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Deeply concerned about Child Safety in Bristol

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MatthewJTaylor · 07/04/2022 21:28

From May 5th to May 8th 2022, the Tobacco Factory Theatres in Bristol is having performances of "The Family Sex Show".
This show is aimed at children 5 years old and up.
The performers involved get naked.
The discussion with the children is on sex, sexuality and sexual pleasure.

I cannot imagine brining a 5 year old child to a theatre where people will to to her/him about sex and show their naked bodies to her/him.

Am I the crazy one?

The Family Sex Show website
Listing at The Tobacco Factory Theatres

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Am I being unreasonable?

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LangClegsInSpace · 09/04/2022 21:19

Among many other things, this caught my eye - 'No such thing as normal'.

I was instantly reminded of Lisa Muggeridge's video in which she talks about how, in order to safeguard children, it is absolutely essential to have a very clear understanding of what is normal and what is not.

I think she made this in response to the Challenor stuff with the green party, but it's been relevant time and time again since then.

The word 'queer' does not mean LGB. It's not simply a reclaimed slur. It's a philosophy, with a large amount of theory behind it. It's about blurring boundaries, subverting what is normal, creative transgression. Because of this it's 100% incompatible with safeguarding.

This is queer theatre. It's dangerous and it absolutely is grooming. Elite institutions such as Arts Council England, theatres and the Guardian are incapable of seeing it because they are steeped in queer theory.
Deeply concerned about Child Safety in Bristol
DomesticatedZombie · 09/04/2022 21:23

This is a good clip on queer theory:

LangClegsInSpace · 09/04/2022 21:35

I'm finding the twitter space a bit frustrating. It all seems very political, I thought it would be more straightforward and focused on safeguarding.

MatthewJTaylor · 09/04/2022 21:37


I'm finding the twitter space a bit frustrating. It all seems very political, I thought it would be more straightforward and focused on safeguarding.

i'll try and shift to something more grounded in real life
OP posts:
SpringSparrow · 09/04/2022 21:38

I don’t know if anyone has already mentioned but they are also holding workshops in the foyer as you leave modelling genitals out of play doh 😳🙄😡
The Workshops
School of Sexuality Education will be setting up and running Play Doh genital modelling workshops in theatre venue foyers for when you leave the show. This workshop is included with your ticket and designed to give you time and space to digest what you've seen, and ask Relationships and Sex Education experts any remaining questions before heading home!

apricotlane · 09/04/2022 21:39

@SevenWaystoLeave lol, well now that you've got over your upset, how about you engage with the topic in hand which is adults foisting their sexual proclivities on children. Priorities though.

LangClegsInSpace · 09/04/2022 21:39

It's getting more interesting now. Thank you.

MatthewJTaylor · 09/04/2022 21:48

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MatthewJTaylor · 09/04/2022 21:52

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Charlize43 · 09/04/2022 21:54

Could some please post the link to the petition?

Redskiesatnight · 09/04/2022 21:55
stimpyyouidiot · 09/04/2022 22:00
Redskiesatnight · 09/04/2022 22:06

[quote stimpyyouidiot][/quote]
‘The Family Sex show contains nudity but it is not of a sexual nature’


Puzzledandpissedoff · 09/04/2022 22:07

Their statement says "We fully understand and are committed to the vital importance of child safeguarding"

But the NSPCC's guidance on safeguarding makes clear that "you should make sure: the activity is suitable for children to be involved in (for example no nudity, bad language or sexual content)"
"everything you do is appropriate for the youngest or most vulnerable person (this could be due to age or stage of the child’s development)"

So how does that work then? And why have some PPs insisted that they're working within NSPCC guidance when that's so clearly not the case?

MummyPebble · 09/04/2022 22:10

The show is being created with input and guidance from educational and safeguarding specialists.

I need more than this, who? What are their qualifications? Their experience?

We provide clear warnings and further information about the show in publicity materials

No you don't, it's all incredibly unclear what's relevant to the podcast and relevant to the stage show. It's murky and amateur.

and audiences will be able to read a document detailing everything that takes place on stage, before they attend with their children

AFTER they've purchased tickets. Helpful.

We fully understand and are committed to the vital importance of child safeguarding, and we would never present a performance that puts children at risk

So how will they be ensuring only minors with parents attend and not other people there for illegal awful reasons?

Not good enough.

StageRage · 09/04/2022 22:11

Though my reservations about the way this show has been presented run deep I will not be supporting The Mallard. The feature writer is coming at this with a very conservative Christian background and shudders at the mere idea of a slipped towel while changing at the beach.

The emergence of posts which border transphobia really is not helpful.

There have been some very calm sensible posts about flaws in the approach the company have taken. It is hardly likely that any hapless family will find themselves buying tickets by accident - the title is very plain. We can all decline to buy tickets.

FOJN · 09/04/2022 22:11

‘The Family Sex show contains nudity but it is not of a sexual nature’

Sounds like a "we're not like Ronseal" defence. JFC

MatthewJTaylor · 09/04/2022 22:11

That's this twitter space concluding.
Nonetheless, if you want a space to issue a statement through a sympathetic media outlet, get in touch with UK Mallard.

OP posts:
Redskiesatnight · 09/04/2022 22:13

We can all decline to buy tickets.

I wish people would stop making out this is an issue of parental consent.

If parents decided to take their kids to a swinger’s party, would it be ok because we don’t have to take ours?

Safeguarding is about standards to protect ALL children from ALL abuse, including that from their own families.

stimpyyouidiot · 09/04/2022 22:13

Response from n&n festival after my email of concern:

Hello, thanks for your email to Norfolk & Norwich Festival.
The Family Sex Show is presented in the belief it important to educate children and young people on anatomy, sexualities, genders and relationships without shaming any part of their experience. We want young people to feel empowered, to understand their rights and their bodily autonomy. In starting the conversations with children in an unembarrassed, positive and open way it will encourage a freedom from shame. The show talks about body parts for the following reasons:
• so children know the correct names of body parts for safeguarding purposes and are able to vocalise what they might experience
• for medical purposes - being able to tell someone if something didn’t feel quite right with their body and to not feel shame
You can find further information on why we’re presenting the show here
You can find further information on the content and creation of the show here

I hope you find this information useful.
Best wishes.

Redskiesatnight · 09/04/2022 22:15

’We want young people to feel empowered, to understand their rights and their bodily autonomy’

And if a young person doesn’t want to see an adult stranger naked…?

Cakeandcoffee93 · 09/04/2022 22:17

This is gross

SmellyOldOwls · 09/04/2022 22:18


Oh my god. The amount of people needing smelling salts here before they faint at the mere mention that a 5yr old might in anyway know about *sex* Shock would make the North Sea fresh water!!

Get over yourselves! It’s not grooming. Go and see it before you go all Daily Mail on it. There is nothing wrong with sex. And the more normal it is to children of any age the less likely that porn is going to be the major influencer in their perception of sex. I would absolutely prefer to take my two boys 7 and 6 to a family show about sex (as they say, an intersectional, feminist, non-binary, anti-racist & sex-positive take on Relationships and Sex Education) than to be all Merchant Ivory about it and have them learn about it from older siblings of friends or watching porn with mates later on.

So instead of fighting the exposure of young children to porn, you think we should accept it as inevitable and expose very young children to inappropriate for their age sexual knowledge to normalise it.

Jesus Confused
stimpyyouidiot · 09/04/2022 22:18


’We want young people to feel empowered, to understand their rights and their bodily autonomy’

And if a young person doesn’t want to see an adult stranger naked…?

Indeed. I'm sure 5 year olds can absolutely consent....right?
MatthewJTaylor · 09/04/2022 22:20

If you want to see those with the financial leverage take action against all this, here are the funders of the Tobacco Factory Theatres, the Bristol venue for the Family Sex Show:

Deeply concerned about Child Safety in Bristol
Deeply concerned about Child Safety in Bristol
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