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Is Hades a horrific boys name?

105 replies

JustALittleConfused · 08/04/2014 01:01

That's it really. I've always thought it would be an awesome name and now I'm pregnant and my other half likes it I've been seriously considering it. Thoughts please..?

OP posts:
SaskiaRembrandtWasFramed · 08/04/2014 14:24

I think it's a lovely name. In fact, you could have lots more children to complete the set and name them: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub and Hel. Oh and if you ever have twins, Fire and Brimstone would make a delightful combination.

zirca · 08/04/2014 14:26

^^ What Saskia said!

Seriously, can you imagine people's reactions to the poor child, for his whole life?

BluebellTuesday · 08/04/2014 14:31

LOL at Fire and Brimstone!!! I often think I should rename my DS Whirlwind or Tornado as he is apt to destroy everything in his path. But seriously, Hades is awful. You can't do that to a child.

akachan · 08/04/2014 16:46

Lucifer actually is an awesome name! Means light bringer and Luci is an adorable nickname. I wouldn't do it though!

Nataleejah · 08/04/2014 17:54

I know a Lucifer and he prefers being called Louis

ShadowFall · 08/04/2014 18:41

Definitely a much better dog name than a human name.

I think it would be cruel to inflict the name Hades on an innocent little baby given its connotations.

Greythorne · 08/04/2014 18:45

How about Hellboy?

Bunbaker · 08/04/2014 18:47

Ha ha ha ha

SneakyBiscuitEater · 10/04/2014 17:14

I know a little boy who has Hades as his middle name. I like it.

It isn't comparable to Lucifer.

KatoPotato · 10/04/2014 17:17

Not only is it a terrible first name (seriously, this child will be an adult on day!) there is no surname that goes with it!

Hades Somerville, recruitment consultant...

mathanxiety · 10/04/2014 19:13

It would be constantly mispronounced as 'Haids'. Twould drive you nuts.

mathanxiety · 10/04/2014 19:13
HootOnTheBeach · 10/04/2014 20:02

Fantastic name for an adult- not so much for a child. Perhaps a middle name?

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 10/04/2014 20:55

It's dreadful.

GrendelsMum · 10/04/2014 21:34

Yesterday, I actually met a guy with a name not dissimilar in classical origins and sheer bonkersness to Hades. (I won't say what, as he must be the only one in the country, if not the world.)

Aged 50, he'd obviously come to terms with his name, but I totally lost focus on what he was telling me and started wondering about how daft his parents must have been and under what possible circumstances someone could have thought it was an appropriate thing to call a newborn baby.

CalamitouslyWrong · 10/04/2014 21:37

In a similar vein, I love the name Loki but I'd never foist it on a child. If I ever have a hamster though... Grin

Bunbaker · 10/04/2014 21:55

"I know a little boy who has Hades as his middle name. I like it."


I think most people know Hades as another word for hell.

LondonNinja · 10/04/2014 21:59


Holidays, right?

CalamitouslyWrong · 10/04/2014 22:20

I looked an it seems lots of stupid people have asked for opinions on calling their son or daughter Loki around the internet. It's a fair bet there are several little Lokis out there causing mischief and mayhem.

SneakyBiscuitEater · 11/04/2014 08:42

Bunbaker yes seriously.

I do know a boy with Hades as a middle name.

MrsC1966 · 11/04/2014 08:58

Oh dear, probably not my first choice....

BoulevardOfBrokenSleep · 11/04/2014 09:30

How about Damien as an alternative? Same connotations but more modern?!


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bordellosboheme · 11/04/2014 09:37

Nooooooo. Don't do it

mathanxiety · 11/04/2014 19:39
florascotia · 11/04/2014 20:33

It means 'the abode of the dead' and (later) 'grave, dirt-pit'. He was the god who ruled the land of the dead. The ancient Greeks (it is a Greek name) were afraid to name him out loud; he was so dreadful = scary. He was loathed as well as feared.

Hades was devoured then vomited up by his father. He abducted and raped his wife, Persephone. In spite of all this, in ancient myths, he wasn't actively evil; he was simply an impartial, unseeing (and therefore all the more horrifying) force, who maintained the way the world worked. He never let anyone escape from his deadly kingdom.

If you're OK with all that....

As I'm sure you know, it's pronounced Hay-diz or Hay-dees.

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