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To think will not bother with MN any longer

275 replies

ellie35 · 07/10/2008 16:48

Hi all,
AIBU to feel like not bothering any longer with MN. Have tried on loads of occasions to join in threads but seem to be constantly ignored. Can't decide if this is just a clicky club or just a lot of rude people. I have never been offensive or rude to anyone but do not seem to be able to cross the newbie threshold.

OP posts:
DANCESwithLordPottingtonSmythe · 07/10/2008 17:01

You don't count 2shoes lol!

fullmoonfiend · 07/10/2008 17:01

CD! hush yaw mouth!

zippitippitoes · 07/10/2008 17:01

you have to think how tedious it would be if people said thank ypou all the time

and its physically impossible to acknowledge posts with a relpy you would go insane

witchandchips · 07/10/2008 17:01

I've been here just over a year and like it that i'm still a newbie; i know sometimes it feels as though you're in a noisy pub at a table of rugby players who are not listening to you but being unknown does give you more freedom to say what you want rather than the oldies who have to act in a certain way

NorkyButNice · 07/10/2008 17:02

15 months of MN for me, and I'm sure nobody knows my name still!

Am I bovvered?

No! I just dive in and say my piece before disappearing off to another topic. You've got to make an effort if you want people to recognise you

tiredemma · 07/10/2008 17:02

which thread??????? (was it in your name that you are now)

What an arse ( me not you)

zippitippitoes · 07/10/2008 17:02

yes exactly you dont want to be an oldie who has to act incharacter all the time

CharleeInChains · 07/10/2008 17:02

I wouldn't worry i have been here for 4 fecking years and i still get quite a few unanswered threads, NOBODY knows me by name but you know what? I refuse to leave, so your all stuck with me! ha!

SixSpotBurnet · 07/10/2008 17:03

lol at FullMoonFiend!

Rizzo would be a good mn nickname, methinks...

fullmoonfiend · 07/10/2008 17:03

charlee, did you used to have sunny something in your name?

MaryAnnSingleton · 07/10/2008 17:03

sorry to be a pedant, but it's not clicky -it's cliquey (which I don't think we are fwiw)

FAQ · 07/10/2008 17:03

Ellie35 - it's all very well saying you were brought up to respect others - but if you were in a room with 100 people - would speak to all of them??? No different to MN - except here there are 1000's of people.

CountessDracula · 07/10/2008 17:03

you have only posted on 9 threads (incl this one!)

I think you need to manage your expectations...

zippitippitoes · 07/10/2008 17:04

if people kep changing their names and adding bits so you dont know who they are they cant really complain

cd and tiredemma are nice and consistent name wise

ellie35 · 07/10/2008 17:04

Well at least i got a response! btw have been around here a a few years and had few name changes.

OP posts:
combustiblelemon · 07/10/2008 17:04

No-one knows me, but I just post on regardless.

FAQ · 07/10/2008 17:04

zippi - I'm the same I rarely have threads in "unanswered threads" as I frequently talk to myself

hecAteTheirBrains · 07/10/2008 17:04

you are not being ignored! That's the thing. Read the threads - most posts do not get a personal reply - it's just general conversation and hubub. Nobody is IGNORING you, they are just chatting. your posts are read as part of the conversation.

Agree - get yourself a wacky name! And just post! post and post and post! You are being read, same as everyone else. Sometimes someone will mention your name, but mostly, like us all, your post will just hang there! It doesn't mean a thing.

fullmoonfiend · 07/10/2008 17:04

come on Ellie

come and be made beeee-autiful!!!

CountessDracula · 07/10/2008 17:05

well if you change names what do you expect???

Find a good name and stick with it

PsychoAxeMurdererMum · 07/10/2008 17:05

ok, you have been here since june.

you have posted 15 times since then

and there are at least a month between most posts.

you need to stay here for a whole day. posting on almost every thread, and then do that for a week, month, year.....

and then you get recognised

((like us addicted loyal ones))

MaryAnnSingleton · 07/10/2008 17:05

I always add to my own threads if no one has answered me


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TiltingAtWindmills · 07/10/2008 17:05

I think you may be just a tad more high maintenance than you think you are.

CharleeInChains · 07/10/2008 17:05

Yes i did fullmoonfiend (Charlee jumps for joy at being remembered (finally))

I used to be CharleeSunnySunSun i always stick the Charlee in there somewhere so people know who i am.

I am currently in a crap clever halloween disguise!

tiredemma · 07/10/2008 17:05

I dont like namechanging. Unless you have an embarrassing problem to discuss.

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