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to think that allowing a six year old to suck her mothers breasts when she has NOT been breast feeding for years is wrong?

262 replies

toffetwist · 05/07/2008 18:19

I have a friend. Who recently told me that she lets her 6 year old child suck her breasts. She is not breast feeding her and has not for years.

I am disturbed. Am I right to be? What do I do?

OP posts:
nooka · 05/07/2008 22:21

Think people are being somewhat unfair on toffetwist. she has at no point mentioned abuse, sexual or otherwise. She said she felt disturbed and that she wanted to talk it over. I don't see why that's a problem really? It is a the very least unusual for a mother to agree to let her daughter suck her breasts if breastfeeding stopped four years ago. I couldn't imagine doing it myself (my dd is 7 - her breastfeeding days seem a very very long time ago to me).

daddymarv · 05/07/2008 22:29

Come on Toffetwist spill!

Pannacotta · 05/07/2008 22:35

toffeetwist why would you DO anything? It's not really anthing to do with you.

StellaDallas · 05/07/2008 22:37

So what are you going to do?

Heated · 05/07/2008 22:40

Yes, I would think this weird. No I wouldn't do anything.

Why did the dd tell you?

daddymarv · 05/07/2008 22:54

Well Toffetwist, I am a bloke and even I can see that a child sucking on their mother's breast is not a sexual or 'disturbing' thing when they are prebubescent. In Mumsnet lingo (see I said I've been lurking for some time) I believe you're just a big fat troll.

daddymarv · 05/07/2008 22:55


Desiderata · 05/07/2008 22:56

You're being a tad militant this eve, UD

The vast majority of us, both male and female, would find the notion of putting a six year old to the breast extremely off-putting.

I know you like breast-feeding, etc., and it's all well and good with infants, but not with kids who go to school.

Troll or no troll, it's not within the comfort zone of most people.

KatieDD · 05/07/2008 22:56

I agree, a most strange topic to start your mumsnet career with and you probably need your ISP tracing and reporting yourself as I rather suspect the only sinister one around here is you.

daddymarv · 05/07/2008 23:00

Hey Des. Think this may be a case of mistaken ID. Anyway why should school dictate when a child must stop being fed / comforted by BF. School age differs from country to country.

Desiderata · 05/07/2008 23:03

Sorry, Marv. I don't understand your post. I was addressing my comments to the SuburbanDryad, who used to be plain UrbanDryan (hence UD) ... although never plain, you understand

Heated · 05/07/2008 23:04

Would we feel any differently if the dd was a ds?

thisisyesterday · 05/07/2008 23:06

not at all. are you implying that this is somehow sexual??

themildmanneredjanitor · 05/07/2008 23:06

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daddymarv · 05/07/2008 23:07

Hi Desi, sorry thought you were referring to other dad poster! My other comments still stand though.

Heated, no, no, no!

Desiderata · 05/07/2008 23:12

Well, hypothetically speaking, I would think it was sexual if a six year was brought to a non-lactating breast.

Breasts are sexual organs, after all. It is possible to be brought to orgasm by sucking on the breast.

thisisyesterday · 05/07/2008 23:12

why not though?
if the child has asked to do it for comfort, and the mother has no problem with it then I see no reason why they shouldn;t. if your child asked for a hug would you say "no, i think you should have a back rub instead"??
if it's something the mother was uncomfortable with she would have said no, and they'd have done something else. she clearly is happy with it, and did it for her child.

or, it could be that the child had just asked a couple of times, out of curiousity and mum had let her. again, not really a problem is it?

ok, it may not be everyone's cup of tea. a lot of people would just say no. this mum didn't. she hasn't done anything wrong though.

reethi96 · 05/07/2008 23:14

It is possible to say "no" to a child. Why is it that everyone these days gives in to childish demands.

Desiderata · 05/07/2008 23:15

eewww, yesterday.

Sorry, but I would have a huge problem with it.

thisisyesterday · 05/07/2008 23:16

yes, no-one is disputing that you can say "no" to a child.

perhaps the mother didn't want to say no? perhaps she is happy to nurse her child?

fgs, just because something isn't the norm doesn't make it wrong.

just because you can orgasm by having your breasts touched does NOT make their primary use sexual.

child wanted to suckle.
mum was happy to let her.
we don't know how often, we don't know why, we don't, in fact, know very much at all.
and yet everyone is quick to say how "wrong" it all is..... why???????

thisisyesterday · 05/07/2008 23:18

that's ok too desiderata, no-one is asking you to do it. and if your child asked you and you didn't want to you could say no.

we all parent differently. we all have different things that we accept as ok and normal. different boundaries.

in their family this is an ok thing to do. I don't think that any of us are in any place to judge are we?

unless of course it was an issue of abuse, which based on what the OP has said, it isn't.

daddymarv · 05/07/2008 23:18

OP possibly refers to child being distressed due to divorce.

Desi, but bike riding can give a big O (or so I've heard )

I think it's fair to say that breasts can be sexual but are not exclusively so.


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Desiderata · 05/07/2008 23:19

Would you be happy to do so?

I have a three year old son, who wants to (in his own words) pooh on my head and wee in my ear.

Silly though this all sounds, these things are the precursor to sexual desire. I remember these feelings when I was very young.

Whilst all sexual feeling is entirely natural, I think it's completely disengenous to assume that to suckle a six year old on the breast is totally without sexual context.

If there is no milk, there is no need.

themildmanneredjanitor · 05/07/2008 23:19

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reethi96 · 05/07/2008 23:21

Lol Des. Don't you just love little boys.

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