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Walking alone in forests?

468 replies

Vemjs · 21/04/2021 21:48

I was just wondering if most women are happy to walk through a Forest / big fields / nature reserves on their own for a dog walk? Or do you view this as dangerous?

Sorry it's probably not under right topic!

OP posts:
bowchicawowwow · 21/04/2021 23:07

I love walking but wouldn't go into the woods alone. I'm fine with open fields, tow paths, cycle track etc. I don't know why the woods worry me.

blueshoes · 21/04/2021 23:07


Fields yes but forests and next to water or canals etc, no. I am a fast runner and will take my chances in a field with good views around me where I’d see anyone sneaking up on me. Forest where they have the element of surprise- no.
Always vary my route when I do run in fields too.

Why not next to water or canals? How about a field with a stream running through it.
Imissmoominmama · 21/04/2021 23:08

I do, alone or with dog. I live quite rurally though.

nothingcanhurtmewithmyeyesshut · 21/04/2021 23:08

I would in the day and I would at night if I had the dogs with me. Not alone. Ddog2 is protective and quite large so it would be a brave person who would call his bluff. He can look quite scary when he is warning someone off and I think if someone actually tried anything they would be re-evaluating their life choices in hospital.

TableFlowerss · 21/04/2021 23:09

Also - a couple of times I’ve been potentially followed but had my wits about me enough that realise and managed to get myself out of the situation. I was younger and more care free that I am now... I was also naive and trusting!

youshallnotpass9 · 21/04/2021 23:09

I do, but I feel like I have eyes in the back of my head sometimes if I am without the dog

dottiedaisee · 21/04/2021 23:10

Absolutely never . I always walk my dog in parks . The thought of coming across a weirdo absolutely scares me to bits ..sorry.

TableFlowerss · 21/04/2021 23:10


I'm in another country and I regularly go into the forest to sleep at night. Doesn't bother me at all.

That said, when I lived in the UK I was very wary about even going for a walk in a forest alone because my parents kept telling me horror stories of people being attacked or murdered.

And where do you live now? Pretty sure deranged people can be found in all corners of the globe....
VaggieMight · 21/04/2021 23:11

It's probably safer than the streets. When I was young and used to walk home from friend's houses alone at night I used to walk through the back alleys. I figured I was less likely to encounter dangerous men there.

DustyMaiden · 21/04/2021 23:12

I would never feel comfortable doing it alone but did it often with two small Dds. I obviously wasn’t less vulnerable with two toddlers in tow but felt perfectly safe.

VestaTilley · 21/04/2021 23:12

I used to walk on the common near where I grew up; it was always on my mind but I wasn’t hugely worried as it was an area with v low crime.

I’d still walk there now, but I’m more cautious. Women are never safe anywhere, and I always feel a bit frightened.

LadyWhistledownsQuill · 21/04/2021 23:13

I do, with DDog. No reason to do it without DDog with me.

I always have my phone with me - less for personal safety, more in case I fell over and broke my leg.

DramaAlpaca · 21/04/2021 23:13

I'm quite happy walking in local, rural woodlands during the day, but only with my dogs.

blueshoes · 21/04/2021 23:14

No I would not but I am a townie. I feel safer in the mean streets where there is a chance someone will witness or maybe (not guaranteed) help and there is CCTV everywhere. Hopefully they will find my body at least.

partyatthepalace · 21/04/2021 23:14

Yes sure. The risks of anything happening are vanishingly small - and I’m pretty sure they’d be higher walking home in a city.

I grew up in the country through so isolated spots don’t freak me out anyway.

OnTheBrink1 · 21/04/2021 23:14

I so wish I could - I absolutely love waking. But sadly I just can’t on my own. Not to woods or even over remote fields / inbetween trees on remote footpaths etc.
Just get terrified being so isolated that a man will be there waiting to attack or an opportunist. Spoils the whole walk.
Live going with friends though and will go anywhere in the dark or light as long as I am not on my own

SixDegrees · 21/04/2021 23:14

Depends on the specific place.

If it’s somewhere I know is popular, where you can usually expect to see a fair number of people about, yes.

Somewhere that’s usually very quiet, no.

Plexmex · 21/04/2021 23:16

@Spicedlatte, argh, made my blood run cold!

In answer to the OP, yes I walk alone everyday in open countryside but wouldn’t in woods/ forests. I used to, but wouldn’t anymore. I am quite vigilant though, I have my dogs with me, carry a rape alarm and constantly look around behind/ beside me in the hedges etc. But yes, I do, I love walking and the countryside too much to not.

Mollymalone123 · 21/04/2021 23:16

First time my dog did it a man literally appeared from nowhere and my dog barked which he hadn’t ever done before.the man apologised for startling me- he was genuine but it makes me listen to my dogs!

ferryblue · 21/04/2021 23:17


Haven’t had kids yet but weirdly enough I feel like I’d be safer out walking with a pram.
Obviously not at night but I’d feel more likely to be ignored and left alone walking through a park in my rough town with a pram in daylight than just on my own.

Quaagars · 21/04/2021 23:17

I love going for walks by myself, wouldn't think twice.

vannyy · 21/04/2021 23:18

No, deserted countryside & woods freak me out.


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Embracingthechaos · 21/04/2021 23:19

Depends how safe I feel, which is usually dependent on the area. I probably wouldn't

Sbk28 · 21/04/2021 23:21

This thread makes me sad, seeing how many women are too scared to do this. I don't blame any of you, of course. The fear is a natural reaction to news coverage.

MimiDaisy11 · 21/04/2021 23:21

I'd feel more comfortable with a dog I imagine - though never actually owned one.

I also feel more comfortable biking in country paths than walking probably as you can move faster.

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