · 16/04/2014 12:03

It's no worse than Zeus or Poseidon and definitely scores more highly on the 'heavy metal' scale.

NigellasDealer · 16/04/2014 12:58

It's no worse than Zeus or Poseidon
it is, it really really is

ZingHasAHotCrossBunInTheOven · 16/04/2014 13:11

Hades Adolf Cancer Plague would be ok

ACatCalledColin · 16/04/2014 15:02

Um, yes.

drivenfromdistraction · 16/04/2014 15:17

Brilliant dog's name though. Especially when you get those nuisance callers wanting to sell you things. Train dog to bark and keep shouting 'NOOO! Hades, HAAADEEEES! back, back, NOOOOOOOOOOO!' and the caller will be gone before you get to the door. Even if Hades is a poodle.

Bunbaker · 16/04/2014 15:20

"It's no worse than Zeus or Poseidon
it is, it really really is"

It is awful in the estreme.

The Christian concept of hell is more akin to and communicated by the Greek concept of Tartarus, a deep, gloomy part of hades used as a dungeon of torment and suffering.

The old testament refers to Hades as the abode of the dead. However, the implication in new testament is that of hell.

It is a really unsuitable name for a child.

I can't believe that anyone is dim enough to give a child this name.

ZingHasAHotCrossBunInTheOven · 16/04/2014 23:16


or quite entertaining when looking for your hiding animal "Hades, where the bloody hell are you?"


sorry OP but please, please don't call your child Hades.
is too bizarre - as others said associated with death and hell.

there are so many beautiful names you can choose from, I'm sure you'll be able to agree on something better!Smile

SanityClause · 16/04/2014 23:21

You should call your dog Cerberus, surely?

EmpressOfJurisfiction · 16/04/2014 23:21

How many people have actually RTFT and seen the OP's last comment?

SanityClause · 16/04/2014 23:24

Yes, definitely Cerberus, particularly for a shin ztu, or bichon frisée or the like.

ZingHasAHotCrossBunInTheOven · 16/04/2014 23:26

no, best name for dog is Caleb (it means dog)

Spaghettinetti · 17/04/2014 08:49

Whilst I wouldn't personally use it for a child. This does all depend on perspective. It's ok talking about the Bible, but if we think about Hades in a purely Classical context, what we don't see is some devil like monster. He is equal to his brothers and commands the underworld which is made up of good bits (like the Elysium fields) and bad bits (like Tartarus), so essentially he ruled 'heaven' as well as 'hell', which the OP has already said.

Persephone's kidnap is also open to interpretation... Plus, Hades did let people out of the Underworld on occasion (Orpheus for one), but he couldn't really let just anyone walk in and out (otherwise it'd be a bit like the walking dead). Like all Greek gods, Hades was anthropomorphic with good and bad qualities; capable of love, capable of making people suffer...

I also know a Greek chap called Hades who is totally lovely. I know an Ares too!

Spaghettinetti · 17/04/2014 09:31

ROL. I just saw your last post OP...I must have missed it...both times I posted. It is an awesome name for a dog. X

Sarahrp · 11/09/2017 01:01

I love the name, infact my 8yo is called Hades and his new little brother is Poseidon. I don't care what the Christian and the ignorant say, he loves it and everyone I know thinks it's an awesome strong name.


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ScarletForYa · 11/09/2017 01:04


You're replying to a thread from 2014!!


CoveredinLansinoh · 11/09/2017 01:06

We've found the next dogs name


We have the Rottie List in this house. Every time DH suggests another horrific name for our daughter i let him know we'll need to stump up yet another £800 for a pup to accommodate it.

CoveredinLansinoh · 11/09/2017 01:06

Whoops, zombie!

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