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AIBU to tell you I’ve found the miracle cure for excessive sugar consumption

218 replies

Thewildthingsarewithme · 18/04/2024 11:26

I am being unreasonable to post it here but I feel like it’s a public service announcement and should therefore be shared as widely as possible!
I have a really healthy diet with little to no processed food in my meals but I have a really terrible sugar addiction. Daily I would probably eat three or four chocolate bars, biscuits and a pudding and probably ice cream or a pastry as well. Because I’m naturally slim and eat well outside of this I’ve been kidding myself it’s ok but it’s really not.
I saw an instagram recipe for peanut butter stuffed dates. I bought some organic ones, filled them with 100% PB and rolled them in melted 80% dark chocolate. I know there is sugar in dates but it’s natural and the fibre in the dates means that your blood sugars don’t shoot up, the dark chocolate is also very low sugar. This has honestly been a miracle cure for me! I’m eating three a day. This has completely cured me of the urge for anything else with sugar in, they are so stodgy that I can’t actually eat more than three and they feel completely decadent. For the first time probably in my adult life I’m not craving sugar all day, I’ve had nothing but these dates for three weeks now and it’s actually feeing like a permanent change!
Just wanted to share because I thought I would never be able to kick the habit but I feel so much healthier!

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Neverawildchild · 18/04/2024 11:29

They sound delicious! Do you store them in the fridge or just in a container?

Neverawildchild · 18/04/2024 11:29

And thank you for posting too!

notofsoundmind · 18/04/2024 11:31

they would give me the shits, I have IBS

Feelingstrange2 · 18/04/2024 11:31

Sounds like bliss balls which are fabulous. Look them up to find different recipe ideas.

Thewildthingsarewithme · 18/04/2024 11:33

@Neverawildchild you pop them in the freezer for thirty mins to harden the chocolate and then in an airtight container in the fridge for three to five days! Ooh thank you @Feelingstrange2 I will have a look 😊

OP posts:
Zimunya · 18/04/2024 11:33

Sadly, not a miracle cure for those with nut allergies. They sound yummy though!

MavisPennies · 18/04/2024 11:34

That sounds delicious

Pemba · 18/04/2024 11:36

This sounds brilliant, thank you!

SusanSHelit · 18/04/2024 11:36

They sound delicious, but a chocolate hobnob, rich profiteroles or jam sponge and custard they are not!

If you want a pudding, just have a pudding. Maybe don't have a huge one, and maybe not every day.

TwelveAngryWhiskers · 18/04/2024 11:37

Three a day is still more sugar than 3x Wispa bars. I'd rather have the Wispas followed by a handful of bran flakes for the fibre Grin

dontforgetme · 18/04/2024 11:38

Oh man I can't stand dates or dark chocolate. Shit Grin

EliflurtleAndTheInfiniteMadness · 18/04/2024 11:39

notofsoundmind · 18/04/2024 11:31

they would give me the shits, I have IBS

My bowel wouldn't be happy with them either and alas because I love it, I would break out in hives from the peanut butter.

Thewildthingsarewithme · 18/04/2024 11:47

Condolences to those with nut allergies or IBS, this is not your miracle 😂
@SusanSHelit it is not but I would have all of those things every day and then some, this is useful for those like me who have no self control 😊
@TwelveAngryWhiskers very true but you can have 90gs of total sugar a day but only 25gs from free sugars like chocolate so the three wispas would take you over but the dates would not plus you’ve not got the additional nasties plus I would eat ten wispas 😂

OP posts:
nutbrownhare15 · 18/04/2024 11:49

I find dried mango is a really good whole food alternative to sugary snacks. Yes sugary but much better than a chocolate bar.

EauNeu · 18/04/2024 11:51

Feelingstrange2 · 18/04/2024 11:31

Sounds like bliss balls which are fabulous. Look them up to find different recipe ideas.

I'm interested but I'm definitely not googling Bliss Balls

ranchdressing · 18/04/2024 11:53

TwelveAngryWhiskers · 18/04/2024 11:37

Three a day is still more sugar than 3x Wispa bars. I'd rather have the Wispas followed by a handful of bran flakes for the fibre Grin

But it's all natural, single ingredient and nutrient rich. Far better for your gut biome and overall health. Not all calories are built the same!

DataColour · 18/04/2024 11:53

mmm yum I will try this.

I also just eat dark chocolate (at least 75% cocoa) spread with PB, also delish and very satisfying so a square or 2 is enough.

TuesdayWhistler · 18/04/2024 11:54

Op is basically saying that there's nothing quite like a dark chocolate ball to suck on as a pick me up.



How rude.😉

Tessisme · 18/04/2024 11:54

I'm interested but I'm definitely not googling Bliss Balls


Mercurial123 · 18/04/2024 11:56

Almond butter tastes better than peanut butter.

singlemum93 · 18/04/2024 11:56

Sounds delicious! How do you fill them with the peanut butter?

Toottooot · 18/04/2024 11:56

Gadz min.


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Toottooot · 18/04/2024 11:56

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AliasGrape · 18/04/2024 11:57

I've been stuffing dates with peanut butter and freezing for ages, bloody lovely - but the dark chocolate may just take them to a new level.

What I've found though is, if I'm in the mindset that I'm really wanting to make the change, and I have my usual craving for something sweet after a meal but am being mindful of what I'm eating, then I'll happily settle for one or two of the date treats. If I'm in self-sabotage mode then no amount of healthier alternatives are going to cut it.

Settlement22 · 18/04/2024 11:59

Zimunya · 18/04/2024 11:33

Sadly, not a miracle cure for those with nut allergies. They sound yummy though!

You can use sun butter instead

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