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DP is alone upstairs with my unpassworded phone

159 replies

Goingplacestogether · 23/06/2021 20:45

He’s convinced he can set up an echo dot where I’ve failed. We’ll see. But should I worry? Will he peruse my what’s app chats where I join in a general moan about men? Will he find my secret stash of topless pics of Giovanni from Strictly? What about my Amazon purchase history of meaningless crap?

What would you worry about in my shoes? Besides being proven wrong re defective dot?

OP posts:
LightasaBreeze · 23/06/2021 21:30

I don't think he would be that interested, though he probably wouldn't have a clue how to use it as it is Apple and his is Android, he barely knows how to use his phone.

thedarkling · 23/06/2021 21:32


My phone and my wife's phone have the same pin numbers.
My bank debit card and my wife's bank debit card have the same pin numbers (Not the same as the phone pins)
It is called total trust.

Well let's hope you never have fraud on your accounts and have to disclose you've breached the terms and conditions of your account by disclosing your PIN number. Bonkers.
diddl · 23/06/2021 21:32

There's nothing on my phone that my husband couldn't see.

It's not password protected & I don't keep it with me.

I tend to use it for WhatsApp & the occasional pic.

cocoloco987 · 23/06/2021 21:33

As long as he doesn't check the mumsnet app you're good!

Stichintime · 23/06/2021 21:33

Grand Duchess, you've never needed to make a phone call or send a message? Wow, I'm impressed!

fluffythedragonslayer · 23/06/2021 21:34


My phone and my wife's phone have the same pin numbers.
My bank debit card and my wife's bank debit card have the same pin numbers (Not the same as the phone pins)
It is called total trust.

The "total trust" my husband and I have is that the things we need to keep private are nothing the other has to worry about. There's plenty I wouldn't want husband looking through on my phone! And I'm sure he has stuff he doesn't want me to see. I think "allowing" privacy shows more trust than having to share everything.
LampHat · 23/06/2021 21:36


  1. It’s PIN. The N is for Number.
  2. That is very poor password management
  3. Total trust means not needing each other’s PINs.

Ooh that feels better.
Saz432 · 23/06/2021 21:37

I can’t think of much besides my YouTube history: blackheads, Jared Leto and Jonathan Groff. Probably in that order.

GrealishHairband · 23/06/2021 21:38

My occasional Larry Stylinson fanfic habit. Thanks mumsnet for THAT rabbit hole several years ago.

AnneTwackie · 23/06/2021 21:39

I have a WhatsApp group with friends called ‘ways to annoy your husband’ I’d hate him to know they’re not my own original ideas

Cailin66 · 23/06/2021 21:45


He can't even access his own emails on his own phone without help, so shrug

I’m so with this. We both know each others pins etc, but I can’t do emails on my phone and he can’t figure out internet banking. But we muddle along and figure it out. Helps we don’t need to hide anything from each other. (Except the secret stash I have in the bank account I opened in the Cayman Islands)
Notcalledlottie · 23/06/2021 21:47

He’d faint if he saw how much I spend on eBay
I always quarter the price or claim I’ve ‘had this for ages love’
I earn my own money so no issues there,I just don’t need the ‘how much?’ moment (uttered in a squeaky voice)

merryhouse · 23/06/2021 21:48


I'm always interested in these threads where partners dont have use of eachother phones. If dp asked to use mine I wouldn't give it a second thought, and vice a versa.

See, what I find weird is that you ask to use someone else's phone.

Why aren't you using your own?
SupermanInk · 23/06/2021 21:51

then some research into an update on the whole Colin Caterpillar saga.

🤣 Research 🤣🤣🤣

HappyStep1 · 23/06/2021 21:52

@LampHat feeling that Wink

merryhouse · 23/06/2021 21:52

H knows about my unhealthy obsession with the lovely David.

He might find it a bit odd that I keep googling 14th to 16th century royalty (I have an AU set-up in my head).

Goingplacestogether · 23/06/2021 21:54

Alexa is up and running after a dual effort. I do have a hidden photo album that contains more than a topless Italian dancer but reveals a (perfectly legal and normal) kink that I’m not yet ready to share.

I was in a toxic marriage and I was unfaithful in my misguided pursuit of love/affection/respect but that was mostly pre mobile phone.

My guy has set up the dot and not nosed so I’m happy with that

OP posts:
arithanaggerton · 23/06/2021 21:55

My phone is filled with pictures of a mole I found on my arse and I was trying to work out if it looked like melanoma. There are at least 100 pics and I haven't got around to deleting them

AgathaAllAlong · 23/06/2021 21:55

Mumsnet is the only thing, I'd hate for him to know how much I post and that I reply to posts when I'm meant to be working (like now.......)!

Lemonwoe · 23/06/2021 21:56

It’s worrying how much our phones know about us! DH was handing his phone to me the other day to use as mine was out of battery. Without thinking I asked if he was going to delete his history first: he looked baffled. But it’s the first thing I’d do if handing over my phone

CupOfTPlease · 23/06/2021 21:57


He'd just find my Amazon buys Grin.

BatShitLife · 23/06/2021 21:59

I turned on the accessibility thing on my iPhone for double tapping the Apple on the back for screenshots. Does it ever work when I want it to? Does it fuck. Does it randomly screenshot stuff? Of course it does. So that collection might make someone think WTF is this about.

Oh and all the shite my 5 year old takes photos of with the iPad, someone could assume I drink a lot and can’t take a selfie… Her photos will keep me amused for YEARS to come.


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Justkeepleft · 23/06/2021 21:59


I’d worry that he would see that I watch blackhead videos.

He knows this. Rolls his eyes and says " why can't you watch porn like a normal person"

He can see my phone anytime, just has to ask the kids to remind him what the code is.
HopeYourHighHorseBucks · 23/06/2021 22:01

It is called total trust

It's controlling portrayed as trust. I have no idea what DPs pin is, he dont know mine. We haven't asked each other, if we did I'm sure we would tell eachother but I have genuinely never needed his phone.

Trust isn't based on whether you could snoop easily or not. Ir knowing their every movement/conversation.

I sent my BF a picture of my bruised bum cheek, so that would be awkward to explain.

GrandDuchessRomanov · 23/06/2021 22:02

@Stichintime Not on a mobile no! I have a landline and PC which I am typing on now.

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