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to think that allowing a six year old to suck her mothers breasts when she has NOT been breast feeding for years is wrong?

262 replies

toffetwist · 05/07/2008 18:19

I have a friend. Who recently told me that she lets her 6 year old child suck her breasts. She is not breast feeding her and has not for years.

I am disturbed. Am I right to be? What do I do?

OP posts:
stitch · 05/07/2008 18:36

okie, lets give benefit of doubt

flubdub · 05/07/2008 18:51

stitch you thread killer!

toffetwist · 05/07/2008 18:56

Found out by accident. Want to know what I should do about it.

Advice please

OP posts:
TheProvincialLady · 05/07/2008 18:56

Didn't someone do a thread on this a few months back? It can't be that common FFS.

kittywise · 05/07/2008 19:02

What's it got to do with you though?

I think it's very odd behaviour to take such an interest in your friend's affairs. It's none of your business is it?

Hecate · 05/07/2008 19:09

Ok. Casting aside my HUUUUUGE about this op and taking it at face value for a moment....

If she was breastfeeding a younger child and the dd was curious, I wouldn't think much of it. But you say that's not the case, the child just out of the blue decided she wanted to suckle? Maybe the child had been reading about babies, or had seen a baby being fed or something?

What should you do? I have no idea.

How did you find out 'by accident'? Did you see it? did the dd tell you? The mother? How do you find out such kind of thing 'by accident'?

nappyaddict · 05/07/2008 19:11

how can you have found out by accident? in the op you said she told you?

Hecate · 05/07/2008 19:11

Oh sorry, I reread the whole thing.

You say she told you and then you say you found out by accident.

So she told you by accident?

So she meant to tell you about her new shoes and she accidently told you her dd sucks her boobs?

Hecate · 05/07/2008 19:12

xpost with you nappy!

watsthestory · 05/07/2008 19:15

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

BetteNoire · 05/07/2008 19:17

Hecate, that shoe/boobs mix up thing happens to me all the time.

StellaDallas · 05/07/2008 19:26

I must be a weirdo then, because I don't have a problem with this. I don't even see what the problem IS FFS. Do you think the mother is getting some weird sexual thrill out of it? YABU and get your beak out of your friend's busines IMO.

wotulookinat · 05/07/2008 19:33

I think it is a very strange thing to do.
I too am curious about how you find such things out by accident.

flubdub · 05/07/2008 19:34

HECATE that first pic on your profile is bloody brilliant! I want a little grey cat that does that.

flubdub · 05/07/2008 19:36

Did you slip up there?? Did she tell you? Or not?

CrushWithEyeliner · 05/07/2008 19:38

Maybe she walked in on them and was forced to tell. I would be really concerned about your friend and her DD but don't know what you could honestly do.

How can anyone say none of your business - could ANYONE stop thinking about this if they knew of it happening?

reethi96 · 05/07/2008 19:38

Those of you who think it is okay are very strange individuals.

She did not say that she is breastfeeding the child she said is allowing the child to suck her breasts. BIG DIFFERENCE!

allgonebellyup · 05/07/2008 19:39

my dd (8)has asked to do this...and ds! (4) it kinda freaks me out a bit, but im sure that once i got my boob out they would run away fast!
i always say no anyway!

my kids are weirdos arent they?!

flubdub · 05/07/2008 19:41

its not ok though.
wheres toffetwirl?????????????????????????????????????????????

flubdub · 05/07/2008 19:41


toffetwist · 05/07/2008 19:59

I found out becasue the child told me. I then asked if it was true.

OP posts:
flubdub · 05/07/2008 20:02

was the mother embarrassed?
what did the dd actually say?


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toffetwist · 05/07/2008 20:09

we go out clubbing every Friday. Was chatting to friends daughter whilst my mate was getting ready.

My friends daughter told me this. I asked my friend she sheepishly told me it was true.

She is going through a divorce at the moment. Think she feels lonely.

The problem is my little boy plays with my friends daughter and looks after him after school sometimes. Dont want to ruin mine or our childrens friendships.

OP posts:
StellaDallas · 05/07/2008 20:11

Well, then, you know what to do. Remember that it is none of your business and keep your nose out. What were you thinking of doing anyway, just as a matter of interest - reporting her to social services?

DANCESwithLordPottingtonSmythe · 05/07/2008 20:13

OK. I'm a teacher. I notice a child with suspicious bruising OR one of the girls tells me 'daddy likes me to touch him'. Do I A) do nothing and 'keep my nose out because it's none of my business or B) do something. Hmmmm let me think

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