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people smoking in cars with children

126 replies

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 16:31

Am guessing most people feel this same about this subject.I was just out in our village with my 2.A car pulled up and two women got out of the car smoking.Fair enough.They then proceeded to open the back doors and let two primary school children out and a toddler.This makes my blood boil.What are these people thinking.It's bad enough when they are walking along pushing a buggy with a fag in their hand,at least they're outside.To trap children ina car and force them to inhale fumes from their death sticks,is beyond word springs to mind.scum.Harsh,but true imo

OP posts:
Boys2mam · 03/07/2009 20:31

OP = Original Poster

FairLadyRantALot · 03/07/2009 20:41

mother....don't let being new stop will end up loving mumsnet and become all fluent in mn speak( a posh version of text speak....although, OP is just general Internet forum lingo....)

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 21:04

ahhh,all becomes clear.have sat some nights trying to work out what yanbu and uabu mean.also took a while to suss dh,ds etc making headway!i used to be on ntmums but the threads were never as funny/feisty as here

OP posts:
FairLadyRantALot · 03/07/2009 21:06

lol...pst...netmums is like swearing, don'tchaknow...

MomaTakesNoCrap · 03/07/2009 21:18

What the hell are you lot on about. I smoke all the time in a car and i don't care less .
As for lingo, lmaorof btw imho wtf!!! Get a life

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 21:25

i think youre the one who should get a life..must have taken quite a while to think of that!!

OP posts:
WizardNoHeart · 03/07/2009 22:39

Lol nancy66, it's amazing how many photos there are of me as a baby with parents/grandparents/other relatives with fags worryingly close to me and big plumes of smoke creating atmosphere

They must have all been chain smokers! Ahh nostalgia....

MrsDanversAteMyIpod · 03/07/2009 22:41

Yanbu at all MB, it's so selfish. I feel similarly when I see pregnant women smoking so I understand your strong language!

Welcome to MN btw

littleboyblue · 03/07/2009 22:43

I smoke in the car with the window open. I feel that's ok for my children. I wouldn't do it with other peoples.
I know lots of people that think this is unacceptable, but then they all do things I think are unacceptable, so it's all about what you are happy with for your family.
I don't think anyone should be judged for it. By all means, we all have our opinions on these things, but to judge is UR I feel.

Noonki · 03/07/2009 22:44

yanbu it is truely low. Selfish bastards. I really dont understand how a parent can actively choose to increase their child's likelihood to get cancer.

Why would you do it?

Ps smoked for 20 years NEVER smoked in a car with children in.

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 22:51

Littleboyblue, two words: LUNG CANCER
How about you ask your children if they like you smoking in the car and I think we can all guess what their answer would be!!

btw: thanks for welcome Mrs D

OP posts:
littleboyblue · 03/07/2009 22:54

It's not really your place to judge me or make comments like that really. They are my children and I'll do whatever I want whether you judge me or not.
You have a right to your opinions and I to mine, that's the end of it.

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 23:01

Not judging, just asking a simple question.
As for opinions, the medical profession more often than not are correct in their opinions.

It's the children I feel sorry for. That's the end it now.The bottom line is,as a mother surely you do whatever you can to protect your babies from anything that may do them harm?we all make mistakes as parents.but they're usually spur of the moment things you look back on and regret.not things you repeat or do deliberately.surely you could wait until you get home and step out into the garden for a fag?!no journey can be that long

OP posts:
JoPie · 03/07/2009 23:03

The "they're my children and I'll do what I like" line doesn't cover all things you know. People are allowed to judge, and sometimes people should judge, when parents are causing harm to their own children.

You do have a right to your own opinions and a right to smoke. Don't your children have some rights too though, such as not being forced to breathe in toxic chemicals and carcinogens? Or do they not get any notice?

Rafi · 03/07/2009 23:04

How old are your children, littleboyblue? Would you stop if they objected?

slowreadingprogress · 03/07/2009 23:05

To judge is NOT unreasonable! To judge is to have standards of behaviour that you believe in. We are allowed to judge. Why is it ok littleboyblue for YOU to say that others do things YOU find 'unacceptable' but NOT ok for other people to judge you smoking in front of your children?

It's illogical.

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 23:05

well put jopie

OP posts:
littleboyblue · 03/07/2009 23:05

Scum of the earth me, aren't I?
I stand by it, I will do whatever I am comfortable with. I am comfortable smoking in the car if the window is open, that's it. I also smoke while pushing the buggy, and I smoke out of the window at home.
Quick someone report me.

littleboyblue · 03/07/2009 23:07

But, don't really know why I join in on these debates.
I'm off.

ravenAK · 03/07/2009 23:08

You shouldn't be comfortable with it.

You are exposing your children to something harmful & unnecessary.

Have a fag when you get home!

monkeyfacegrace · 03/07/2009 23:09

Wow littleboyblue, you really are ignorant aren't you? Not many people have made me angry, but you talk about your kids like they are your possesion. Kids truely are a gift, that many people dont get, and deserve to be treated like gold. They dont need mothers deciding that scientifically proven carsonogenic gases are ok to be inhaled. I do hope your attitude changes before you do them harm.

Montifer · 03/07/2009 23:10

LBB - Why wouldn't you smoke with other people's children in your car?
Are you children old enough to express an opinion on how they feel about it?

slowreadingprogress · 03/07/2009 23:13

I don't know why you join in on these debates either, if you're not prepared to answer any of the valid points made in response to you, with any sort of thoughtful answer.

motherbeyond · 03/07/2009 23:13

You said it,can't believe you justify this to yourself as i said,our job is to nurture and protect our children,not actively do this that are detrimental to their well being.shocking.i can see why you wouldnt want to continue this conversation,you clearly know you are in the wrong,but prefer to stick your head in the sand..i hope your children will understand your reasoning..hmmm,because i wanted to and i'll do what i like..doesnt really stand up does it?

OP posts:
Danceswithchickens · 03/07/2009 23:13

littleboyblue - what a selfish cow you are.

There your children & you'll do what you like....nice...

OP - YANBU & I agree, although I'll add, uneducated scum

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