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To think will not bother with MN any longer

275 replies

ellie35 · 07/10/2008 16:48

Hi all,
AIBU to feel like not bothering any longer with MN. Have tried on loads of occasions to join in threads but seem to be constantly ignored. Can't decide if this is just a clicky club or just a lot of rude people. I have never been offensive or rude to anyone but do not seem to be able to cross the newbie threshold.

OP posts:
Podrick · 07/10/2008 18:50

have you had enough attention yet

BloodshotEyeballsintheScarySky · 07/10/2008 18:51

Back after a quicker change than Clark Kent in a phone box

Saturn74 · 07/10/2008 18:51

or even


BoysAreLikeDogs · 07/10/2008 18:53

Fuck you bastard namechanger

littlelapin · 07/10/2008 18:53

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watsthestory · 07/10/2008 18:54

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Saturn74 · 07/10/2008 18:54

BALD - it doesn't matter.
You were brave and helpful.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 07/10/2008 18:55


Fuck off thatsnotmyname

Sorry all

Frightattendent · 07/10/2008 18:55

Boys I will stand behind you while you beat her up if you like

Yes, f*cking namechanger. We all still LOVE Boys but we HATE you. so NER.

cocoleBOO · 07/10/2008 18:56

Yes BALD you were only being helpful. She's changing her story all over the place.

ClairePO · 07/10/2008 18:57

I think I like ClairedeLoon best. Thank you! And thank you all for suggextions (in case anyone think I am not responding to them).

I am very confused now about who had pubic lice.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 07/10/2008 18:57

Aww fanks

BoysAreLikeDogs · 07/10/2008 18:58

ClaireDeLoon is top.

I approve.

the lice is a long story

KerryMumchingOnEyeballs · 07/10/2008 18:59

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Frightattendent · 07/10/2008 19:00
KerryMumchingOnEyeballs · 07/10/2008 19:01

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Frightattendent · 07/10/2008 19:02

I only said it cos i fancy you.
KerryMumchingOnEyeballs · 07/10/2008 19:03

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Frightattendent · 07/10/2008 19:03

whatwhat> ??


fullmoonfiend · 07/10/2008 19:07

BALD, I love you and well done for being so nice and sharing. Though of course, I'm sure you were just fibbing to make the OP feel better on that other thread weren't you.

mou · 07/10/2008 19:10

ellie35, don't give up. It is strange but bit by bit it gets better and you gain confidence.
I've killed so many threads I started to get paranoid, but there is an unoficial protocol that you get used to.
Of course there is the odd 'clique', but thats just life and I am starting to find some warm hearted, kind, funny, and selfless souls on here and the more you give, the more you get back.
When threads cross it can feel like you are being ignored. Also, pick and choose your threads for a bit, even as a newbie, I found offering support and goodwill was generally appreciated.
Please don't might get to like us

littlelapin · 07/10/2008 19:10

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Frightattendent · 07/10/2008 19:12

I think we've all had something embarrassing at some point. I'm sure plenty of people on here have had crabs, but aren't willing to admit it...even if it was in their teens!!

I haven't had that one but I have done lots of embarrassing things and it does take a lot of guts to admit stuff like that. We all admire you Boys x

CherryChapstick · 07/10/2008 19:13

You are not being ignored, you are just not talking loud enough.
Make some noise, like these other gob shites patrons.

KerryMumchingOnEyeballs · 07/10/2008 19:14

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