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to think that 4x4 drivers are the most selfish w@*&(*&s ever???

836 replies

redrobin · 03/03/2008 19:33

It makes my blood boil! They drive their big childcrushers whilst on the phone, they tailgate other smaller cars, they use enormous amounts of petrol, they block up roads, they look can people choose to drive something like that? Do they have ha a selfish gene, do they think they are just better than other people so rules don't apply to them, or are they just thick?

(NOTE this is only about town drivers, i appreciate that they are useful in the countryside).

Sometimes, I think Jeremy Clarkson is winning.

OP posts:
MadamePlatypus · 03/03/2008 19:58

I am not sure whether they are selfish, but I am surprised that so many people risk driving them. I think that even at 30 miles an hours you would do horrendous damage if you hit somebody, and even if you are a great driver, accidents happen. Remember that ad where they say that if you drive a car at 30 there is x chance of survival if you hit somebody, and if you drive at 40 there is almost no chance of survival? Well bearing in mind how much heavier a 4x4 is than a normal saloon, how slowly should a 4x4 have to drive in a built up area?

However, I think the main reason that these cars are popular is that once you have 3+ children, the car choice options seem to narrow - its not like the olden days when you could fit 5 kids in a 2CV. I haven't really looked into this, but it seems like you need a pretty big car nowadays to get three children in the back.

Lulumama · 03/03/2008 20:00

DH has a normal car with heated seats , SO NER !

redrobin · 03/03/2008 20:00

lardylumps, not keen on sportscars either really. but somewhat rarer on the streets round here.

OP posts:
Quattrocento · 03/03/2008 20:00

I think it is perfectly reasonable, legitimate and fair game, to SLASH THEIR TYRES AND SMASH THEIR WINDSCREENS.

ingles2 · 03/03/2008 20:00

yep, I've got long dark shiny hair....
I wear sunglasses.... (when the suns out so not very often)
I also have a NEED for a big car both at home and for work.
Go on shoot obviously makes me the devil in disguise.

AitchTwoOh · 03/03/2008 20:00

i can see through a sporty car, a sporty car isn't designed in such a way that it will smash a seven-year-old's head in...

who the hell drives a 4 l sporty car anyway, it's hardly a sensible comparison.

marmadukescarlet · 03/03/2008 20:00

my goodness is it that time already? (4x4 bashing o'clock)

So, RR should I get a second car only for taking my children to school? I live in the middle of nowhwere and it would be impossible to walk them, and as you say 4x4s are innapropriate for the school run?

Please bear in mind that 2/3 of the environmental impact of a vehicle is in the manufacturing of it.

southeastastra · 03/03/2008 20:01

tons round here, they push out onto traffic, don't indicate, cut you up on roundabouts, blind you in the dark

bookwormmum · 03/03/2008 20:01

Carrying the cameras was fine - it was the rest of the gizmos that attached onto it. I expect he just gets the bus now and snaps away on his mobile phone .

He specialised in photographing cars/boats/planes as well. Probably 4x4s (with heated seats) .

redrobin · 03/03/2008 20:01

not even in disguise ingles!

OP posts:
SugarSkyHigh · 03/03/2008 20:02

I have 3 DC and did not want to join the 4x4 club so we have a volvo estate. I would recommend it very highly!!

Also, it's not the $X4's themselves that worry me so much, rather it's when they have tinted windows so you can't see the driver. When you can't see the driver you can't anticipate their next move quite so well.

dinny · 03/03/2008 20:02

yes, the blinding is SOOOO annoying

and they are always driven by female middle-lane hoggers who are crap drivers. at least they always are on the A3 into London...

redrobin · 03/03/2008 20:03

marmadukescarlet - my OP states i accept they are appropriate in the middle of nowhere.

OP posts:
SugarSkyHigh · 03/03/2008 20:03

my volvo has heated seats by the way but they make yr piles flare up something chronic

hercules1 · 03/03/2008 20:04

We have a 4x4 and frankly couldnt care less what people think especially having read the judgemental posts here.

AitchTwoOh · 03/03/2008 20:04

got to say, bookworm, i work with photographers every day, most of them have small nippy cars. they seem to manage okay, really.
watched a tv show where someone who said they needed a big car found that they actually had more room in a volvo estate. but she didn't want a volvo estate, did she? oh no...

bookwormmum · 03/03/2008 20:04

We'll all be blinding each other soon when the law about headlights having to be on all day comes into force.

ingles2 · 03/03/2008 20:04

Hi marmaduke.. I was looking for you...
I'll post on nannies / AP's

AitchTwoOh · 03/03/2008 20:04

lol at sudden influx of volvo estates. you rock!

SugarSkyHigh · 03/03/2008 20:05

shame, whyever not??

redrobin · 03/03/2008 20:05

hercules1 - you sum it up for me...'couldn't care less what people think'...could there possibly BE a more selfish attitude?

OP posts:
ingles2 · 03/03/2008 20:05

oh christ I'll out myself now...
I'm a pro photographer and I've got so much kit I couldn't possibly fit it into any sort of small nippy car!


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dinny · 03/03/2008 20:06

what's that, Bookworm? not heard...

lol, it is patently obv 4x4-ers aren't too bothered what people think about them...

liath · 03/03/2008 20:06

We've got a volvo estate.

DH in his wisdom has decided that it isn't big enough for us and our 2 very small children and has traded it in for a bloody volvo XC90. I'll only crash the damn thing cos I hate driving big cars .

hercules1 · 03/03/2008 20:06

Really, why should I care that you think I'm the most selfish wXXXX ever? You have passed judgement on me without ever having met me and expect me to care what you think???

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