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Walking alone in forests?

468 replies

Vemjs · 21/04/2021 21:48

I was just wondering if most women are happy to walk through a Forest / big fields / nature reserves on their own for a dog walk? Or do you view this as dangerous?

Sorry it's probably not under right topic!

OP posts:
Darkbrownistheriver · 21/04/2021 22:53

I walk through fields and/or woods every day with my (small) dog. I’m pretty relaxed about it, but wouldn’t do it while listening to music for instance. The fields are behind my house and I’ll quite often meet someone I know. The woods are a car drive and very popular so I usually see or hear other people, although to be honest I try and avoid them. Sometimes it I go a bit later and don’t see anyone it can be a bit creepy, and I’m a bit wary of lone men without dogs.

junecat · 21/04/2021 22:54

Forests give me the creeps so no, I do walk across farm fields and canals on my own though :)

Basaka · 21/04/2021 22:56

Yes I do both walk and camp in them solo and other countryside places.

Nevermakeit · 21/04/2021 22:56

I always think about that poor woman (think she was a GP) who was out in the countryside in the middle of nowhere and was murdered, together with one of her little girls (the other was was Josie or Jodie and was brain damaged). Does anyone else remember her? It was all over the news at the time. So even in the countryside, I wouldn't feel very safe. I would run in a common, but only in daylight - and ones where there are a certain amount of people around

Feelingconfused2020 · 21/04/2021 22:56

Yes I run and walk in forests during the day. I went for a run in the evening last week and although it was light it was approaching dusk and It did suddenly hit me that it was evening and I felt strangely more vulnerable. I wouldn't go at night and I do acknowledge that there is a slightly higher risk when you are alone in a quiet secluded area but the risk is still very small and on balance I'm prepared to take it because of the pleasure that the countryside/forest brings.

icdtap · 21/04/2021 22:56

I'm in another country and I regularly go into the forest to sleep at night. Doesn't bother me at all.

That said, when I lived in the UK I was very wary about even going for a walk in a forest alone because my parents kept telling me horror stories of people being attacked or murdered.

AOwlAOwlAOwl · 21/04/2021 22:56

Yes. I've even done it at night, with a headtorch. It was a bit creepy ngl.

MixedUpFiles · 21/04/2021 22:57

I stick to places with good lines of sight. So no forests. I also get nervous anyplace where I can’t be seen. There is a lovely path near my home, but it dips down into a valley for a spell and no one can see that section except those in the valley. I still take it myself because it’s a pretty busy pathway, but I won’t let my dd go on it alone even though it’s also a nice shortcut on the walk to school.

backinthebox · 21/04/2021 22:58

I live in a forest. When DH goes to work and the kids are at school I am alone in the forest, whatever I’m doing. I love it - I feel much more concerned about walking through a dark city street on my own than out in the woods.

woofgoesthecat · 21/04/2021 22:59

Yes, with or without dog for 20 years.

Kintsugi16 · 21/04/2021 23:00

I’m happy walking, running and cycling through woods, fields and the villages on my own around here. I go in the dark too

Oversize · 21/04/2021 23:00

Yes with my dog.

woofgoesthecat · 21/04/2021 23:01

But, I basically live in a forest.

MMMarmite · 21/04/2021 23:02

I walk alone all the time, no dog - hills, fields, woods. Live in a low crime rural area at the moment, which obviously helps. I love being outdoors, and I'm not going to let a small chance of a bad event take away that freedom.

CovidCorvid · 21/04/2021 23:02

I walk on my own all over, without a dog. Forests such as the New Forest, Yorkshire moors, welsh mountains, Lake District.

I feel safer than walking through a city surrounded by people.

I would feel safer somewhere really remote up in the mountains than I would in a nature reserve near a town as I’d think the chances of a rapist stalking remote mountains is remote. But suppose you could be unfortunate and come across a hill walking opportunist. 🤷‍♀️ Life is too short to live in fear though.

DiddlyWiddly · 21/04/2021 23:02

There are two I walk in regularly, they have wide, clear paths I stick to which makes me feel a bit safer.
There’s a third which I hear is nice but whenever I go near it I get the weirdest feeling, like a deep sense of dread/foreboding so I never step foot in that one!

TweeterandtheMonkeyman · 21/04/2021 23:03

@Sunnyday321 bloody love that story 😂 😱

Seafog · 21/04/2021 23:03

I walk alone everywhere, I hike alone, etc, it would not occur to me to worry.
You are far more likely to be attacked close to home, or even at home, by a loved one.

EmbarrassingAdmissions · 21/04/2021 23:04

I used to without a second thought until a couple of nasty incidents with groups that could so easily have escalated in a very bad way.

CovidCorvid · 21/04/2021 23:05
pedalbin · 21/04/2021 23:05

I go off path in my local park (it's huge and has lots of woods) but i take my headphones off and look around before venturing anywhere isolated. If there's a man within sight i make a judgement call.

TableFlowerss · 21/04/2021 23:06

I wouldn’t walk alone in a forest with no dog. Sadly the worked we live in and some people that are in it are deranged so I wouldn’t do something I consider risky fur myself.

In the same way as walking home alone at 3am. Imo it’s not a wise move.

Sadly for women, we generally we aren’t as strong physically as men. I would certainly struggle to get away from an attacker.


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Spicedlatte · 21/04/2021 23:06

I used to love doing this but don't feel like I can now. The last time I took my dog for a walk up a rural track in a deserted place and across an adjacent field, coming back down the track I heard a rustle in the dense hedge bordering it and realised there was a man hiding in there watching me. I can't explain it but our eyes met for a split second and I just knew that there wasn't an innocent explanation for it.

He'd been in there watching me the whole time and there wasn't another soul or house in sight. So I picked up my dog and ran back to the car, normally I'd worry I was over reacting but something about it made my blood run cold when I saw him.

Also recently walking my dog down the road in my village early in the morning (feels more safe here) bordered by woodland on both sides, I'm sure I saw what looked for all the world like a white ghost drifting through the woods . . I should add - I definitely don't believe in ghosts! I haven't had the best luck with these walks on my own. Sad

TableFlowerss · 21/04/2021 23:06


JamesMiddletonsMarshmallows · 21/04/2021 23:07

Only when it's daylight

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