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Disgusting but need advice

103 replies

LesleyA · 12/04/2021 21:18

Sorry this isn’t even an interesting disgusting. Bought a house all very neat, clean and in excellent condition. Except the toilets. They look like no 2s have stained the bottom of the loo. Cleaning with loo cleaner and a loo brush does help despite me wanting to get sick but not much and it just gets dirty again. Enamel must have come off and now it sticks and stains. Any advice?

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ALongHardWinter · 14/04/2021 22:37

Garlic! 😂😂😂 Brilliant!

DrChrisWhitty · 14/04/2021 22:42

I was very excited for the garlic tip! Disappointed it was a typo.

NoseOfJericho · 14/04/2021 22:53


Black bottle harpic did nothing for the foul limescale-encrusted toilets in our new house. Don't waste your money. Get a huge bag of citric acid, get all the water out the loo, dump half the bag of citric down with a cup of boiling water and leave to sit over night. Works like magic.

Boiling water is likely to crack the pan. Hot is fine.
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