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Walking alone in forests?

468 replies

Vemjs · 21/04/2021 21:48

I was just wondering if most women are happy to walk through a Forest / big fields / nature reserves on their own for a dog walk? Or do you view this as dangerous?

Sorry it's probably not under right topic!

OP posts:
capercaillie · 21/04/2021 22:03

I do and don’t have a dog. Have been doing so for years...

Accentor · 21/04/2021 22:05

I do.

Men are dangerous, not forests.

laidbacklife · 21/04/2021 22:06

Yes, often. With or without dog. But I grew up in an area with lots of common land and forests, so it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. If you’re not used to it though then you’d probably find it unsettling.

Blackberrycream · 21/04/2021 22:06

God no.

Mollymalone123 · 21/04/2021 22:07

I do but I have two dogs.If for whatever reason my dog gets spooked or sometimes refuses to go on I always leave

Inastatus · 21/04/2021 22:09

Yes I do most days. I feel very safe where I live.

iMatter · 21/04/2021 22:11

I live in the New Forest

I walk in enclosures (the really Forest-y bits) all the time as well as the more open bits

There's only one locally that gives me the creeps (I think it's a historical thing) and I run through there really fast...

SeaTurtles92 · 21/04/2021 22:11

No I wouldn't. I don't like walking anywhere alone. I definitely wouldn't walk in a wooded area without my DP or someone else.

I also don't like walking through parks by myself of just anywhere in general.

I was grabbed at 19 so that is the reason. Stupid fucker placed that fear in me.

Moonface123 · 21/04/2021 22:11

I walked through the woods today with my dog, but l follow a path that goes around the edge of a golf course so it's not too remote.

SexyGiraffe · 21/04/2021 22:12

I would but then my dog is massive and loyal so I always feel pretty safe with him around.

Thepennyhasdroppedq · 21/04/2021 22:12

Depends on what type of dog I have, one that someone could easily snatch from me... then no.

bumpdownthestairs · 21/04/2021 22:13

I went to a local lake today and the walk around it is wooded, I was alone with my toddler and must admit at times I thought someone could just jump out from behind a tree and do something to us quite easily! It's a very safe area so I would do it again but not sure I would go somewhere I didn't know alone....

stockpilingallthecheese · 21/04/2021 22:14

Every day, even in the dark with the dogs in the winter. Semi rural area and feel very safe

LimitIsUp · 21/04/2021 22:14

Yes I do - there are other dog walkers but they are thinly scattered and you can go 20 minutes or more without bumping into someone so plenty of opportunity for foul play to befall you I suppose

Whilst I expect to be fine, I do keep my wits about me and I am prepared to work on gut feel and I have changed direction a handful of times when not feeling comfortable.

Bearclaw · 21/04/2021 22:14

God no. Even when I go for a walk round the block I run along the part where there are tall fences and I could be attacked unseen.

I remember as a teenager I had absolutely no fear and would even walk across the field from the pub in the dark. Then I was preyed upon a couple of times. One time a man followed me, then he disappeared and I thought I was being paranoid - until I came round the corner and saw him ahead of me because he’d run the opposite way round the block to cut me off. I knocked on a complete stranger’s door and asked for help. A few incidents like that and you don’t feel safe any more.

LimitIsUp · 21/04/2021 22:15


I live in the New Forest

I walk in enclosures (the really Forest-y bits) all the time as well as the more open bits

There's only one locally that gives me the creeps (I think it's a historical thing) and I run through there really fast...

Me too.

Which one gives you the creeps?
steppemum · 21/04/2021 22:15

I have a dog. I live in a large town which is seen as scruffy and down at heel.

I walk the dog everywhere. But to be fair, everywhere that I walk the dog there are other people walking their dogs. I am more worried in a very quiet area.
There are nature reserves and wooded bits and out of town there are woods and National Trust forests and so on.

I wouldn't worry about walking in any of them in daylight.
In winter when it is dark early, I don't walk in any of them after dark.

LoveFall · 21/04/2021 22:15

I do but I know it is not without risk. We live right beside an urban forest park. It is a safe area, but there was an incident over ten years ago where a female jogger was killed in the middle of the day. They have never solved the crime.

A bit unnerving but I am more worried about the coyotes snatching my little dog.

Rillington · 21/04/2021 22:16

No way. My Auntie was raped last year doing this.

NannyR · 21/04/2021 22:16

I regularly walk alone in forests and other rural areas, no dog. I often go very early in the morning as I like the feeling of having places like that all to myself. I've never felt scared or anxious, I feel a lot more cautious about walking around the inner city area where I live.
My train of thought is that the chance of me being attacked is a tiny risk, but the benefits of being out in the outdoors, the peace and quiet and the fresh air, far, far outweigh that tiny risk. If I were to live my life scared of that tiny risk, I would miss out on those benefits.

TweeterandtheMonkeyman · 21/04/2021 22:22

A woman jogger did get raped quite recently in our local wooded area . It’s a bit of a funny mix of ancient woodland but busy roads close by , I’ve never fancied walking /running there on my own.
Open green space - yes definitely happy on my own.

AlrightTreacle · 21/04/2021 22:22

There have been a few dog thefts near me where people walking their dog on their own have been attacked by one or more men who have then driven off with their dog. Because of this I feel safer walking the dog through fields, forests, nature reserves etc than I do on busy main roads. They can't make a quick getaway.

I never gave this a second thought until last year.


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LemonRoses · 21/04/2021 22:25

On a daily basis. Winter or summer. I rarely see another person- although lockdown has changed that a bit and at weekends there is the odd hiker. I’m sure there’s greater risk on city streets and nightclub strips than from a few trees and badger setts.

Schnauzersaremyheros · 21/04/2021 22:26

@Mollymalone123 when my old dog (tiny terrier type) was alive, I used to walk her on my own in our local woods everyday with no issue. On one particular day however, I went to walk her through a particular area on our regular route, and she dug her heels in and refused to go that way. So we went a different way and she was happy. Found out a few days later that a young girl had been attacked in that area, only an hour after we had been there Sad

listershologram · 21/04/2021 22:28

I don't walk there on my own but I ride my horse through them when I'm alone. I wouldn't feel comfortable walking.

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